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By Adam Cardoza on 2021-04-11 03:33:00

Unsanctioned Pro "Fueled By Spite"

4/10/21 -8:30pm

Tampa, FL - Streaming on

This got delayed by 2 hours due to the ongoing weather issues in Tampa. GCW had to move the ring and production setup into the Cuban Club Ballroom interior to get this show going. 

Match 1: The Whisper vs Ron Bass Jr vs Freddie Hudson vs Yoya vs Zach Thomas vs Billie Starkz vs Rob Killjoy (Sudden Death Scramble)

Fight spills to the outside and everyone diving. Zach tries to baseball slide Rob Killjoy but he jumps over it and moonsaults. Good sequence. Zach and Whisper have a good moment in the ring, cut off by Killjoy. Hard to follow the action outside the ring but lets assume everyone is brawling. Starkz hitting some big kicks on Killjoy and a trio of germans. Ron Bass in and Starkz challenges him to lariat her. HE DOES. Everyone needs to break this pin up. Whisper with a good blockbuster ddt combo. Thomas also wins with a pop up powerbomb and a package piledriver to Whisper. High crossbody from Killjoy to Hudson and a vertical neckbreaker for a near fall. Starkz eats a buckle bomb fro Killjoy and rebounds with a destroyer. Ron Bass gets caught up in the ropes. Yoya with a series of kicks and a double stomp to Zach. Starkz catches Yoya with a electric chair drop and a tombstone to get the win! All action here. Fun stuff!

Winner: Billie Starkz

 Match 2: MV Young vs Robert Martyr

Martyr comes in hot with strikes and a suplex but MV fires up with forearms and whips. MV is landing some brutal sound shots but Martyr is raging through it . Big suplex and kicks from MV. Trading headbutts. Going pretty back and forth. Young landing some big shots. Martyr with a snap dragon, kick to the head and he pulls him back into a head and arm choke. Robert Martyr with the upset win! Young lays out Robert with a series of punches, furious at the audacity of being beaten. 

Winner: Robert Martyr

Match 3: Pretty Boy Smooth vs. Lord Crewe

I’m looking forward to see Crewe outside of the wild playground of No Peace Underground. Both of these tall men trading shots back and forth, spilling to the outside. Crewe with a kick off the apron and a cannonball to the floor. Back in the ring, PB with a standing stretch muffler. Very impressive looking! Big slam and a leg drop for two. Crewe back with a bulldog and a legdrop across the back of the neck. PB gets the rope. Let’s trade some chops! How about some forearms too? PB knocked outside. Crewe comes with the tope, PB slam dunks his face to the apron. Oh god. PB Smooth with a powerbomb for two. Smooth is getting desperate to put Crewe away so her grabs a door from the back. PB swings a chair, Crewe kicks it back in his face. Spear into the door! PB is down and Crewe gets the three!

Winner: Lord Crewe

Match 4: Charlie Tiger vs Lexus Montez

Charlie Tiger is replacing Jordan Oliver, who has worked a LOT this week and took a rough tumble this morning at BierHaus. Tiger is making the most of the opportunity, looking to frustrate Lexus with the surprise new opponent. Montez tries a springboard and Tiger headbutts him out of it. OW. Tiger wants to finish but falls into a tree of woe. Montez with the hangman’s double stomp into a shining wizard, KICK OUT. Montez to the top and Tiger DVD’s him off.....running headbutt, KICK OUT. Tiger with a torture rack slam to the buckles and a blu thunder bomb.....KICK OUT. Montez with a poisonrana, Sliced Bread and that’s the win. Some crazy spots here but a little awkward in places. Props to Tiger for stepping into this spot.

Match 5: Cole Radrick vs. Jake Something

Jake is tossing Cole corner to corner with ease. Something gets doors. Something throws a door into Cole’s face and dents the door. Cole wakes up and lands a flurry of strikes and kicks....but Something clubs him and powerbombs through a door. Cole kicks out at one! Cole in pain, Something gets a chair, Cole fires back and taunts Something to the outside. Jake comes running and hits an apron mizline. Radrick firing back but Something clubs more. Something tries a powerbomb, Cole reverses into a code red. Larait to the back of the head, Something out at two! Cole with a springboard cutter? Kick out! What can Cole DO? Something with a spear in the corner. Another one. Radrick with two springboard stunners. Something with a sitout tombstone. Radrick kicks out! Something setting up another door. Cole with a flurry and a enziguri.....Cole with a moonsault off the top through the door! Kick out! Cole in a frenzy throwing everything he can get this hands on at Jake Something, Cole hits a sitout powerbomb and Something is DOWN. Cole is such a resilient giant slayer and that final flurry was all emotion. The crowd popped HARD for that. 

Winner: Cole Radrick

Match 6: Casanova Valentine vs. Hoodfoot (Street Fight)

Casanova hates rings. So we go straight to the floor where Casanova is more comfortable for this hoss streetfight. Hoodfoot doesn’t back down but Casanova throws him into the chair and blasts him with more chairs. Casanova smashes Hoodfoot with a....napkin dispenser? I think? Hoodfoot shows a similar disrespect to the in-room chairs....but he sets two up so we can go bar fighting. They ask for a couple of beers first. Chug. Time to throw punches. Casanova spits beer and clocks Hoodfoot with the bottle. Casanova finds a trash can and rocks him with a shot. Trash can over Hoodfoot’s head and a running lariat in that. Casanova suplexes Hoodfoot through a door. Valentine takes it back in the ring, STO to a chair for two. Hoodfoot finally catches Casanova with a powerslam to an open chair. Hoodfoot stepping on the head of Casanova. Casanova planted to the mat and forced to kick out. Hoodfoot needs more hardware. Casanova reverses and hits a powerslam onto a pile of chairs for two. Slugging it out, sky high powerbomb from the Hoodfoot. Hoodfoot has a barbed wire club. He breaks it over his head and gets the wire stuck in his hair. Hoodfoot with a pump handle powerbomb onto the barbed wire for the pin. Jesus. 

Winner: Hoodfoot

Conor Claxton is out here to say that Alex Colon has been ducking him all week. The new GCW Ultraviolent Champion slides in and we’re going to war. 

Match 7: Conor Claxton vs Alex Colon

Conor has been looking for a really matchup with Colon for years. They are both bloodied with the first 2 minutes of this. Colon tries to suffocate him in a plastic bag. Conor is posted. Colon beating him onto the elevator button.They fight into the elevator. The doors close and we lose them. 

Let’s thank some sponsors!

Claxton and Colon come back out, the elevator is covered in blood. Claxton to the top, Colon enziguri’s him off. Colon ties Claxton to the ring rope by his own hair. Colon is leaving the building! What?!? Claxton gets free and gives chase down the stairs of the venue. 

Commentary says they have both left the building and they need to figure out what the deal is. Uhhhhhhh....

Winner: No Contest?

Match 8: Myron Reed vs. Tre Lamar(c) (For the OWA Ohio State Championship) 

This could be a high flying masterpiece but we’re battling into the crowd. Reed with a flying crossbody to Tre in the chairs. Tre with a powerbomb in the ring. Reed fires up with elbow shots. Reed hot shots Tre but can’t land the cutter. Reed with a Yakuza kick. Tre tries to eject Reed but he rebounds with a code breaker. Trading enziguri’s. Reed with a counter stunner and a springboard cutter for two. Tre with a PK but Reed ain’t done. Reed with a bird to the champ and catches him running with an air raid crash for two. Myron with a long 450 for two. Reed with a dive over the top to Tre. Tre using the ref for leverage and Reed wipes out the ref on a springboard. Tre with a LOUD kick to Myron’s Reed. BOOOOOOO. Belt shot. BOOOOOOOOOOOO. Tre off the top with a hang time elbow. Wake up the ref! Reed kicks out! Reed with the flash rollup, not yet. Reed with that counter stunner again and kicks Tre’s face off. Reed tries the springboard cutter but falls into a back stabber. Tre with a lion tamer and it’s deep. Into a single leg crab...Myron gets the rope! Tre drags him and sits on his back, Myron taps out!  Wild finish. 

Winner (and Still): Tre LaMar

Everett Cross has an open challenge for his Unsactioned Pro Heavyweight Championship but WHO will answer it? OH GOD IT’S G-RAVER. You might be dead, kid. 

Main Event: G-RAVER vs. Everett Cross (c) – Unsactioned Pro Heavyweight Championship

They beat the crap out of each other. Aggressive strikes and kicks in the ring, battling to the chairs at ringside. Cross tries to wreck G-Raver’s arm but he stomps free. G-Raver eats a kick but stomps out the champ for a two count. G-Raver wrenching at the chin and neck but he gets kicked in the forehead. Raver with a ripcord and a hangman’s flatliner for two. Raver pushes the hair out of Cross’ face so he can see the shots coming. Headbutts from Cross stun. Double chop to G-Raver. Cross with a modified trailer hitch in the center. It’s deep but he gets the rope. G-Raver tries a doubleunderhook, Cross with a butterfly piledriver and G-Raver is down for the three!

Winner: Everett Cross

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