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By Richard Trionfo on 2021-01-28 23:22:00

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Devlin makes his way to the ring.

Jordan says he started this open challenge to cement his legacy with this title. When you are the Ace, you live at a certain standard. I am the longest reigning champion, but I want to be known as the greatest wrestler under 205 pounds in this company.

Trent Seven makes his way to the ring and he has something to say.

Trent says there is no denying that everything you said was fact. You are cementing a legacy and you have beaten everyone who has crossed your path. You talk about challenges and dominating the cruiserweight division. Maybe you need a new challenger and the division needs a new challenger. Maybe Trent Seven needs a challenge. How about I trim down under 205 and when I do, you put that title on the line against me and I will be the new challenger to step into your league.

Jordan tells Trent if he can drop the kebabs and drop 30 pounds, you can have a shot at this title. Jordan wishes Trent luck and mocks him.

Trent with a punch to Jordan and Jordan goes to the floor and then he goes for his title belt but Trent stands on it and he tells Jordan he will get under 205.

We see The Hunt in the back with Eddie Dennis as they prepare for their number one contender match.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Kay Lee Ray video package where Kay Lee Ray says she wants to face the best in the world.

We have a video package for Meiko Satomura. She says that many say she is the best in the world. She mentions that she has won many titles in Japan. Now I am here in NXT UK. Be prepared.

We see Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley preparing for the main event.

Sam Gradwell welcomes Benny Bops to NXT UK. Despite the flags on your PE Shorts, you are from Jersey. This is not NXT Channel Islands. Jersey is a place with more cows than people and does not show up on an atlas. I am not here to be a pretty little fireworks display. I am here to be a thunderstorm who will send you back across the channel in a catamaran.

Match Number One: Ben Carter versus Sam Gradwell

They lock up and Gradwell pushes Carter into the ropes. Carter pushes Gradwell and Gradwell with an arm bar into a wrist lock. Gradwell continues to work on the arm and takes Carter to the mat. Gradwell continues to work on the wrist and Carter with a drop kick. Gradwell with a side head lock and Carter with another drop kick. Gradwell with an Irish whip and Carter floats over and flips across the ring. Carter with a kick and drop kick.

Gradwell grabs Carter from the apron and punches Carter. Gradwell with a forearm to the back of the head. Gradwell stomps on the head and gets a near fall. Gradwell with a slam and forearm to the back of the neck. Gradwell picks up Carter from the ropes and Carter lands on his feet and gets a near fall with a rollup.

Gradwell with a clothesline for a near fall. Gradwell with forearms to the back of the neck. Dradwell with a front face lock suplex for a near fall. Gradwell with another near fall. Gradwell with a reverse chin lock. Carter with punches to try to get out of the hold. Gradwell with a knee. Carter with a jaw breaker but Gradwell grabs Carter. Carter with chops. Carter with running forearms. Carter has a kick blocked but Carter with a spinning heel kick that sends Gradwell to the floor.

Carter with a suicide dive onto Gradwell. Carter returns to the ring but Gradwell goes to the floor on the other side. Carter with a flip dive onto Gradwell. Carter goes for a springboard cross body but Gradwell catches Carter and Carter with a guillotine but Gradwell pushes Carter away. Gradwell gets a near fall and then he punches Carter. Gradwell gets Carter on his shoulders and Carter goes for a sunset flip. Gradwell blocks it and picks up Carter. Carter with an elevated elbow drop and a frog splash for the three count.

Winner: Ben Carter

We see Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews preparing in the back.

Sha Samuels is in the back talking to Noam Dar as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter in the back.

Match Number Two: Sha Samuels versus Josh Morrell

They lock up and Samuels backs Morrell into the corner and he gives a clean break. They lock up and Samuels with a side head lock. Samuels with a snap mare but Morrell with a wrist lock. Samuels with a snap mare and Morrell escapes and applies a wrist lock. Samuels with a knee and he works on the upper body with a shoulder. Morrell with a wrist lock and Samuels with a forearm and slam.

Samuels with a forearm to the back followed by an Irish whip. Morrell floats over and hits an arm drag but Samuels with a clothesline. Samuels with punches. Samuels with a knee to the midsection followed by a forearm to the back. Morrell with a knee and Samuels with a back body drop and Morrell lands on his shoulder. Samuels with elbows to the collarbone. Samuels kicks Morrell in the back.

Samuels has some words for Morrell before he connects with a forearm to the back. Samuels with more forearms to the back. Samuels catches Morrell on a cross body attempt and Samuels with a slam but he misses an elbow drop and splash. Morrell with a drop kick. Morrell with European uppercuts followed by drop kicks. Morrell gets a near fall.

Samuels with an Irish whip and Morrell flips out of the corner. Morrell with a hip toss for a near fall. Morrell misses a cross body when Samuels moves. Samuels with a clothesline. Samuels with a spinebuster and a Cobra Stretch and Morrell taps out.

Winner: Sha Samuels

We go to Ilja Dragunov in the Performance Centre earlier this week. He was asked about his match against Jack Starz and what happened. Ilja says he doesn’t know. He says he didn’t want to hurt him but he lost it completely. That wasn’t the plan.

Sam Gradwell walks past and says to stay away from Dragunov because we have a loose cannon in the house.

Rampage Brown is asked about his time in NXT UK and he says he is having a good time so far.

Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey, and Wolfgang walk past and Rampage says that since Mark and Wolfgang know what is next for them, maybe Joe needs a challenge. Joe keeps walking.

We go to commercial.
We are back and next week Nina Samuels will face Xia Brookside. We will also have a Jordan Devlin Open Challenge.

Match Number Three: Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley versus Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster versus Wild Boar and Primate versus Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter in a Number One Contender’s Elimination Match

Stoker and Andrews start things off. Stoker tags in Smith with a chop before anything happens. They lock up and Smith with a wrist lock and Andrews escapes and goes for an arm drag but Smith blocks it. Andrews gets a near fall with a rollup. Smith with a waist lock take down. Webster tags in and he goes for a sunset flip but Smith stays on his feet and Andrews with a drop kick to help Webster get a near fall.

Carter tags in and Webster with an arm drag into an arm bar. Andrews tags in and he hits a body scissors take down off Webster’s back. Andrews with a drop kick and Howley tags in and gets a near fall on Smith.
We see Gallus watching as Andrews is tagged in. Smith with a leg sweep and Carter with a Silly String splash for a near fall. Smith tags in and gets a near fall after a suplex. Andrews with a kick and Andrews chops Howley to tag in him and then Webster goes to the floor so Howley cannot tag out. Smith with clotheslines as The Hunt refuse a tag. Smith with kicks and a slam attempt but Howley escapes. Primate tags in and connects with forearms to Howley’s back.

Stoker tries to keep Primate from hitting a German suplex and Boar tags in and they hit a double German suplex. Andrews and Webster enter the ring and they square off with The Hunt. Smith tags in and all eight men are brawling until We are down to Smith and Primate in the ring after Smith clotheslines Howley over the top rope. Primate with a back elbow for a near fall on Smith. Primate with a belly-to-back suplex and Boar tags in. Boar and Primate with a double head butt for a near fall. Boar with forearms and Smith fires back. Primate tags in and he kicks Smith in the corner. Primate with a double sledge to the back of the neck. Primate with a slam and Boar tags in and Primate drops Boar onto Smith and Boar gets a near fall. Boar with head butts to the ribs. Boar with a running shoulder into the corner to knock Carter off the apron. Smith with a back drop to Boar and Boar holds his knee. Smith cannot make the tag since Carter is not on the apron. Howley tags in and Smith with a back body drop to Howley.

Webster tags in and he hits an arm drag on Howley and hits a springboard drop kick to knock Stoker off the apron and then hits a quebrada for a near fall. Stoker tags in and they go for a double suplex on Webster but Andrews catches Webster and they hit a double drop kick. Andrews with a drop kick to Primate and then Andrews and Webster with stereo flip dives onto Primate, Howley, and Stoker.

Stoker with a head butt to Andrews followed by a European uppercut. Stoker runs into an elbow from Andrews. Stoker stops Andrews on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex. Smith tags in and he goes for the tower of doom power bomb on Stoker who hits a superplex on Andrews. Howley tells Smith to pin Andrews and Andrews tags in Howley. Howley with forearms and he knocks Webster off the apron. Smith sends Howle to the apron and hits a forearm. Stoker blocks a suplex back into the ring but Carter kicks Stoker. Carter with a moonsault off Howley’s back and Smith with a Falcon Arrow to Howley but Stoker makes the save.

Smith with a forearm and Carter tags in and Stoker with a boot and Howley with forearms. Carter kicks Howley and Primate tags in and he comes off the ropes with a springboard move but Carter with a super kick to Primate. Howley with an uppercut and Andrews kicks Howley. Boar with a clothesline to Andrews but Webster with a head butt to Boar. Primate with a clothesline to Webster and everyone is down.

Smith tags in and he connects with forearms to Primate. Primate with an exploder and Boar tags in. Primate with a splash into the corner and Boar with a cannonball. Primate tags in and Primate gets Smith on his shoulders but Boar is pulled to the floor by Andrews and Webster. Smith gets Primate on his shoulders and Carter tags in and hits a springboard Doomsday Cutter for the three count.

Wild Boar and Primate Eliminated

Officials are called to the ring to take Boar to the back.

Howley hits Carter from behind and kicks Carter. Howley knocks Smith and Andrews off the apron and then returns to Carter. Howley with an elbow to the back of the head. Howley with a slam to Carter for a near fall. Carter sends Stoker into the turnbuckles and Carter goes for a sunset flip and Howley drops down but Carter escapes and tags in Smith.

Stoker tags in as well and Smith with forearms and shoulders to Stoker and Howley. Smith with a gutwrench suplex. Smith gets Stoker on his shoulders but Stoker escapes. Smith with an O’Connor Roll but Stoker kicks out and Howley tries for an uppercut from the floor but Smith blocks it. Smith punches Howley but Stoker with a rollup but Smith counters with a rollup for a near fall. Carter slides under Stoker and Smith with a kick and then he sends Carter onto Stoker with an assisted 450 splash for a near fall.

Howley is sent to the apron and Andrews is tagged in and Andrews with a wheelbarrow Unprettier. Smith tags in and Andrews with an elbow and Webster tags in and Smith gets Andrews on his shoulders. Webster with a running knee to knock Carter off the apron. Webster with a boot while Andrews hits a poisonrana and Webster gets the three count.

Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter Eliminated

Stoker and Webster start off the final part of the match but Stoker goes for the legs and Howley with a forearm and European uppercuts. Stoker tags in and hits a running European uppercut in the corner for a near fall. Stoker sends Webster into the turnbuckles and kicks and punches Webster. Howley tags in and Webster is able to escape and tag in Andrews. Andrews with forearms and chops to Stoker and Howley. Andrews slides under Stoker and Howley and hits a double Pele Kick. Andrews with a Tiger Feint kick to Stoker’s back and then he connects with a shoulder on Howley. Andrews with a victory roll into a double stomp. Andrews with a rana on Howley for a near fall. Stoker sends Webster to the floor. Andrews with chops and forearms. Andrews with a forearm to Stoker on the apron and then Stoker holds the leg while Howley kicks Andrews in his surgically repaired knee. Stoker tags in and gets Andrews on his shoulders into an airplane spin and a giant swing on the leg and then a single leg crab. Andrews kicks Stoker.

Stoker with a figure four leg lock on Andrews. Webster with a head scissors to Howley to break up the hold. Stoker stops Andrews from making the tag. Andrews with Stundog Millionaire and Webster tags in and hits a double stomp to the back for a near fall. Andrews sends Howley over the top rope and Andrews with a slingshot head scissors take down on the floor. Stoker with a rollup on Webster for a enar fall.

Stoker is sent over the top rope onto Howley. Andrews tags in and Webster with a swanton onto Howley and Stoker. Andrews is hit in the back of the leg with a chair by Eddie Dennis while the referee was focused on the action on the other side of the ring. Howley pulls Webster off the apron. Howley tags in and they hit the Hart Attack neck breaker for the three count.

Winners: Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley

Howley and Stoker see the luxury box where Joe Coffey gestures to Stoker and Howley.

Mark Coffey and Wolfgang come out and Coffey has to hold Wolfgang back as we go to credits.


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