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By Larry Goodman on 2020-09-13 13:09:00

Lariato Pro Wrestling Guild ran the first of what is planned as a regular monthly show in Dublin, GA taped for Impact Plus. 

Impact stars World Champion Eric Young, “The Big LG” Luke Gallows and Heath all went over in their matches. Young also took home the Lariato Championship. 

The Lariato tag titles also changed hands with Regenesis (Franciso Ciatso & Storm Thomas) emerging from a four-way match as the new champions. 

Lariato has found a fabulous venue for these strange times in the Southern Pines Ag & Expo Center, which is an open air arena that affords plenty of room for social distancing and a roof that holds the sound and makes rain a non-issue. It also has excellent lighting and sound. 

Attendance was 200+.

Overall, it was a very good show for its intended audience. Fans seemed generally thrilled, especially the opportunity to hobnob with the Impact stars. The plan is to have a sprinkling of Impact stars on future events, similar to Gallows concept of bringing in stars when he ran WrestleMerica in Barnesville.

Young opened the show with a heelish promo to set up a three-way dance in a steel cage for the Lariato Championship. Dan Sawyer accompanied Micah Taylor to the ring. Sawyer said Taylor was the longest reigning champion in Lariato history and dissed hometown hero Lazer, who joined in saying he wasn’t scared of either of them. 

(1)Spi-ral defeated Fry Daddy in 7:37.  This was an effective opener. The wrestling was totally solid. Spi-ral is flashy flier but he showed his mat skills here, working for  a cross armbreaker. Crowd was behind Fry. Spi-ral didn’t do any rule breaking but had an unpleasant attitude. Fry got a very close near fall with a codebreaker. Spi-ral blocked Fry’s cutter finisher and won it with a Spiral Tap. 

(2) Roman Rozell defeated Tyzin via submission in 7:52. Rozell is out of OVW and bills himself as the only Green Beret in pro wrestling. Tyzin is a snarling, muscular beast of a man. He’s one of Ciatso’s students. Match was OK. Crowd wasn’t feeling this match much. Rozell over with a variation of single leg crab that looked painful. 

(3) Bryce Cannon defeated Clyde Braddock in 3:35. The crowd was hating on Cannon. His gimmick is instant heat in Middle Georgia – a spoiled frat boy in a polo shirt who carries a Greek paddle and a flag depicting a hand holding a White Claw. Two notable spots – Cannon took a great high backdrop. Braddock’s spinning belly to belly suplex got a big reaction. Cannon brought the flag into the ring. As the ref was removing the flag, Cannon whacked Braddock with the paddle. 

(4) Regenesis (Francisco Ciatso & Storm Thomas) defeated Lariato tag champions Scotty Beach & Landon Hale and Damage Inc (Paul Wolfe & Caleb Scott) and George North (aka Nigel Sherrod) & Lariato Man (with Vernon Law) to win the Lariato Tag Team Championship in 11:50. North, Lariato Man and Law are a pure comedy act from Gallows’ Talk’n Shop troupe. Storm is an apt first name for Thomas. He’s one angry man. He also has the goods in the ring. Damage Inc had Hale pinned after a double team. North made the save and the match broke down from there. Regenesis destroyed the champion. Storm pinned Hales with an explosive assisted leg lariat. 

(5) Heath defeated Jay Bradley in 5:22. Short and sweet, fine for what it was. Ringsiders were on their feet with a rousing ovation for Heath’s entrance. Bradley’s attempt to jump the bell was an epic fail.  Heath handed him his ass. Hilarity ensued when Bradley fell through the barricade. Nobody home on Heath’s up and over. Bradley on the attack until a missed Vader elbow drop led to Heath’s comeback and Sweetness. Heath was way over with this crowd.

Bradley threw the barricade around in frustration after the match. 

(6) “The Big LG” Doc Gallows (with Mini Doc) defeated Brad Attitude in 9:03. Attitude was that guy – full Hazmat suit, mask gloves, hand sanitizer. He ran down the Georgia rednecks. Standing O for Gallows who circled ringside annointing fans the “Too Sweet” touch. As Attitude struggled like crazy to get out of the Hazmat suit, Gallows said he just happened to be a Georgia redneck too and was going to whip Attitude’s ass. 

Gallows bounced Attitude around, took him all over the arena, slammed him on the Georgia clay. When Attitude briefly got the upper hand, he shoved Mini Doc down in the dirt. Finish saw Gallows block a superkick and pin Attitude with the choke bomb.

Postmatch – Mini Doc got retribution on Attitude. Gallows said how great it was to be able to perform in front of live crowd again and said Dublin was going to be the capital of Georgia wrestling.

(7) Eric Young defeated Lariato Champion Micah Taylor (with Dan Sawyer) and Lazer in a steel cage match to win the Lariato Championship in 11:30. Heels Young and Taylor worked together against Lazer until the inevitable trouble in paradise. Crowd was behind Lazer strong. He’s nowhere close to Young or Taylor’s league but that was well disguised here. Both heels took big bumps into the cage for him. Taylor was moving well for a guy that is coming off one knee surgery and is heading for another. They did a tower of doom spot with Young taking the giant superplex bump. Sawyer got involved, slamming the cage door into Lazer’s head three times. Lazer made a miracle recovery and did a flying body press off the top of cage onto Taylor. The crowd ate that up. Young then fired Lazer into the cage and pinned Taylor. 

NOTES: The return date for Impact Plus at the Ag & Expo Center is October 10…Lariato will be in Forsyth on September 26…John Johnson and “The Ultimate Pusher” Tyree were the commentary team for Impact Plus…The ring announcer was Mac Davis…The referees were the legendary Scrappy McGowan, his son Jeff McGowan and Impact officials Daniel Tolle and Brandon Spencer…Wrestling notables in the house included John Skyler (pegging early 2021 for his return to the ring), Tracy Taylor, Lizzy and Payton Blair, Trixie and Wolverton…Bob Keller provided the cage and helped with production.

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