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By Anthony Pires on 2021-06-27 13:00:00

Quinn McKay, our host, welcomes us to this week’s big Ring of Honor episode.  Tonight is the finals of the Survival of Fittest Tournament.  We see the closing moments of each first round match headed into tonight.

Matt Taven vs. Dutch w/Vita Von Starr & Bateman

Von Starr and Bateman head to the back immediately.  He fires away at Dutch but Dutch lowers the forearms.  Taven tries for a DDT and gets thrown off.  Taven with a charge but gets taken down via a tackle.  Crossface forearms by Dutch.  Dropkick by Taven, Dutch doesn’t register and fires away as we go to commercial.

Taven is slumped on the outside and Von Starr emerges and attackes. This brings out Maria Kanellis and orders Von Starr to the back.  Remember that Kanellis was threatened with being thrown out of the Women’s World Title Tourament.

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman, wonder why Von Starr would sacrifice her opportunity.

Tope suicida to the outside by Taven.  Taven returns to the ring and hits the Flight of the Conqueror. Taven throws Dutch back in the heads to the top.  Frog Splash by Taven, kick out at one.  Taven looks stunned.  Taven with a DDT and here comes Vincent, wearing one of Taven’s suits.  Taven goes after Vincent and Bateman tackles him from the blindside.  Referee Todd Sinclair has no choice but to call for the bell.


Mike Bennett comes out for the save and ROH security separates them.


Vincent has the mic.  He mocks Taven, doing his pose.  Vincent says Taven is so very close to irrelevancy.  Taven sits there dejected.

We go to Jay Briscoe on the Farm, getting ready for the big Fight with his brother Mark

Survival of the Fittest Final: Demonic Flamita vs. Brian Johnson. Bandido vs. Chris Dickinson vs. Rhett Titus vs. Eli Isom

This is being fought under Lucha rules, tagging in and out as well as claiming the ring when someone exits.  Flamita and Bandido battle on the outside, Dickinson with a front facelock on Titus, Titus reverses into a short arm scissors.  Headlock by Titus into a foreman carry.  Titus with a powerslam for 2 and he kicks Dickinson to the floor.

Isom claims the ring and he and titus exchange rollups.  Titus nails Dickinson on the floor with a tope.

Johnson claims the ring.  Back elbow by Isom into a Mexican Arm Drag.  Isom to the arpon, he hits Titus and Dickinson with a moonsault.

Bandido and Flamita claim the ring and Flamita fallaway slams him onto the entire group.  All 6 are down.  Back in the ring, Bandido cradles Flamita for the pin.

Demonic Flamita is eliminated.

Flamita with a post elimination attack on Bandido.  He sends Bandido through a table and nails him with a series of chair shot.  Rey Horus makes the save.  The ROH medical staff check on Bandido as we go to commercial.

We’re back and the medical staff is still there.  Isom and Johnson are working.  Bearhug by Isom, ear clap escape.  Johnson scores a 2 with a Perfect Plex.  Johnson with a knee strike to Isom in the corner.  Johnson mocks Isom being from Indiana.  Rip cord into a Northern Light by Isom.  Johnson escapes and rakes Isom’s eyes and hits a spike cutter into The Process.  Isom wisely escapes and Dickson takes over for him.  Titus tags in via Dickinson.

Johnson chokes Titus on the rope, he hits a clothesline.  Titus escapes a neckbreaker and nails a dropkick.  Titus hits a pair of running kicks in the corner and hits a knee from the top rope and pins Johnson.

Brian Johnson is eliminated.

Dickinson takes over on Titus and immediately works over the knee.  Dickinson applies a deep knee bar and Titus taps out.

Rhett Titus is eliminated. 

Bandido has returned to the match.  Dickinson works him over but Bandido with a forearm.  Dickinson knocks him down.  Arm twist into a Saito Suplex by Dickinson for 2.  Double wristlock by Bandido. Isom saves Bandido, odd strategy to be sure.  Dickinson, unfazed, goes to work on the arm and hyperextends it.  Dickinson mocks him.  Ian and Caprice believe Isom made the save as he wants the weakened Bandido to be the last man in.  Arm drag by Dickinson, he goes for the cross armbreaker and Isom makes another save.  Isom claims the ring against Dickinson.  They trade punches and forearms.  Enziguiri by Isom.  Dickinson with a rear naked choke, Bandido with a dropkick to Dickinson, Isom falls to the floor.  Bandido hits the 21 Plex on Dickinson for the pin.

Chris Dickinson is eliminated.

It’s down to Isom and Bandido.  They exchange forearms.  Cartwheel dropkick by Bandido, Isom with a sidewinder for 2. Isom applies the rings of Saturn.  Ian and Caprice can’t contain the excitement.  Bandido gets to the ropes.  Bandido escapes the brain buster and hits the G2S.  Bnadido tries the 21Plex but the arm gives up.  Death Valley Driver for 2 by Isom.  Kick to the face by Bandido.  Backbreaker by Isom for 2.  Spin kick by Bandido.  They exchange kicks.  Bandido locks in a headscissors armbar combo and Isom is in AGONY.  He finally taps out.


It’s Bandido vs. Rush for the World Title at Best in the World.

Instead of “We go to credits”, I’m going to say “WOW!  GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO WATCH THIS ONE”

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