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By Mike Johnson on 2020-05-27 20:00:00

Richard Trionfo has a conflict tonight, so I'll be covering NXT tonight, unless he returns and attacks me and takes over.  Time will tell!

We are "live" in the WWE Performance Center.  They stated members of the "NXT Universe" were with them.  It seemed to be a smaller group vs. this past Monday's Raw.

Drake Maverick vs. KUSHIDA vs. Jake Atlas

This is the tie-breaker for the A bracket of the WWE Cruiserweight Tournament.

All three circled.  Atlas was nailed by KUSHIDA.  He sent Maverick up and over but Maverick caught KUSHIDA with a glancing dropkick.  Atlas nailed a moonsault to the floor on KUSHIDA and followed up with a springboard into a blockbuster on Maverick into the ring.   KUSHIDA came back to nail everyone with palm strikes, controlling the ring.  Atlas lifted him into an Electric Chair position,  Maverick kicked him from the ropes.  They nailed a double German suplex for a double pin but everyone kicked up as they went to commercial...

When they returned, everyone was battling with each other, launching strikes.   Maverick nailed Atlas with a kick to the face, then executed a missile dropkick off the ropes for a two count on KUSHIDA.  Atlas went to the apron but was knocked off by KUSHIDA, who then nailed a big dive to the outside.  KUSHIDA took out Maverick and locked on a Hover Lock but Atlas broke up the submission.

Atlas nailed an inverted suplex on Atlas for a two count.  Lots of near falls.  Kawada kicks to the face of Maverick.  Atlas nailed big punches on each.  Atlas caught KUSHIDA rebounding off the ropes and nailed a back suplex.  Atlas nailed the Rainblow DDT on Maverick but KUSHIDA pulled him outside as he covered Drake.  They all battled to the top rope.  Maverick was locked the Hoverlock by KUSHIDA.  Atlas nailed KUSHIDA but was caught with an armbreaker on the top.  KUSHIDA nailed a Judo toss off the ropes, trapping him on the mat.  Maverick dove atop of Atlas and the referee counted three while Atlas was locked in the hold.

Your winner, advancing to the finals, Drake Maverick!

A good match.  All action all the way through with a nice.  Having the crowd reaction made all the difference in the world here.

 Maverick's dream lives on, putting him in a do or die situation with Hijo del Fantasma, which has a great hook to keep viewers interested.Fantasma came out.  Drake told him he was going to win the title, his job and his life.  Good stuff. 

They claimed TV Guide broke the Women's Triple Threat Match for In Your House on 6/7.  

Backstage, Kurt Angle was giving instructions to Timothy Thatcher for the Cage Fight.  They announced it can only end via KO or tapout.

They showed a replay that showed Atlas was tapping as the referee was counting pinfall, but the referee's decision is final.   Good thing for Drake this wasn't under Stadium Stampede rules!

Johnny Gargano and Candice LaRae came out.  They were booed.  He told them they have a company to work for because of him.  He's about making this place better.  He said there's a few good hands and they want to give people opportunities.  He wants to do that and tonight will be the first ever Johnny Gargano Invitational.  A young performer will get the chance to step into the ring with him.  It could be anyone but tonight it will be Adrian Alanis...Gargano thought it was Adrian Adonis at first.  That would be quite the feat.

Adrian Alanis vs. Johnny Gargano

They noted on commentary Alanis is an EVOLVE competitor.  I heard Gabe Sapolsky cackling with glee all the way in NYC.

Gargano attacked him.  Alanis tried to mount a comeback but was wiped out with a superkick and locked in the Gargano Escape.  He tapped.

Your winner, Johnny Gargano!

Good squash to get over Gargano as a heel with no redeeming qualities.

On the Titantron, Mia Yim and Keith Lee were having a dinner, a vignette mocking the recent Gargano family dinner.   They mocked them as classless.  Mia mocked Candice's recent promos.  Keith's reaction was hilarious.  She invited him to try one.  He said Gargano was the same size as his action figure.  That was a great line.  They held a toast to making the Garganos pay.  Yim's delivery was one of the best she's had on the mic in NXT.  Lee showed some nice charisma.

Backstage, Drake Maverick was interviewed.  He felt bad that KUSHIDA had gotten the tapout and offered to face KUSHIDA again.  KUSHIDA showed up and told him to go fight for the title and win.  Maverick said that he respects KUSHIDA and when Drake wins, KUSHIDA will get the first shot.  They shook hands.  Drake was excited he's in the finals.

WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Imperium declared they had taken over the Tag Team belts.  They said the belts are not coming off their shoulders.  They said Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are a disgrace to themselves and their respective countries.  They said they set the rules now and the mat is sacred.

Shotzi Blackheart vs. Raquel Gonzales (with Dakota Kai)

Raquel used her strength to overpower Shotzi early on.  Blackheart escaped a wheelbarrow suplex attempt and went for a rana off the ropes but was caught.  She went for a sunset flip but slipped out.  Raquel missed an elbow.  Blackhear nailed a series of kicks that sent Raquel into the ropes.  Blackheart dove towards the ropes but Kai warned Gonzales to move.  Blakckheart bounced off the ropes and crashed onto the mat.  Raquel nailed the elbow.  Kai got in Shotzi's toy bank and drove it, then started vandalizing it.  Tegan Nox showed up and knocked Kai out of the tank.  Raquel and Shotzi continued to battle as they went to commercial...

When they returned to the ring, Shotzi was sent into the corner.  Raquel worked her over and slammed Blackheart for a two count.    

The crowd chanted for Blackheart as she kept kicking out and surviving.  She nailed a series of kicks as Raquel was trying to lift her from the mat.  Blackheart avoided a charge in the corner and nailed a back senton splash on Raquel, who was on her hands and knees.  

Raquel went to the floor.   Shotzi did a trust fall style backwards dive on Gonzales and Kai, which looked freightening.  Nox tried to help Shotzi up, but Candice LaRae came out and shoved her.  The referee got involved, which prevented him from seeing Kai got involved, grabbing Shotzi as she went for a Dudley Dog.  That allowed Raquel to nail her and score the pin.

Your winner, Raquel Gonzales!

A little clunky at times but you can't help but appreciate the risks Blackheart was taking.  That dive was insanely scary.  Gonzales is still finding herself in the ring but in the instances she plays monster heel, she looks really strong.  She just needs time and seasoning.  Overall, this was a nice backdrop for storyline-driven stuff.

They aired a video feature on Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor.

WWE NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair & mystery partner vs. Io Shirai & Rhea Ripley

Charlotte's partner was Chelsea Green with Robert Stone.

Rhea and Green start out.  Green plays mind games and Rhea wants Flair in the ring.   Green slaps her but Rhea gets pissed, kicks her and drills Green to the mat.  Flair leaves the apron when Rhea approaches.  Rhea nails her with a headbutt and staggers backwards.  Io tags herself in and hits a series of great, electric offensive maneuvers.  Io sends her into the ropes and went for a kick but Green moved and Io rudely was sent to the floor.  Green nailed a tope to the outside.

With her team firmly in control, Flair finally tagged in briefly.  Green tagged back in but was sent to the floor, where Io hit a tope of her own.  She sent Green into the barricade and nailed a series of kicks.  Io went for a whip but it was reversed and she was sent into the barricade as they went to commercial...

When they returned, Flair had Shirai in a standing chinlock.  She and Green had a miscommunication but the referee missed Rhea tag in, so she was held back.  Green and Flair continued working over Io.  Rhea finally made the hot tag and scored a dropkick on Green.  She covered Green but Flair nailed a big boot to break up the pinfall.  Flair tagged in and went for the figure eight but Io dove in with a double stomp to break that up.

Shirai tagged in and nailed a double knee attack in the corner for a two count.  Io went for a double underhook but was backdropped over.   Shirai nailed a missile dropkick on Green, who hit the ring.  Flair went after Rhea in the corner.  Io accidentally crashed into Rhea while charging Charlotte.  Flair rolled her up and used the ropes for leverage, scoring the pin.

Your winner, Charlotte Flair & Chelsea Green!

This was OK.  I don't think they ever got into a second gear but the work was fine.  The best part was the finish, which left everyone involved in the Women's Championship Triple Threat Match at odds with each other.

Backstage, the Garganos were asked about the "entertaining" dinner from Mia and Lee.  They lost it on that being called entertaining, saying the interviewer was unprofessional.  Candice LaRae challenfed Mia Yim for next week.  She told Tegan Nox she should be ashamed of herself.

They said that due to issues with NXT Champion Adam Cole and The Velveteen Dream, there are going to be negotiations between Cole and William Regal.  Cole complained that due to Dream, he can't have his celebration as champion.  Regal said he had no time for whining and asked what Cole wants.  Cole wants The Undisputed Era to get another shot at the Tag Titles.  Cole also wants Dream to never step foot into his building, ring or business ever again.  Regal said he deserves another chance and it will probably will happen at Takeover: In Your House.  Cole asked why Velveteen Dream gets such charity given he's such a self-obsessed person.  Regal said they both crave the spotlight.  Cole was upset he was compared to Dream, it's comparing a sports car to a toy car.  Regal told him to negotiate like a man, not a BAY-BAY.  Cole said that was the best joke since Regal was a MAN'S MAN.  Cole wanted Regal to rule that if Dream gets a title shot at Takeover and if Dream loses, he will never get a chance again at the title.  Regal promised he would find an environment suitable for each of them and the title, so it sounds like another cinematic style presentation.

They aired a nice personality piece on Lorcan and Birch.

Leon Ruff vs. Tommaso Ciampa.

Tommaso Ciampa came out to the ring for a promo,  Scarlett Bordeaux came out and watched the ring.  That distracted Ciampa.  Ruff rolled him up for a two count.  This pissed off Ciampa who nailed a stiff knee to the jaw for a two count and worked over Ruff, turning to stare down Scarlett. Ciampa wiped out Ruff and scored the pin.

Your winner, Leon Ruff (just kidding)

Ciampa gets the pin but this was more a backdrop to the Ciampa-Scarlett staredown.  Fine as a way to build up the Takeover bout.

Scarlett walked away and faced the Titantron.  Kross appeared on the Titantron, with only his eyes appearing.  He promised to make Ciampa feel something he had never felt in his life at Takeover.  Tick Tock.  Tick Tock.  The screen went black and Scarlett turned to smile at Ciampa.  Kross is a hell of a promo.

NXT CAGE FIGHT: Timothy Thatcher vs. Matt Riddle  with Kurt Angle as the Guest Referee - Tapout or Knockout

There is no ring canvas, no ring ropes, a cage and a walkway around the top of the cage.

They worked this as a MMA-pro wrestling hybrid.  They each started in opposite corners on the top of the cage.  Riddle jumped down, rolled through and leapt up with a big strike.  He drilled Thatcher with strikes and took him down with a double leg takedown.  He grabbed a rear nake choke but Thatcher rolled through and grabbed a sleeper of his own.  Riddle used the cage for leverage to escape and nailed a German suplex.  

Riddle nailed him with the Showtime Kick.  Angle began counting him down for a Knockout.  Thatcher got up but spit out several teeth and was bloody.  Angle called for a doctor to look at Thatcher.  Angle was holding two teeth in his gloved hand.  The doctor asked Thatcher if he could bite down.  Thatcher said he could and the doctor said he was good to go as they went to commercial....

After the commercial, Riddle was working over Thatcher in the corner.  Thatcher fired back with a double hammerlock and they battled back and forth with strikes.  Thatcher went for a Fujiwara armbar but Riddle escaped.  He nailed a butterfly suplex and locked on a one-legged crab.   Thatcher began nailing a series of knees to the body.  Thatcher continued working him over and nailed a butterfly suplex.  He went for an armbar but Riddle broke free.  Thatcher continued to control him until Riddle finally reversed and mounted him from behind.

He tied up Thatcher on the mat.  Thatcher grabbed his ankle and controlled him on the mat, peppering it with elbows.  Thatcher and Riddle went back and forth.  Thatcher was caught for a powerbomb but pulled himself up on the catwalk to escape.  Riddle tried to follow but was stomped as he made his way up.  They battled back and forth with strikes and kicks on the catwalk.  There was a second referee atop with them.  

Thatcher caught Riddle with an anklelock as Riddle hung off the catwalk, the blood rushing to the top of his head.  Riddle fought his way out but missed a back senton splash on the catwalk.  Thatcher nailed him with a suplex on here.  They each teased suplexing the other into the ring but Riddle nailed a Ripcord knee, sending Thatcher into the ring.  Riddle nailed a twisting moonsault off the catwalk onto Thatcher.  The crowd chanted, "This is awesome."

The announcers teased Thatcher could have a broken rib.  Riddle nailed a series of kicks to the chest as Thatcher was trapped against the cage.  He stiffly beat the crap out of him.   Thatcher snapped on a sleeper and mounted his back.  Riddle dove backwards to break it but Thatcher snapped it back on again.  He choked Riddle out.  The referee raised his arm three times and it dropped.

Your winner, Timothy Thatcher!

Brutal match that was designed to feel like a MMA fight with some pro wrestling meshed in and man, this felt, fresh, real, raw and legit.  They made Thatcher a player here as he took a beating and rebounded like a badass.  A great, gritty main event!

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