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By Anthony Pires on 2020-12-18 23:50:00

Finally, the Best Wrestling on the Planet returns to PPV and not a moment too soon.

2020 has been an absolutely crazy year with all the big boys drastically revamping the way they conduct business.  Ring of Honor, to their credit, began the Pandemic Era with great TV shows highlighting their stars in some of their all time greatest matches and moments.  Then they slowly returned to TV with the amazing Pure Rules Tournament, crowning Jonathan Gresham as its newest champion of the revitalized division. 

Tonight, the slow burn ends as Ring of Honor presents Final Battle, its first (and last PPV) of 2020. I give this company so much credit and praise for how they've handled the oddity that has been 2020.  Their wrestlers were paid, their Honor Club Subscribers were extended and they hit the sweet spot as far as empty arena TV shows (also have to give some love to Dave Marquez' presentation of the UWN.

Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman and Dalton Castle are on the call for Hour One. 

EC3, Bandido, Kenny King and Flamita are all out of tonight's card.  I hope they are all well.

The commentary team runs down tonight's card.

We are kicking things off with a 4 way featuring LSG, The Mile High Magnum Dak Draper, Josh the Goods Woods and Tony Deppen face off with the winner receiving an ROH World TV Title match later tonight against Dragon Lee.  Draper is huge. having seen him in person, I can attest that TV does him no justice in terms of how seeing how big he is.  I look at him and Josh Woods and I can't help but think "STAR".  Deppen, I honestly don't know much about and LSG has always been solid. Rules here are 2 men in at a time and 2 others on the apron, who will be tagging in.  Funny thing that ROH has been doing lately that I like is that they're presenting recent stats like "9-1 in his last 10 singles matches, 100% of victories via their finisher".  It gives the viewer an insight as to how seriously we may want to take these guys and get over their finisher, which ROH has always been careful of.

We're told that this match is under Lucha Libre rules, which means that someone on the apron can declare themselves legal should another competitor go outside the ring.  Ian is doing an excellent job keeping up with the rules and who's legal.  I think Draper has managed to remain one of the legal men the entire match.  I feel like I'm watching an actual contest here.  Deppen takes advantage of the rules as he rolls up LSG for the pin after Draper got thrown to the outside and LSG got caught.  It's Tony Deppen vs. Dragon Lee later tonight for the ROH TV title.  Really good start to tonight's action.

We get a little preview of our main event, Rush vs. Brody King for the ROH World Title.

Quinn McKay has a few words with new TV Title number one contender Tony Deppen.  Deppen warns Dragon Lee that Lee will have to kill him.  Hopefully that won't happen.

A reminder that Jonathan Gresham tonight becomes the first man since Jay Lethal to defend 2 titles on one PPV, as he and Lethal defend the World Tag Team Title against PCO and Mark Briscoe, and then he defends the Pure Title against Flip Gordon.

Quinn McKay is with Shane Taylor Promotions, who became the odd men out when Flamita and Bandido were medically disqualified.  Quinn tells us that ROH's board of directors have awarded the Six Man Title to Shane Taylor Promotions via forfeit.  To their credit, they refuse the titles.  They want them in the ring.  Back to commentary, Dalton Castle finds it interesting that Ray Horus is backstage without a match tonight. Castle makes the challenge.  Tony Khan immediately sanctions it (just kidding about that part).  Back to Quinn, she's having a busy night so far.  She's with Brian Johnson, who faces Danhausen later tonight.  

Jay Briscoe arrives in the building.  He, too, is without an opponent tonight. We get a history package of The OG Kingdom vs. Vincent and Bateman.  Vincent is a Rhode Island boy.  We stick together.  Quinn McKay finds Jay Briscoe, who accuses EC3 of licking door handles to avoid the match tonight.  He wants to tag with his brother tonight.  Mark informs him that he's already got a partner.  Good thing Shane Taylor is looking for a fight.  WOW.  GREAT addition to the card.

Pure rules tag team match is next as the Foundation, Rhett Titus and Tracey Hot Sauce Williams take on Fred Yehi and Wheeler Yuta.  The Pure Rules for tag team matches remain the same, except they've added that a team member saving another will count as a rope break.  Good seeing Rhett Titus get some seriousness to his character after years of being a comedic bodybuilder.  Williams and Titus being part of Jonathan Gresham's Foundation has given a new lease on Williams' charisma.  Ian and Caprice credit the 1960s WCW run by Jim Barnett as the foundation for Pure Rules Tag Team wrestling.  I learned a lot from Gary Hart's autobiography about how big WCW in Australia was back then.  Yehi and Yuta impressed during the Pure Tournament.  

Three minutes in and each team has used a rope break so far.  I like the use of the clock in these matches as well.  Williams made a blind tag but the referee disallowed it, as Pure Rules dictate tags must be hand to hand.  At the five minute mark, both teams have used their saves/rope breaks.  Really fast paced.  We're told the ROH World Tag Team Title match will kick off the PPV Proper.  They're going right to the top of the hour on this one.  This match got much better once the saves/rope breaks got maxed out.  I'm so used to seeing saves and interference, it's a much different presentation.  I misspoke, Yehi and Yuta had one more save/break, which they used.  Williams gets the tap out with the crossface.

Stay right here as Final Battle formally begins.

No time wasted as the challengers, PCO and Mark Biscoe arrive for their challenge to the World Tag Team Championship.  For those who hadn't followed, PCO and Briscoe are getting this match as Mark Briscoe invoked his rematch clause.  Jay Briscoe opted out as he was obsessed with fighting EC3. This strikes me as more of a makeshift team for tonight.  With Jay Briscoe being angry, I'm thinking some storyline will come out of this.  PCO displays some Jiu-Jitsu skills.  Lethal made the ropes after a cross armbreaker.  I was half expecting the announcement that Lethal has used his first rope break, that's how much Pure Rules matches have been featured on ROH TV.

The pre-match interview by the champions stressed the need to end this one early, as Gresham is pulling double duty.  I cringe every single time PCO misses the cannonball on the apron.  I'd normally say that'll take years off your career, but PCO is older than I am. God only knows how many bumps he has on his card anyway.  We're three matches in to this show and what I'm loving so far is that each and every match has had its high spot with out it being overdone.  Everything the wrestlers have done tonight has had a reason or purpose behind it.  Gresham and Lethal just nailed the Doomsday Device.  PCO kicks out of a shooting star.  I have no problem with that as the character can absorb great amounts of pain.  Gresham with a rollup for the pin.  I can't say I'm a huge fan of the rollup pin but I understand the need to keep the belts on Lethal and Gresham.  The clean pin, I liked, I just feel like they should have dome something a little more devastating.

Dalton Castle vs. Rey Horus is up next, as we were told the match was made official at the top of the hour.  Tony Khan would have made it in mere seconds.  Castle is definitely playing a more serious, lower key character than we've seen before.  It was a mere 3 years ago that Castle won the ROH World Title at Final Battle.  That title reign was snakebit with injuries that really slowed him down in the ensuing years.  Castle might be one of the few wrestlers to really benefit from the Pandemic Era, being forced into time off.  

We are told, by the way, that the ROH Six Man Titles remain with Mexisquad after Shane Taylor refused them on the forfeit.  The story here is that Castle is doing everything he can to keep this one on the ground.  As soon as the action makes it to the outside, though, Horus has his opening. Castle missed a running knee on the outside and let out a yell that didn't seem worked.  Horus is actually excelling here in a more ground based attack.  He's impactful, to be absolutely certain, but he's doing his high flying at the right moment.  Again, it's that issue of the Ring of Honor guys making the highlight reel stuff count.  Castle is definitely looking uncomfortable on that knee.  Horus with a SPECTACULAR Tornado Driver off the second rope for the pin.  Really good match!

I can't praise the commentary of Ian and Caprice enough so far.  I also can't praise Vincent's theme music enough.  It's a perfect background to his Charles Manson persona.  Vita Von Starr accompanies he and Bateman.  I have been looking so forward to Bennett and Taven teaming up after all these years.  Bennett just has a new lease on life and his career.  The de facto number one contender to the UWN World Title's comeback in 2020 has been great to see.  Ian reminds us that Vincent defeated Taven at last year's Final Battle.  ROH used great videos of Taven and Vincent over the course of the year to keep the feud fresh.  They're using the phrase OGK frequently.  Bennett is on FIRE.  I can't believe this is the same guy they had in a subservient husband role on RAW.  Von Star causes the distraction.  I'd love to see Maria come out but with two little ones at home and ROH being very strict about their COVID-19 protocols, she's probably doing the Super Mommy thing.

Bateman and Vincent in complete control after the Von Star distraction until Taven gets the hot tag.  I'm enjoying this one a lot because it's being wrestled like a grudge match. Yes, there've been pinfall attempts, but we're not getting top wristlocks or high armdrags.  Taven lands on his knee hard after a spike piledriver.  Bateman kicks out due to Bennett being distracted for a bit.  Bennett probably should have been more distracted as the kickout was a little too quick after the spike.  I want to be a wrestler.  I could do this...until I see Taven land a frog splash on Vincent's knees.  I'd be in tears crying my eyes out, asking for my mother.  Taven with a frog splash off the top to the outside on Vincent while Bennett has Vincent draped over the apron.  That's otherworldly.  Bennett and Taven get the win, Von Star is not happy s she and concurrent low blows on the OGK.  Taven gets zip tied to the top rope as Von Star chokes him out.  Vincent take out the wooden block he broke Taven's ankle with at last year's Final Battle.  Vincent brings a chair down on Bennett's ankle while Taven is forced to watch.  Bennett is screaming that the ankle is broken.  

Unfortunately I lost access for about 10 minutes and had to catch up.  I love the fact that Brian Johnson was using the mic most of the way through and Danhausen was finally able to turn the tables on him.  The old Eddie Guerrero faking getting hit with an object, leading to a DQ was a good way to get Danhausen his contract while not making Johnson a sacrificial lamb.

ROH World TV Title time as Tony Deppen returns to challenge Dragon Lee.  Amy Rose, representing La Faccion Ingobernobles, joins Ian and Caprice at the booth.  She's giving us both English and Spanish commentary.  Deppen absolutely favoring that neck after the Fatal 4 Way from earlier.  Rose seems to be indicating that Lee is going to take this one fairly easily.  I'll readily grant you that Lee is a bigger International star than Deppen, but Deppen has that ROH "feel" to him.  While he may not get the win or the belt here, it's most imporant that he have a good showing here.  He's forced to having to play the babyface in peril.  Deppen finally gets pushed too far and brishes off the pain he's in.  Deppen just became a dad 3 weeks ago, which has been one of the stories they've been telling throughout this to get over that Deppen could win this one for his boy.

Rose absolutely has some star presence, but she seems a little uncomfortable on commentary.  Deppen comes THIS close to scoring the upset.  Lee can't get the win after a double stomp.  Deppen scores what looks like a snap mare off the second rope and then a hard running knee for 2.  Rose still doesn't seem concerned. Lee with a rana and knee strike for 2.  We're getting into the deep water here.  Lee finally scores the pin with a running knee.  Deppen had a great "never say die" showing here. If tonight was a try out for an ROH contract, I say he passed with flying colors.

Jay Briscoe vs Shane Taylor, another impromptu match made earlier tonight, ought to be a heck of a fight. First time I saw Taylor was in his tag team with Keith Lee.  Lee left and it, unfortunately, seemed like Taylor would end up floundering.  I give him a lot of respect for both dropping weight and finding his character.  He's a bona fide badass, completely believable out there.  No way, shape or form does he look "less than" Jay Briscoe in there tonight.  Jay, of course, has been ROH since Day 1, a former world champion.  I see Taylor moving into that echelon in 2021. The two are brawling on the outside.  ROH is proving that a wrestling company can have action on the outside, perform a 20 count, and get the guys back in before the count out.  Yes, Red Shoes, I'm talking to you.

Let's be real honest, neither of these guys are guys you want to run into in an alley.  They are hitting hard out there.  With these 2 it wouldn't shock me if they had a "fight now, apologize later" agreement going in.  Jay with a Spicoli Driver, that could not have been easy to do.  Mark Briscoe comes out to cheer on his brother.  Ian uses the phrase "despite recent tensions", which is one bone of contention I have with ROH storytelling.  If you think of a wrestling story as a 10 chapter book, ROH sometimes begins the story in the beginning of Chapter 3.  Yes, we saw the issue where Mark chose PCO as a partner due to Jay's EC3 preoccupation, but we never got any indication that Jay was upset about this until tonight.  The story on TV had been Jay being laser focused on EC3 with Mark simply understanding that his brother had to do his own thing.  Shane Taylor with the clean pin with the Greetings from the 216.  This, to me, is a HUGE win for Taylor.  Totally clean, totally decisive.  ROH has a real player in Taylor on their hands.

And now for the match I've been looking forward to the most, Flip Gordon challenging Jonathan Gresham for the ROH Pure Title.  Gordon first wowed me 3 years ago at an XWA show in West Warwick, RI in an amazing match with Ricochet. His progression as a wrestler has been a treat to see.  Gresham talks the talk and walks the walk with his seeming need to be the best Pure wrestler on the planet.  Yes, he's supposed to be a heel, we're supposed to hate him.  But, and this is what I love, this heel's intentions are (excuse the pun) pure.  He's a great wrestler.  He knows it.  He wants YOU to know it.  He has the moral high ground in his own mind AND (here's the kicker) he's done absolutely nothing wrong.  It's just his swagger that makes him a heel. This ought be to outstanding.

Ian said that a Springsteen fan would consider this Born to Run vs. Thunder Road.  Thunder Road vs. Jungleland I think is more appropriate.  Gresham is the Magik Rat, driving his sleek machine.  He's the hunted because he's got the barefoot girl (the title).  Gordon has used 2 rope breaks so far with in the first 3 minutes.  Regardless of the outcome here, Gordon would still be number one contender for the World Title after this. Last week on ROH TV, they made it clear that the Pure, World and TV divisions would be kept separate.  Speaking of ROH TV, I had my very first opportunity recently to see John Walters in action.  Great talent!  At the 7 minute mark, Flip has already used all of his breaks.  With 53 minutes theoretically left in the match, that looms huge.  

Funny thing about Flip.  When he first began to rise to prominence, the Flip moniker existed so you'd know he was a high flyer.  As time has gone by and he's matured, the "flip" portion of his game has been devalued.  I consider that good, by the way.  He's so much more well rounded than he was before.  He's one of those guys who can pull off the milquetoast babyface and vicious heel with out changing much of his facial expressions.  Fifteen minutes have elapsed here and Flip gets his first real shot a victory as he locks in an STF, forcing Gresham to use his 2nd rope break.  Interesting to note that Gresham blocked a power bomb by grabbing the rope but a break wasn't called.  Another Gordon STF and Gresham has used his final break and we've theoretically got a long time to go here.

Gordon uses his closed-fist warning at the 20:00 mark, it didn't seem to have much of an effect.  Another STF by Gordon and Gresham makes the ropes,  No break, though, they've used all 3.  They both fall hard to the outside.  I thought we might get a double count out here.  They get back and Gresham goes into pure strike mode.  Running forearms causes the referee to stop the match as Gordon is defenseless.  Outstanding match BUT Gordon does not adhere to the Code of Honor.  This may be what gets him banned from the Pure Division so as to have a reason for him not to try again.

Big Bad Brody King challenges RUSH for the ROH World Title in tonight's main event.  Interesting to note that Amy Rose does not join the champion at ringside.  King looks to collect his 3rd ROH title, having captured the Six Man and tag team titles in 2019.  Brody is a big guy, but conditioning is not going to be an issue for him.  No sooner do I write that one and King hits a tope suicida to the outside.  I do like the story the announcers remind us of as to how dangerous RUSH is when he's outside the ring.  King get the better of that action by a wide margin.  Big cannonball by King in the corner. Never underestimate the strength of the champion, who nails a big German Suplex.

Action spills to the outside and Rush, this time, does what he does best out there, slamming the door of the barricade into King's head and then whips him with some cable wire.  Todd Sinclair is letting a lot slide by here, getting across that he doesn't want the champion getting away with disqualify himself.  RUSH with complete control since the outside action, he's going through the Tranquilo motions but we can clearly see the champion is getting frustrated.  In an empty arena setting like this, you can really hear the echo from those shops.  Dragon Lee provides the distraction and the champion's father, La Bestia lays out King with a chair.  One Bull's Horns later and the ROH World Champion retains.  La Faccion Ingobernoble, sans Amy Rose and Kenny King (who isn't here tonight), celebrate.  The Foundation comes out to confront them as we go off the air.

A solid show to end Ring of Honor's 2020.  Feels like tonight was a reminder of who their top stars are are where everyone fits in the pecking order.  Thanks for reading!

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