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By Brian Cannon on 2021-05-07 07:48:00

This is the OVW Report for Thursday, May 6, 2021.

In this episode, it's "Mr. Pec-tacular" Jessie Godderz Appreciation Night as he defends the National Title against AJZ, the Heavyweight Title situation will be determined once and for all as Omar Amir & Ca$h Flo battle in a rematch from Retribution, Women's Champion Haley J is in action against the debuting Zoey Skye, the Tate Twins are on the hunt to get the Tag Team Titles back but first must deal with the team of Tony Bizo & Drew Hernandez, plus much more!

For ways you can watch OVW TV in the Kentucky area, take a peek at the banner above. Plus, you can see OVW Thursday nights on FITE TV and Fridays at Midnight on YTA.

Here we go...


Eric Cornish & Ms. Charisma are the ring announcers.


Brandon Espinosa (w/Zachary Westinghouse) vs. Dustin Jackson.

Espy with a cheap shot and a side headlock. Off the ropes, Dustin with an arm drag. Off the ropes again, Espy hits a running cross body. He covers for 2. Dustin back with several roll-up attempts for 2. Espy regains control and twists Dustin's head/neck up in a submission. Dustin tries to work up, but Espy hits him in the side. Dustin comes back with a clothesline and dropkick. Espy boots Dustin as he charges in, but Dustin comes back and hits a neckbreaker off his knee. He goes up top and connects with the Derby City Dive for the 3.

WINNER: DUSTIN by pinfall.

After the match, Zachary says his partnership with Espy is over and tries to recruit Dustin. Dustin says he doesn't ride banana boats and his answer is no. Espy returns to his feet and fakes hitting him. Espy says he may have lost tonight, but his answer is no also.

Steve Michaels (w/"The East End Villain" Josh Ashcraft) vs. "Picture Perfect" Jordan Kage.

Steve boots him off the ropes and chokes him in the ropes. He works him over in the corner. Kage avoids a charge in the corner and Steve crashes. Kage runs in and hits Steve's leg. He goes up top and leaps off with a flying clothesline. Steve catches Kage in the Chicago Bearhug and Kage passes out.

WINNER: MICHAELS by submission.

"The Iron Bear" Tom Coffey & "The Big Fundamental" Zach Nystrom vs. "The Mercenary" Garrisaon Creed & Heath Hatton.

Heath starts out with Zach. They collide off the ropes. Zach locks in a side headlock as he recovers first. Off the ropes, Heath catches him with a clothesline. Creed tags in and hits a dropkick of his own. He tags Heath back in and they deliver a double kneedrop. Heath finds himself in no man's land in the wrong corner and he gets double teamed. Zach & Tom work him over. Tom misses a charge in the corner. Heath super kicks him into a tag from Zach as Heath tags Creed. Creed fires away on Zach & Tom and hits a dropkick. He moonsaults on Tom. Zach catches Creed with a hard shot, but Creed tags Heath and they deliver a combo DDT/planting finisher for the 3.

WINNERS: CREED & HEATH by pinfall.


Shannon the Dude & Bryan Kennison are on commentary, Eric Cornish is the ring announcer.

"Neon Ninja" Facade, Wild Thing Jace, & Gustavo vs. Blanco Loco, Espiritu Maya, & Rush Champion Star Rider.

Quick tags and quick offense early. Facade flies out on the other 5 men as they fight on the floor. Back inside, Star dropkicks Jace into the corner. He delivers the cannonball, then goes up top and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash for the 3.

WINNERS: STAR, MAYA, & LOCO by pinfall.

After the match, Hy Zaya attacks Star Rider. He delivers an inverted piledriver, then grabs a chair and places it on Star's head. He goes up top, presumably for the Ninja Vanish, but all 5 other superstars run in the ring and save Star. It appears that Hy wants his Rush Division Title back!

"The Indian Lion" Mahabali Shera vs. "The Candidate for a Brighter Future in Wrestling" Koda Jacobs.

Koda goes to hit Shera with his metal sign. Shera blocks it, but Koda hits him in the gut. Shera growls at Koda and grabs him by the throat and runs him into the corner. Koda hits Shera in the face and tries to leap out of the corner. Shera catches him by the throat again and delivers a backbreaker across his knee. He then hits Koda with the Sky High for the 3.

WINNER: SHERA by pinfall.

"The Complete Package" Tony Bizo & "The Mayan Mauler" Drew Hernandez vs. "The Tate Twins": Brandon & Brent.

The Tates with quick tags early, keeping Drew off his feet. He tags Bizo in and Bizo doesn't fare much better as they hit him with a double inverted hip toss and double fist drops. They deliver a double suplex, but Brent gets kneed in the back by Drew as he goes off the ropes. Bizo delivers a Bizo Buster and Brent gets worked over by Bizo & Drew. He comes back and catches Bizo with an enziguri an both men tag. Brandon fires away on Drew & Bizo. He hits a step up enziguri to Drew and dropkicks Bizo off the apron. Brandon plants Drew out of a Mayan Apocalypse attempt and covers for 2 as Bizo breaks the pin. Brent comes in and gets flipped to the apron. Bizo charges and he pulls down the top rope for Bizo to fly out. Brandon rolls Drew up and gets the 3.

WINNERS: TATES by pinfall.

The Tate Twins are on a winning streak and looking to get the Tag Titles back!

#1 CONTENDER FOR THE WOMEN'S TITLE: Dream Girl Ellie vs. Dani Mo & "Double A" Arie Alexander.

We start off with a 3 way test of strength. Ellie & Dani both kick Arie down. Side headlock. Dani takes Ellie down with a snapmare, kicks her in the back, then hits a running cross body for 2. Arie fires back on Dani & Ellie. Dani gets knocked out of the ring, but walks the ropes and leaps back on both of them with a cross body and covers Arie for 2. Dani with some kicks to Ellie and Ellie comes back with a German Suplex into a pin for 2. Arie comes back with an x-factor on Ellie to get the 3.

WINNER and NEW #1 CONTENDER: ARIE by pinfall.

Arie has also been on quite the roll lately. Can she turn it into a big win and dethrone Haley J as Women's Champion?

Tag Team Champion "Shotgun" Tony Gunn vs. "Mr. Juicy" Luscious Lawrence (w/Women's Champion "Hollyhood" Haley J).

Tony gets in the ropes as Luscious tries to lock up with him. They finally lock up and Tony has him locked up from behind and takes him to the mat. Luscious wiggles with Tony and Tony breaks the hold. Luscious fires up, clotheslines Tony, then slams him. He goes for the Luscious Legdrop, but Tony rolls over to the ropes. Luscious suplexes Tony back in from the apron for 2. Luscious goes for the 10 count punches in the corner, but Tony drops him across the top turnbuckle at 8. Tony chops him, then pokes him in the eye. Luscious blindly swings at Tony and Tony kicks him. He misses an elbow drop and Luscious rolls him up for 2. Tony takes him back down with a hard clothesline. Luscious starts to fire back and slams Tony. He connects with the Luscious Legdrop. Luscious with a running butt into the corner, then another. He goes for the One Night Stand powerslam, but Tony slides off. He knocks Luscious out of the ring. They fight around ringside and Tony goes for a chop, but hits the ringpost as Luscious moves. Luscious gets in to break the count, but Tony pulls him out and hits him. Back inside, Luscious ducks a clothesline and sunset flips for 2. He hits an inverted atomic drop and clotheslines Tony. He goes for the running butt, but Tony gets his feet up, kicking Luscious down, then pounds away on him on the mat. Tony gets on the apron and leaps off with the flying knee for 2. Luscious with a quick roll up for 2. Tony stomps him. Luscious tries to come back, but Tony catches him with a knee to the midsection off the ropes for 2. He locks Luscious in a sleeper. Luscious tries to power up, but Tony rams him into the corner. He sits Luscious on the top rope and chops him. He goes for a superplex, but Luscious blocks it. He slides down and powerbombs Tony! Both men are down. Tony starts to stir first, but both men get to their feet at 7. Luscious fires up and hits an atomic drop, then another. He delivers a backdrop. Luscious ducks a Killshot, then hits a fameasser for 2. He goes for the One Night Stand, but Tony slides off and hits a reverse DDT for 2. Kal Herro is at ringside handing out snacks to fans, which distracts Tony. Luscious butt butts him off the apron to the floor. Back inside, Luscious rolls him up in a small package and gets the 3!

WINNER: LUSCIOUS by pinfall.

Kal's side hustle looks to be getting under Tony's skin. How will Tony respond?

Backstage, Al Snow says he doesn't have a big announcement for once, but Matt Jones does. Matt says he created a new title, the Kentucky Heavyweight Championship. There will be a 32 man tournament with the names released tonight after TV online at Fans can register online and pick their bracket. There is $2500 up for grabs!

OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Ca$h Flo (w/"The East End Villain" Josh Ashcraft) vs. Omar Amir.

Omar with a quick roll up for 2. Then he tries a sunset flip, but Ca$h is in the ropes. Ca$h tries a quick roll up with his feet on the ropes, but the ref sees it right away. Omar chops and hits Ca$h in the corner. He throws him to the opposite corner and splashes him, then delivers a t-bone suplex. Ca$h comes back with some hard chops, then they take the fight to the floor. Ca$h throws Omar off the apron. Josh hits Omar and Omar grabs him. Josh throws a chain to Ca$h, but the ref grabs it. Omar hits Ca$h and slams him on the floor. Ca$h gets on the apron and Omar hits him face first into top turnbuckles. Omar throws Ca$h into the corner and charges, but Ca$h raises up and drops his weight across Omar, essentially sitting on him. Ca$h lights him up with some more chops. Ca$h with hard clubbing blows across the back. He snapmares Omar and locks the jaw up in a submission. Omar works out, but runs into a clothesline. Another hard chop by Ca$h. A distraction by Josh, and Ca$h hits Omar from behind. He chokes him in the ropes. He charges at Omar, but Omar moves and Ca$h crashes in the corner. Omar fires back with hits and chops. Off the ropes, Omar with a flying clothesline to take Ca$h down. Omar with an overhead release suplex. Omar with a clothesline, then a second that turns Ca$h inside out. Omar goes for the finisher, but Ca$h gets out and chops him. Josh throws the chain again. Omar gets it and hits Ca$h. He goes for the pin, but Josh puts Cash's foot on the ropes. Josh points out that Omar has a chain. The ref says the match will go on, there must be a winner. Josh throws Ca$h another chain and Ca$h knocks Omar out. He gets the 1-2-3!


A new era has begun for the Legacy of Brutality!

NON-TITLE MATCH: Zoey Skye vs. Women's Champion "Hollyhood" Haley J (w/"Mr. Juicy" Luscious Lawrence).

Zoey with a nice start, but Haley takes control after Luscious gets on the apron to distract Zoey. Zoey comes back and hits a kick, then goes up top and hits a flying cross body. She kicks Haley in the face again. She misses another and Haley plants her with a facebuster. She locks in the Cut Throat submission and Zoey passes out.

WINNER: HALEY by submission.

Reverend Ronnie Roberts is out for the Good Word. Arie Alexander is tonight's special guest. He says Arie won a competitive 3-way match to become #1 contender for the Women's Title against Haley J. Ronnie says she also beat Shannon the Dude at Retribution. Arie says she did and makes fun of her beating him.

He gets in the ring and says he goes all around the world defending his Radio Title and could win the Kentucky Heavyweight Title too and be Shannon 2 Belts just like Jessie 2 Belts Godderz. Matt Jones comes out and says there is still one spot open in the tournament and he's putting Shannon in it against Rex, the biggest man on OVW's roster!

NATIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "The Golden Boy" AJZ vs. "Mr. Pec-tacular" Jessie Godderz (c).

Jessie takes him down and tries to lock in the Boston Crab. AJZ rolls him up in a small package for 1. Jessie takes AJZ down with a side slam off the ropes. AJZ takes a breather on the floor. Jessie knees him in the corner back inside. He charges, but AJZ rolls him up for 2. Jessie with a hard forearm shot. AJZ back with a knee to the face and forearms him in the face. AJZ from the apron, leaps in with a DDT for 2! AJZ with a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Jessie avoids a charge and hits AJZ with clubbing blows to the chest. On the floor, Jessie rakes AJZ's face across the wall at ringside. He clotheslines AJZ and hits him into the steps. Back inside, Jessie drops him and locks in the Boston crab. AJZ crawls toward the ropes and finally reaches them, so Jessie has to break the hold. He locks it right back in, pulling AJZ back to the middle of the ring. AJZ kicks out of it, then locks Jessie in a Boston crab of his own! Jessie reaches the ropes and AJZ has to break. AJZ goes for the cutter, but Jessie rakes the eyes. AJZ yells at the ref that Jessie got his eyes and while the ref checks on him, AJZ kicks Jessie below the belt from behind where the ref misses it. AJZ leaps off the ropes, but Jessie catches him with a codebreaker. Jessie spears him and covers for the 3.


This ended the TV taping.


RUSH TITLE MATCH: "The Nephilim" D'mone Solavino vs. William Lutz vs. "Mr. Zero Gravity" AJ Daniels vs. "Hood Ninja" Hy Zaya (w/"The East End Villain" Josh Ashcraft) vs. Star Rider (c).

Hy doesn't wait for the intros and goes right after Star. Lutz & D'mone continue their rivalry as they go after each other outside the ring. AJ leaps out on Hy & Star. Lutz & D'mone get in the ring, still exchanging blows. D'mone with a hard back elbow. Lutz with a spear off the ropes. Lutz tries to wrap D'mone up around the post, but AJ dropkicks him and hits the Countdown Kicks. Hy is back in and grabs AJ. He takes him down, then Star goes back after Hy. He dropkicks him out of the ring. AJ fires away on Star and Lutz is back in to hit a neckbreaker. D'mone hits Lutz out, then AJ hits D'mone with the Zero Gravity Kick. He hits D'mone with the 450, then Star flies off on AJ with the 5-Star Frog Splash for the 3!


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