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By Mike Johnson on 2021-07-01 22:00:00

Impact Wrestling opened with a recap of last week.

Satoshi Kojima came to the ring for his bout against Eddie Edwards.  Edwards did not come out for his bout.  W. Morrisey appeared on the video screen and said that it appeared that Edwards was going to make it tonight.  He said he knows Edwards has had his back and back and forth.  Everyone loves Edwards and has his back, but who had his back when Edwards was jumped by Morrisey in the parking lot.  He said Kojima was left all alone like everyone else in the world.

Brian Myers and Sam Beale came to the ring.  Myers cut a promo saying that Kojima doesn't have a match and he can leave.  He would normally use this as an opportunity for his young boy, but Beale is around Myers all the time.  There's nothing to learn from Kojima.  He told Kojima to leave the ring and went to address Jake Something.  Kojima took umbrage with this and they attacked him.  Jake Something came to the ring and made the save.  Impact made a tag team match right now.

Jake Something & Satoshi Kojima vs. Brian Myers & Sam Beale.

Everyone brawled at ringside until they returned to the ring.  Kojima controlled Beale.  He hiptossed and tackled the youngster.  

Jake and Kojima tagged in and out, working over Beale.  Something lifted him for a suplex and tossed him across the ring to Myers, who tagged in.  Myers shoved him, faking him out and scoring with a big chop.  Something was sent into the ring ropes but throttled with a big burst of energy.  Myers avoided the Black Hole Slam but Myers avoided it.  Something drilled Beale off the apron but was caught with a big knee strike.

Beale and Myers tagged in and out, beating down Something.  Myers locked in a rear chinlock but Something fought his way to his feet with a series of elbows.  Something went to rebound off the ropes but Myers tripped him.  He worked over Something, scoring several two counts.  Beale tagged back in and locked in another real chinlock, then drilled him from behind with a clothesline for a two count.  Beale locked in another side chinlock but Something fought his way to his feet.  Beale tripped him up and he and Myers continued holding the momentum.  Myers suplexed Something for a two count.  Myers continued to grind away at Something.  Beale and Myers continued to hold down Something as the beatings continued.  

Something finally fought them off and crawled to make the hot tag for Kojima, tagging in the New Japan star.  Kojima exploded with offense.  He tackled Beale and drilled him with the rapid-fire chops in the corner.  Kojima nailed a leaping clothesline in the corner.  He dropped the flying elbow but Beale kicked up at the last second.  Kojima peppered him with forearms.  Kojima and Beale battled over a move but Beale ate a DDT.  Satoshi went for the Koji-Cutter but Myers nailed the Flatliner.  He charged Kojima but Something nailed a Black Hole Slam.  Kojima nailed Beale with a Koji-Cutter and a lariat for the pin.

Your winners, Brian Myers & Satoshi Kojima!

Not the match we expected but a very strong tag match.

Gia Miller interviewed Scott D'Amore when Havok and Rosemary teleported in.  She said they've had Fire N' Flayva's number and that they would be excellent representatives of the Knockouts Tag Team division as champions.  Scott said he will take it under advisement.  He was freaked by their mystical arts.

D'Lo Brown and Josh Mathews ran down the lineup for tonight.

Tenille Dashwood with Kaleb with A K vs. Rachael Ellering with Jazz.

Tenille attacked Ellering before the bell and mocked her.  That fired up Rachael who drilled her.  Tenille backed off, second guessing her decision to wrestle.  Ellering grabbed her by the leg but Tenille held onto the ring ropes.  They countered each other until Tenille drilled her with a back elbow.  Proud of herself, Dashwood found herself eating a back elbow.  Ellering worked her over, capitalizing with a back senton splash for a two count.

Dashwood hid against the ropes but Ellering charged her with a kick.  Tenille moved and Kaleb, who was on the apron consoling his charge, was kicked to the floor.  After commercials, Dashwood had regained control and choked Ellering against the ropes.  The story was that again Jordynne Grace was nowhere to be found.  Ellering was drilled with a suplex for a two count.  Dashwood went for a move but Ellering rolled her into a small package for a two count.  Dashwood clobbered her with a clothesline to regain control of the match.  Dashwood peppered her with forearms and kicks in the corner.  

Dashwood scored a series of two counts and nailed her crossbody splash against the buckles for another.  

Ellering came back with a Slingblade but was too spent to gain momentum immediately.  She pulled herself up as Tenille went to the apron and nailed a neckbreaker through the ropes.   Dashwood went to the top but was cut off by Ellering.  They battled back into the ring, where Ellering drilled her.  Kaleb distracted her with a podcasting ring light, allowing Dashwood to nail her but Ellering reversed it into a pinfall combination and scored the pin.

Your winner, Rachael Ellering!

Dashwood immediately attacked her.  Jazz hit the ring to make the save.   Kaleb grabbed her, allowing Dashwood to nail her.  THAT brought out Jordynne Grace, who attacked Kaleb and clotheslined Dashwood.  Ellering helped clear the ring, leaving her and Grace left in the ring.  Grace stared at her.  Ellering offered a handshake.  Grace accepted and hugged her.  Jazz hugged them both.  

They showed the footage of Chris Bey watching everything going on last week and not picking a side in the Ultimate X issues.

Backstage, Bey was interviewed by Chris Bey.  He denied that he was an instigator in the issues last week.  Ace Austin and Rohit Raju showed up but Bey said he was going to stay neutral.  Austin said the muscle was covered with Shera and Madman Fulton.  Raju said Bey doing his own thing means the numbers game remains in their favor.  They thanked him for staying in his lane and making sure they win, since he has no chance in Ultimate X.  They walked off and Bey told Gia that she's always instigating before storming off himself.

TJP & Fallah Bahh vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Everyone battled and went back and forth until they faced off.  Mack and Bahh agreed to continue and drilled each other back and forth with powerful shots.  Mack finally nailed a big Samoan Drop on Bahh but TJP dropkicked him.  Swann nailed him and then hit a twisting flip off the buckles to the floor, taking everyone out.

As Swann celebrated, Deaner and Joe Doering attacked everyone at ringside.  Rhino joined the fray.

No contest.

Swann was attacked and forced to watch as Rhino gored Mack.  Deaner nailed a DDT on TJP.  Violent By Design destroyed everyone.  

Backstage, The Knockouts Tag Team Champions were upset Rosemary and Havok were demanding a title shot when they should have to work themselves up from the bottom.  They beat them before when they had other partners.  They decided to go talk to Scott D'Amore.  He saw them coming and tried to run but it was too late.  They said they had to earn their name and title and now others get to call their shots.  D'Amore said they are the best and they are looking for competition.  He said they haven't earned a title shot so next week, they can earn an opportunity at the titles next week.  He slunk his way out after telling them they can evaluate the challengers next week.

Gia Miller interviewed Team Dreamer.  Tommy Dreamer said that united we stand, divided we fall.  He never wanted to share a locker room with Raven but they got the job done.  He doesn't like them and they don't like him but they can get the job done.  Sabin said he hates Moose but he's going to put it all aside for everyone as it's about Impact.  Moose said no one has a bigger issue with Kenny Omega than him.  Callihan said he has issues with everyone on Omega's team but all of this is bigger than them.  This is about them putting their issues aside and kicking Team Omega's ass tonight.

Petey Williams vs. Chris Bey

They had some nice back and forth wrestling early.  Bey was super aggressive working over Petey in the corner.  Williams nailed a tilowhirl head scissors and scored with a leaping rana out of the corner.  Williams nailed a dropkick to the back for a two count.  Bey cut him off and scored several two counts.  Williams tried to fire back with shoulderblocks but was snatched into a swinging neckbreaker for a two count.  Williams used an Oklahoma Roll for a two count but was caught with a lariat for a two count.

Williams used a head scissor to grind Williams down but Petey fought his way out.  He nailed a series of rights.  Williams nailed a big German suplex and hit a running knee strike.  He called for the Canadian Destroyer but Bey countered it and nailed a Torture Rack into a neckbreaker for a two count.  Williams came back with a Side Russian Legsweep for a two count.  He went for an exploder but Bey elbowed his way out of it.  Bey was caught with a pop-up powerbomb.  Another Destroyer attempt was countered but Bey was trapped in a Sharpshooter.  Bey made it to the ropes, forcing a break.

Williams went for a suplex but Bey used a small package for a two count.  Bey escaped a back slide at two.  Bey nailed a cutter and hit the Art of the Finesse and scored the pin.

Your winner, Chris Bey!

A strong back and forth match.

Ace Austin, Rohit Raju, Shera and Madman Fulton made their way to the ring.    Shera and Fulton attacked Williams as the other tried to convince Bey to join their side.   Bey went to the back, leaving them to it as Trey Miguel and Josh Alexander hit the ring to make the save. Bey wasn't sure what side to join and watched it all unfold.  He finally said the hell with it and hit the ring and nailed Shera with a missile dropkick.  So, he's on the side of the babyfaces.  Fulton went for a powerbomb on him but Bey saved him and nailed a rana over the ropes to the floor.  Bey turned the tide of the battle, trapping Austin in the ring alone with the others.  He was beaten down by all the faces.  Austin was dumped out of the ring atop of Shera, Fulton and Raju.  Very easy story to tell but it was done well and worked.

They showed footage of Deonna Purrazzo defeating Kimber Lee on BTI earlier tonight.  Backstage, Susan told Lee the plan wasn't working.  Lee said that they can still be a team and win the titles.  Susan said what if that doesn't work.  Lee said they have the backup plan, Su Yung.  Susan asked her who that was.

Backstage, Jake Something said he made a name for himself and stands on his own two feet.  He said no one should question him as to whether he's a man or professional.  He challenged Myers to a bout.  If Jake loses, he'll tell Myers he's the most professional wrestler.  If Jake wins, he's going to be acknowledged as a professional.

Steve Macklin vs. Manny Smith.

Mackin controlled Smith and took him down to the mat.  He used a sideheadlock to maintain control.  Manny got a few hope spots in but was wiped out with a big lariat.  He tried Smith to the tree of woe and kept kicking away at him to the point the referee interceded.  He then dove into the corner, mauling poor Smith.

Maclin dropped Smith down to the mat.  He chopped him and sent him into the buckles.  He nailed a back suplex on Smith and destroyed him with elbow strikes to the face.   Maclin nailed a Michinoku Driver with authority and scored the pin.

Your winner, Maclin!

Another squash to get over Maclin as an evil badass.

Backstage, Brian Myers said he knows what a professional he is.  He wants Sam Beale to hear Jake Something say it so he knows the lessons are paying off.  So, he accepts.

Team Dreamer: Sami Callihan & Chris Sabin & Moose vs. Team Callis: Impact Champion Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers

Chris Sabin and Karl Anderson started out, going back and forth.  Sabin shoulderblocked him down and went for a crucifix pinfall combination.  Anderson escaped and they went back and forth until facing off. 

Omega tagged in but them Callihan did and Omega wanted nothing to do with him and ran up the aisle.   When they returned from commercial, Team Dreamer was worrking over Anderson.  Moose and Sabin were not on the same page at all, given their personal issues.  Tommy Dreamer even got on the apron to try and stop them.  That allowed Anderson to rake Sabin's face and toss him to the floor, where Omega and Gallows worked him over.  Omega tagged in and drilled Sabin into the buckles.  Team Callis tagged in and out, beating down Sabin in their corner.  Gallows wiped him out with a big uppercut.  Sabin was worked over for a long time.

Sabin finally fought his way to the corner but Moose walked away and wouldn't take it.  Anderson tagged in but Sabin finally tagged Callihan.  Callihan nailed a DDT and scored the two count.  He called for a piledriver but Anderson nailed a low blow as Omega distracted the referee.  Sabin tagged in and hit a flying bodypress for a two count.  

Omega and Gallows went to double team Sabin but he avoided them and Anderson.  He nailed a tornado DDT off Anderson's back, kicking Gallows away as he drilled Omega.  Moose tagged himself in as Sabin nailed a shining wizard on Omega.  Moose entered the ring as he went for a Cradleshock and demanded he leave the ring.  Sabin shoved him away but Moose tagged him back and and drilled him.  Moose and Dreamer had words.  Callis shoved Dreamer from behind into Moose.  Thinking Dreamer hit him, Moose nailed him back.  Sabin nailed a dive on Moose and exasperated, took him out.  He rained down punches on Moose and returned to the ring.  Omega tried to catch him with the V-Trigger but Sabin avoided it.  Omega caught him with the Snap Dragon suplex.  The Good Brothers nailed the Magic Killer and Omega nailed a V-Trigger on Sabin for the pin.

Your winners, Team Callis!

Good main event with some nice storytelling to build the issues among everyone.

Moose stood on the entrance stage fuming at everything and everyone.

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