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By Eric Denton on 2021-03-31 09:45:00

Young Rock Episode 6 - “My Day With Andre”

Candidate Dwayne Johnson announces his pick to be his Vice President, General Monica Jackson (Rosario Dawson). This surprises the press as at one point Gen. Jackson endorsed his opponent. Johnson says he selected her because he respects people with opposing opinions, something he learned as a kid in Hawaii.....

1982 - Hawaii

Little Dewey is asking Ata to take him to see “E.T.” Neither Ata or Rocky are available to take him which is disappointing to Dewey. An alarm goes off reminding them to turn on a radio program where Lia Maivia is promoting her wrestling show. The hosts ask if the promotion is doing OK since she lost King Kong Bundy and Junkyard Dog to rival promoter Greg Yao (Ronnie Chieng). She says everything is fine and there will be a special battle royal where the winner will get High Chief Peter’s title belt.

Ata is at a recording studio to make a demo tape to send into Star Search. She gets discouraged when she learns there are about five other women recording the same song (Gloria by Laura Brannigan).

We cut to Lia laying out the battle royal plans at The Johnsons’ apartment with The Wild Samoans, The Iron Sheik, Sgt. Slaughter, Ricky Steamboat and Rocky.  Andre gets bored and decides to take Dewey to see E.T.  They get to the car and Andre then informs Dewey that he doesn’t like movies and they are going on an adventure.

Lia goes over the finishing sequence of the battle royal where she tells everyone Rocky is going over to become the new champion. She realizes Randy Savage has missed the meeting and she’s concerned he’s leaving her promotion.

Rocky tells Ata his news about winning the title. She’s upset about all the other women singing the same audition song. He encourages her to write an original song. 

Not believing Savage’s excuse for missing the meeting, Lia and Bobby show up at his hotel room. Savage did in fact tell the truth that he was spending the day with his girlfriend Deborah (who looks a LOT like Ms. Elizabeth) and kicks them out while buck naked. He does a running elbow drop into the bed.

We cut to a park bench with Andre and Dewey feeding pigeons. Dewey is sad they aren’t seeing E.T.   Andre explains that the best stories aren’t always at the cinema. 

Rocky goes behind Lia’s back and meets with Greg Yao who offers him a gold medallion telling him he’ll be number one.   Lia and Bobby are driving home and she is happy Macho Man wasn’t lying. They decide to get something to eat and pull up to the same restaurant Rocky is already at.

Ata records a different song and plays it for Rocky who loves it. 

Andre is at the park pushing Dewey on the swings. He explains that he didn’t take him to the movies because he needs to sit close to the screen because he has bad eyes but he’s too big and sits in the back which is inconvenient for the other movie goers. Dewey says they should go anyway. They do and he loves it. Unfortunately in the wrestling locker room later on, Andre spoils the movie for Macho Man and The Sheik.   Rocky tells Lia he is honored to be winning the title. She is happy to be keeping it in the family.

In a very “Rock N’ Wrestling” scene we see the battle royal with Gloria being played over the commentary. Rocky Johnson is about to win the championship but Iron Sheik comes back into the ring as he wasn’t eliminated. Sheik tells him Lia changed the finish and he eliminates Rocky. Lia tells Rocky she changed the finish before he could doublecross her by going to Greg’s promotion. Rocky tells her he did meet with Greg but wasn’t going to leave. She cries.

Dwayne and General Jackson pose for pictures as the episode ends. 

It’s dedicated to Pat Patterson.

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