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By Mike Johnson on 2021-04-04 08:12:00

Welcome to's ongoing coverage of WrestlePro Alaska's Northern Expansion Tour Night Two from Soldotna, Alaska at the All American Training Center!  This show took place Saturday evening 4/3.  You can watch the stream of the event at this link.

If you missed coverage of Night One from Friday 4/2, click here.

The World Famous Cheeseburger vs. Aleki

If you aren't aware, Aleki is the son of former WWF star Sivi Afi.

The crowd was super into Cheeseburger.  Aleki used his power to toss him down to the mat several times in the early going.  CB was able to grab an armwringer and controlled him before snatching a side headlock.  Aleki sent him into the ropes and shoulderblocked him coming off.  CB grabbed another side headlock but was again sent down with a shoulder tackle.

CB ducked down during a leapfrog attempt and basically turned into a turtle, unable to be pinned.  That befuddled Aleki, who finally pulled him up and tried to send him into the ropes.  CB kept using different unique ways to prevent Aleki from using his strength.  The crowd enjoyed this for comedy.  CB sent Aleki to the floor but was caught during a pescado attempt.  CB slipped backwards and shoved him into the ring post.  CB placed him in a chair at ringside and darted around the ring, charging with a big boot that sent Aleki crashing backwards off the chair.  CB attempted to do it again but this time was caught and powerbombed onto the ring apron outside.  Aleki worked over CB and dumped him back into the ring.  He stomped away at CB and choked him against the ropes.  CB kept kicking up at the last second.

Aleki nailed him with a thrust to the throat in the corner and whipped him with authority into the opposite buckle.  Aleki kept scoring two counts but CB fought back with several right hands and rolled him up for a two count.  CB nailed a DDT but Aleki popped up as it "didn't hurt him due to the side of his head" and stomped away at CB.  CB was trapped in a chinlock style submission but tried to fight his way out of it.  The kids were really into chanting for Cheeseburger.  Aleki was drilled with a sit-out jawjacker.  CB charged but was almost kicked off.   CB grabbed the leg, placed it in the ropes and nailed a Dragon Screw Legwhip.  He followed up with a back splash for a two count.    Aleki caught him with a belly to belly suplex and hit a Flatliner, but CB kicked out at the very last second.  Aleki went for a pumphandle slam but CB slipped out and went for a belly to back suplex.    Alexi fought him off but was finally nailed with it.  They went back and forth until Aleki nailed a lariat for a close two count.  They battled back and forth with CB showing more fire as they went on.  Aleki missed a lariat but was hit with a Liger palm thrust, scoring the pin.

Your winner, The World Famous Cheeseburger!

An effective opening match for an audience that wanted to just cheer the babyface.

Trixie vs. Freya The Slaya

Trixie is the daughter of former WWE developmental talent Micah Taylor.  She is very much early on in her career.  Freya is local and just made a few AEW appearances.  

Freya asked her where her father was, so Trixie slapped her.  Trixie played mind games early, trying to avoid and evade Freya.  It didn't last long as Freya snatched her up and slammed her.  Freya placed her on the top and nailed several shots to the face.  Trixie slipped under her and nailed a powerbomb for a two count.  She worked over Freya in the corner with a series of hard forearms and used her boot to choke Freya.

Trixie kept working her over and snapmared her down, then dropkicked her for a two count.  Freya fought back but was drilled with a knee.  Trixie locked on a hammerlock but Freya reversed and lifted her, tying her to tree of woe.  Freya nailed her with a cannonball and followed up with a knee to the face.  Freya left her in the ropes and came down with a big axe kick, which was the most impressive spot of the bout so far.  It looked damn good but Trixie kicked up at two.

Trixie fought back and hit a thrust to the throat and a pump kick for a two count.  That looked good.  Freya finally caught her with a hard shot to the chest and an atomic legdrop.  Freya locked on a Cobra Clutch, then dropped her down to the mat with a slam for the pin.

Your winner, Freya the Slayer!

This was OK and was probably a little longer than it needed to be but for a show at this level, it was probably about getting ring time in as much as anything else.  

They announced Freya & Jerry Bishop vs. Trixie & Matt Cross for this Wednesday's event in Palmer, Alaska.

The Nasty Gentlemen with YT Jones vs. Fallah Bahh & Zack Gowen

YT tried to tease he wanted to fight Gowen at the bell.  Even promoter Kevin Matthews seemed ultra-befuddled at this happening.  The referee rang the bell so it's apparently a handip match.  YT spent a minute running around the ring from Gowen and hiding in the arms of his charges faster than you could say Jim Cornette and Bobby Eaton.

Jones gained his confidence but turned around to find Fallah Bahh had tagged in and was almost hit with a Samoan Drop but The Gentlemen attacked him and beat him down.  Bahh quickly made a comeback with a double clothesline.  He took Jack Windsor over the top to the floor with another clothesline.  Bahh's "NO NO NO" played well for this audience.  He nailed an atomic legdrop on Brody Adam.  Gowen tagged in and nailed a slingshot senton and a legdrop.  Bahh elevated him and Gowen nailed another legdrop.

Bahh went to rebound off the ropes but Windsor drilled him in the back.  Adam lariated Bahh and scored a two count, then choked him in the ropes.  He tried to lift Bahh but Bahh was too heavy and crashed him to the mat.  Gowen tagged in and nailed a tornado DDT for a two count.  Gowen went for a slam but his back gave out.  Bahh tagged in and easily slammed Windsor several times.  Adam hit the ring and was slammed.  Bahh then slammed Gowen on the stack and teased slamming the referee as well.  

The Nasty Gentlemen double teamed Bahh and knocked Gowen off the apron to the floor.  Bahh came back with an Avalanche on Windsor, then hit a Samoan Drop on Adam.  Gowen went to the top for a moonsault but YT Jones tripped his leg and he crashed down.  Bahh chased him to the back as Kevin Matthews, on commentary, gave Bahh verbal permission to "eat" YT Jones.  That may be the first recorded instance of pre-approved cannibalism in professional wrestling.  This left Gowen to be doubleteamed.  He was slammed to the mat.  Adam came off the top with a flying elbow and Windsor scored the pin.

Your winners, The Nasty Gentlemen! 

This was a solid tag match with the babyfaces shining so that the heels could get the rub with a win.

Bahh returned from the back with Jones, tossing him into the ring.  Gowen nailed him with a Twist of Fate.  Bahh then nailed him with the Banzai Drop.  

Gowen has looked damn good each night thus far.  The crowd was super into yelling "Bahh" forr Fallah.

Tyler Payne vs. Bobby Wayward

Payne had a great showing last night with Matt Cross and is playing more of a babyface here.  Wayward was stalling early.  It was very much an easy to follow heel vs. babyface formula with Payne controlling until Wayward snapped his arm in the ropes.  From that point on, he savagely attacked Payne and sent him hard into the buckles.  Payne's face was ripped apart and he was caught with a series of shoulderblocks in the corner.

Payne was caught in an armbar.  He tried to fight his way out but was kept on defense.  Payne finally scored with a series of kicks but was stopped with a jawjacker.  Wayward showed some good heel personality as he drilled Payne with forearms across the chest.  Payne fired back with elbows to the mid-section but was drilled back to the mat.  The story was that every time Payne found a window of opportunity, Wayward cut off that momentum and took him back to the mat.  Payne finally scored with a pin to change the tide.

Tyler Payne nailed a Stinger Splash and a big superkick for a close two count.  Wayward tried to play it off like his knee was hurt but quickly went for a knee strike.  Wayward was hit with The Payne Killer, a double hammerlock into a back cracker.  Wayward rolled out of the ring.  He was tossed back into the ring but was grabbed Payne and nailed a Dragon Screw legwhip when Payne was half back in the ring.  Wayward nailed a Perfectplex and scored the pin.

Your winner, Bobby Wayward!

Both looked good and showed a lot of potential here.

Coverage continues on Page 2!

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