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By Adam Cardoza & Shannon Walsh on 2021-04-11 03:36:00


No Peace Underground "Shallow Graves"

4/10/21 -11:59pm

Tampa, FL - Streaming on


No Peace Underground is closing us out with their 3rd show of the week!

We are in the Cuban Club Cantina. Fans are up on the sides of the catina, the floor area is covered in F***ery as the lights dim. You ever play “Manhunt” back on the PS2? This is the vibe I’m getting from this venue. The shaky camera just makes this feel even MORE like a snuff film than NPU usually does. Also, commentary says this is 4 levels down in the Cuban it is LITERALLY No Peace UNDERGROUND. 

Match 1: THE END (Parrow & Odinson) vs The Hustle & The Muscle (Jake Something & Rohit Raju)

Parrrow and Something go up in the crowd area right away, which Raju tries to chop down Odinson with forearms. Odinson giant swings Raju into the wall. Parrow with the chair shot and slam on Something to the door. Odinson with the DVD to Parrow on Something. Something tosses Parrow into the chairs, pin attempt for two.Raju and Something working over Odinson...DDT into the chairs. Kick out. It just occurred to me that Raju/Something’s team name is H&M. Hahaha, it’s late and that’s funnier to me than it should be. Back in space for murders, we have door set up and Parrow has recovered and chokeslams Raju through the door. Something grabs a light tube, Parrow walks through those shots. Raju swinging chairs and Parrow is staggered, losing blood from those light tubes before. Both teams slugging it out. The End hit a Super Collider and H&M crashes to the concrete. The End make the cover and they stay undefeated in NPU. 

Winner: The End

AJ Gray is here and he is annoyed he isn’t a part of this card. But he’s the TRUTH. So f*** it, open challenge. Hardway Heeter answers the call with a bundle of light tubes. 

Match 2: AJ Gray vs Hardway Heeter

Heeter blasts Gray with the tubes. Gray is pissed and blasts him with a chair and some tubes. Gray carving him up. Heeter slams to the chairs for a two count. Gray with more tubes and a suplex to an inflatable barbed wire gator. Setting up a structure....cover it in glass, youngboys. Gray with a light tube pyramid to the face of Heeter. Gray slams Heeter off the stage through the glass structure. Count to 100, ref. 

Winner: AJ Gray

Match 3: Cole Radrick, Wolfe Taylor, JJ Garrett, Devon Monroe,  Jimmy Lloyd & Kevin Blackwood (Scramble Match)

I’m surprised to see Jimmy here, after the storied drama of his GCW shirt at Wrestlemania. 

Big chaotic fight around the floor. Cole rams JJ into a door. Blackwoodchokes Jimmy with aa chair. Cole and Blackwood going back and forth with high velocity slaps. Double kicks and double down. No one can get there to make the pin. Jimmy with a uranage to Wolfr through a light tube board. Cole with a spinning kick to Jimmy. Sets him up on door, cannonball through the door. Blackwood back for more slams and eats an air raid crash into broken glass. Blackwood hits a DVD through a door to Cole. Devon runs in with a front guillotine. Forearm KO’s Blackwood. JJ KO’s Devon! Wolfe with a neckbreaker and wrenching back on JJ’s face, who taps out! Wild.

Winner: Wolfe Taylor

Match 4: Matthew Justice vs Erick Redbeard

Erick Redbeard attacked Matthew Justice on (consults a calendar)....WEDNESDAY...costing him his match against the Rejects. Justice is throwing around those big barrels of NEFT vodka for the second time today. Does Justice have a direct NEFT sponsorship or does he just really like barrels? Is Matthew Justice actually Donkey Kong? This musing doesn’t matter as Erick Redbeard throws a chair and swings one of those big tree trunk legs into his face. Justice getting rag dolled into the cement flooring. Justice throws a chair into Redbeard’s crotch. Swinging that chair for the fences. Justice whipping a trash BARREL at Redbeard. Hmmmm. Erick puts that barrel on Justice’s head and kicks it off. Erick run into the support post and chased down with chair shots. Redbeard grabs a door and prefaces Justice with it. Door shots to the back. Two count! Redbeard takes off his belt and whips the back of Matthew Justice. Erick wraps the belt around Justice’s neck and pulls him to the wall. Erick HANGS JUSTICE FROM THE BALCONY. Redbeard lets it go and Justice grabs a chair to gut shot Erick. Cannonball off the stairs to Erick and now Justice has the belt. Justice strangling Redbeard with his belt. Justice throwing chairs. Justice hits a big splash and puts Erick through a door. Justice comes flying but Erick whips a barrel at him! And another one. Erick grabbing as many chairs as he can. Justice throws the double birds. Erick Redbeard with a slap to the face and iron claw slams Justice to the pile of chairs and broken doors. Count it off. 1, 2, 3. This was absolutely bananas. 

Winner: Erick Redbeard

Match 5: Mance Warner vs. Conor Claxton

Claxton is unwrapped a pile of syringes while Mancer makes his entrance. Oh nooooo.... Mancer throws a light tube to Claxton and we start with an exploding sword fight. Mance has a chain and strangling Conor with it. Claxton getting dragged and Mance with an eye poke. Conor suckers in Mance with a spin kick and blasts a chair shot. Mance getting bounced off an interstate sign. Mance with some dusty punches and a low kick chaser. A drunk Joey Janela crashes the commentary booth while Mance gets thrown through a door. Trading jabs back and forth. Mance with a DDT. Time to staple gun some money to Conor....or just his shirt. Mance grabs Conor’s syringe and pierces his cheeks through. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....Conor running around with a mouth full of syringes and Mance hits a running knee with light tubes to get the pin.

Winner: Mance Warner

Jamie Senegal is here to let us know that she’s weaseled her way onto the card as a special referee for.....

Match 6: Su Yung vs. G-Raver

Via video, Father James Mitchell has unleashed his undead bride in his quest to destroy the mind of G-Raver. Su has a kendo stick and a scythe for this war. Su is convulsing with rage as Senegal starts this. G-Raver sends Su to the rails and she decks him. G-Raver thrown up the stairs and back down to the cement. She sabu’s him. He gets the chair and gives it a return flight. G-Raver with the boot wash but Su with a big right staggers him and she spears through a door. G-Raver with a kendo shot and he grinds the tip of it into her throat. Su Yung dodges as G-Raver boots through a chair. Su Yung’s music hits as she unloads kendo shots to G-Raver. Several undead brides arrives to carry panes of glass and set up some horrors. Su Yung and G-Raver with a big knee and a two count. He takes in the arrival of the brides as he grabs his pile of tattoo needles. He kisses Su’s head before driving those needles into her skull. G-Raver grabs the throat and red mists his eyes. Su rips out the needles and she’s furious. Double clothesline! G-Raver can’t see but Su is dodging his swings and connecting flush. Su gets G-Raver in an airplane spin and DVD’s him through the pane of glass. Su crawls into the glass to make the cover. Kick out at two! The brides are coming in as Su puts on G-Raver’s mask. Su grabs her scythe. He dodges and powerbombs Su into the brides. Senegal counts her down for it’s three! Momentary confusion but Su pops back up and drops him with a mandible claw. She covers a chair in tacks, she shoves tacks in his mouth and kicks low. G-Raver catches her running and hits a brain buster through the chair covered in tacks. Senegal raises his hand as he escapes this  warzone. The brides carry their queen out of the arena. 

Main Event: Alex Colon vs. MASADA

A deathmatch war to end a week of deathmatch wars. MASADA is leaking blood from Colon clawing at his face early. Colon takes a few shots to the head and he gushing too. Garbage cans getting thrown. Chairs getting swung, thrown and suplexed into. Colon lays out a skewers board, MASADA gets a hand of skewers, gut stabs him and digs those into the skull. MASADA swinging that skewer board. MASADA digging those skewers in hard. Colon grabs some skewers and gets a stack into MASADA’s head. MASADA with a low blow and MORE SKEWERS. Colon thrown into a barbed wire board. Colon gets a shot in on MASADA and sets up a barbed wire board on chairs, taking a moment to cannonball into a door on MASADA. MASADA with a pair of blatant low blows and a rolling DVD through the barbed wire. Alex Colon is stone cold as the ref counts the three for MASADA. This felt like a sprint but they made a war out of it. 

Winner: MASADA 

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