Two Title Matches. Levi Shapiro vs Anthony Idol, The Bodega defend. Heather Monroe and more
Episode 512
Recap by Eric Denton
Photos by Justin Cotterell
Todd Keneley & James Kincaid recap the melee between Jordan Clearwater and Jack Banning. It’s time to fight on!
In the ring are Heather Monroe with Halston Boddy who explain they fel like they’ve been jumping through hoops because of Niko Marquez the last few months and none of obstacles worked as Heather and Halston won their tag match vs Cece Chanel and Ruby Raze to bring a women’s championship title to CWFH. Heather then gives a warning to Viva Van telling her not to trust Jamie Iovine’s offer to join his stable.
(Halston Boddy, Heather Monroe & Jamie Iovine)
Viva Van comes out and reminds Heather she wasn’t very nice to her when she was mentoring Viva two years back. She says Monroe’s apology is too late and she wants a match. Heather says if she needs to wrestle Viva to make her think about declining Iovine’s offer than she’s got one next week.
Anthony Idol (with Jack Cartwright) vs “Timeless” Levi Shapiro (with Howdy Price) for the United Television Championship
Idol and Shapiro trade blows to start the match. Shapiro goes down twice but is able to kick out each time. Idol ties up Levi from
behind but Shapiro gives Idol a mule kick to the crotch but the referee doesn’t see. Shapiro is able to gain control with a nerve pinch on the trapezius muscle. Idol gets free but is hit with a drop kick. Shapiro goes back to the hold but Idol stands up with Shapiro on his back and he falls backwards. Shapiro loses his wind and he’s now been hit in the crotch.
Idol throws punches a body slams and goes for a pin but only gets a two count. Howdy Price throws a chain to Levi. The referee doesn’t see it. Price distracts, Shapiro throws the chain to Idol who catches it, Shapiro bumps and the referee sees the chain in Idol’s hand and calls for the disqualification.
Your winner and still United Television Champion Levi Shapiro.
After the match Shapiro hits Idol with the chain but Jack Cartwright makes the save as Shapiro bails out of the ring and flees with Howdy.
Jack Farmer in the interview center with “El Numero Uno” Mike Camden. He says he’s here to answer The Bodega’s open challenge for the tag team championships and Camden gives anyone in the locker room an open invitation to be his partner.
(Mike Camden)
Jamie Iovine is in his office with Guy when Levi Shapiro and Howdy Price burst in. Iovine doesn’t like how they busted in without an appointment and he gives them a choice. 90 day suspension without pay or they face Jack Cartwright and Anthony Idol in a tag team match. Howdy panics since he is a manager and a non combatant but the match is made.
(Howdy Price)
Todd Keneley with Jordan Clearwater. Clearwater apologizes to CWFH management and the fans for his behavior last week but he wont be apologizing to Jack Banning.
Honest John vs Miguel
John is at a distinct size disadvantage and tries to shake Miguel’s hand. Friendship doesn’t work. Miguel wins with a chop, headbutt and choke bomb. The 400 lbs Miguel wins easily.
Mike Camden vs The Bodega (Danny Limelight Rivera & Papo Esco) with Slice Boogie for the United World Tag Team Championships
Honest John has recovered and comes out from the back and asks Camden if he can be his partner. John wants another shot at Papo Esco after the beating he received from him last week. Camden accepts.
John starts the match vs Esco but tags out quickly to Camden. Esco tags in Limelight and the match gets underway . Camden and Limelight trade arm drags and holds. Camden tags in to Honest John with a fisherman suplex but a kick out. John showboats and Limelight takes control and tags in Papo Esco. Slice Boogie gets in a cheap shot and The Bodega get in some double team moves and a cover but Honest John kicks out.
Honest John receives an extended beating from Danny Limelight but he continues to hang tough. Quick tags from Limelight & Papo Esco. John is able to dodge a shot from Limelight and hits him with a Codebreaker and he make the tag to Mike Camden. Camden takes out all three members of The Bodega. Camden catches Limelight coming off the top rope and hits him with a big spine buster a cover and a kick out. Despite Camden holding his own Honest John makes a blind tag and comes in and gets put in a choke by Limelight and taps out.
Your winners and still United World Tag Team Champions The Bodega!
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