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By Anthony Pires on 2020-05-12 20:01:00

William Patrick Corgan welcomes up to a very special edition of Powerrr, it’s SuperPowerrr, what would have been the Go-Home show for the ill fated Crockett Cup.  Mr. Corgan will have a very special announcement at the end of tonight’s show.

Would it have killed them to open with Dokken’s melodic “Into the Fire” just once for old times sake?

We are in the GPB Studios and Joe Galli and Stu Bennett welcome us.  Dave Marquez welcomes Marty Scurll and Brody King.  Scurll reminds us that when you mess with the Villain, you mess with the entire Enterprise.  King reminds us that he and PCO are the defending Crockett Cup champions and that Nick Aldis’ time as NWA World’s Champion is up.

We see highlights of the melee between Alysin Kay and Melina, in which Kamille joined in and attacked Kay and had a staredown with NWA World Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa.

Kamille vs. Madi Maxx

Spear right into the turnbuckle by Kamille, she put the boots to Max.  Biel throw by Kamille and she hits a big charge in the corner.  Bodyslam by Kamille, Maxx fires some right hands and goes for a sunset flip.  Kamille picks her up by the head and hits a leg lariat.  Kamille stomps Maxx on the canvas, she’s just toying with her at this point.  Maxx tries a crossbody but is caught.  Kamille turns it into a forward takedown, followed by a spear for the pin.

WINNER: Kamille

Joe Galli is FINALLY going to get his interview.  Kamille stares him down and walks off.  We cut to pre-recorded comments from Kamille spliced in with personal photos and career photos.  She talks about how people hated her because she was so gifted.  Kicked out of softball due to jealous parents, she played with the boys, whose parents kept their own stats on her to make sure they weren’t padded to make their sons look bad.  She also played in the Lingerie Football League, apparently.

Enter 2018, and Nick Aldis hires her to be his insurance policy after the events of All In.  Very well done as the entire thing is soundbytes.  We never actually see Kamille speak.  She puts the entire NWA on notice.  We should all be worried because Kamille is here to end all of you.  THAT is the only line we actually see her speak. 

We are reminded of Aron Steven’s attack on Trevor Murdoch, followed by Stevens and The Question Mark challenging the Rock n Roll Express.

Sean Mooney is at the desk and he brings out The Rock n Roll Express.  They talk about wanting The Crockett Cup and head to the ring.

The Rock n Roll Express vs. Aron Stevens and The Question Mark

Morton and the Question Mark kick us off.  Lockup and an arm twist by Mark.  Mongrovian Chop by the sensei of Mongrovian Karatay.  Stevens tags in and misses an elbow, he cowers to the ropes.  Tag in to the Mark.  Atlanta loves them the Rock n Roll Express.  Question Mark reverses a whip and hits Morton with an overhead chop.  Stevens tags in and eats an armdrag. He makes like a pinball as Morton and Gibson take turns punching him.  Morton with a cover for 2.  Eye rake by Stevens.  Trevor Murdoch comes out to keep tabs on Stevens.  Stevens with the mic, he calls time out and brings out Question Mark Jr, who looks a lot like Brian Milonas.  Head butt by Stevens, he mocks Morton.  Murdoch chases Junior, who collapses after 20 feet.  Schoolboy rollup by Morton on Stevens for the pin.

WINNERS: The Rock n Roll Express

We see highlights of the Outlandish Zicky Dice winning the NWA Television Championship from Ricky Starks.  Dice poses for his adoring public.

We are shown a history package of the trio of Melina, Thunder Rosa and Marti Belle, up to and including the very odd Melina vs. Rosa match where Melina simply walked away.    Kyle Davis brings out Melina, who declares herself a living legend.  Her walk out was smart as the situation previously was unfair.  She didn’t exactly explain why.  Allysin Kay joins the interview, who declares her intention of challenging to get the title back.  Before then, she wants to get her hands on Melina, who she declares a coward.

This brings out NWA World Womens Champion Thunder Rosa.  Rosa reminds Melina that she doesn’t need Melina’s help as champion.  Rosa has no idea what arrangement Melina was talking about.  Rosa declares she wants a triple threat match.

Tony Falk is with us for a waffles and tire irons commercial.

We see highlights of Tim Storm’s recent issues with Danny Deals, including Deals mocking Mama Storm.  Eventually, Deals brought out Jax Dane to challenge Storm

No Disqualification: Jax Dane vs. Tim Storm.

Dane attacks as Storm comes through the curtain.  Dane with an avalanche and a belly to belly suplex.  Dane takes it to the outside and Storm meets him with right hands and sends Dane into the steps.  Eye rake by Dane, the two are fighting in the crowd.  Storm with elbows.  They make it to the top of the stands of the GPB Studios.  Dane takes Storm down with clubbing forearms.  Storm throws him into the wall.  Dane sends Storm down with a kneelift and a kick, which sends Storm dow the steps halfway. 

At ringside, Storm sends Dane into the actual Crockett Cup, Dane fights back with Forearms, the two are going back and forth.  Big open hand chops exchanged.  Dane with an overhead belly to belly on the floor.  Dane brings it back in the ring along with a chair.  Storm reverses a whip and Dane narrowly avoids running into the chair.  Big clothesline by Storm. Dane gets right up and hits the Dane Event (samoan drop).  He charges the corner but Storm moves and Dane goes headfirst into the chair.  Storm with the Perfect Storm on Dane for the pin.

WINNER: Tim Storm

As a result of this victory, Tim Storm gets 5 minutes with Danny Deals.  Lots of stalling, Deals puts on glasses and puts on the Mama Storm outfit.  This will not endear him to Storm, who takes off the glasses and wig from Deals.  Deals tries to go for a hug.  Storm instead hits the Perfect Storm.  The fans want another and they get it.  Storm walks off to cheers. 

Time for May Valentine’s Diary.  She’s sad that boyfriend Royce Isaacs threatened to break Sal Rinauro’s other arm.  Isaacs, according to May, is becoming so jealous she doesn’t even recognize him anymore.  She says Sal is a good guy who doesn’t deserve any of this.  This incident has cost her almost 100 followers. 

Marti Belle vs. Ashley Vox vs. Tasha Steelz

Vox with a headlock on Steelz, Steelz takes her down with a shoulderblock.  Belle is content to stand on the apron.  Takedown by Vox for 2.  Belle sends Vox into the buckle and goes to work on both.  Belle suplexes Vox.  Vox blocks the follow up.  Russian Leg Sweep on Steelz for 2.  Belle attacks both with forearms.  Vox ducks a Belle clothesline and delivers a headbutt.  Now Vox and Belle have an uneasy alliance where they take turns on Steelz.  Vox with a superkick on Belle.  Vox with an armbar on Steelz, Belle breaks it up.  Codebreaker by Tasha Steelz on Belle for the pin.

WINNER: Tasha Steelz

We get highlights of the issues between Eddie Kingston and The Pope, including Eli Drake and James Storm beating the Pope’s hired guns, the Bouncers, on the NWA’s last episode. 

Dave Marquez welcomes Eddie, Drake and Storm to the interview table.  Kingston says he’s highly distracted in his personal life.  Their recent alliance is forged from a long history across the wrestling world.  Kingston says his focus is 100% on the Pope. After some words by Storm, Drake wants to talk to the people.  Drake points out how he and Storm want the Crockett Cup. Drake invites any tag team from around the world to come to the NWA for a shot at those tag team titles.

NWA World Champion Nick Aldis and Thom Lattimer vs. Brody King & Marty Scurll

Aldis teases locking up with Scurll but immediately tags out.  Scurll with a little mind games as he tags in King.  King and Lattimer lock up.  King misses a chop and Lattimer applies a headlock.  King throws him off and we have a shoudlerblock stalemate.  Lattimer with a dropkick, King rebounds with a big shoulderblock.  King rips off Lattimers shirt and applies hard chops.  King off the ropes, Aldis meets him with a kneelift.  Lattimer off the ropes, Scurll returns the favor.  Scurll tags in and referee Brian Hebner warns the VE corner about the illegal knee from the outside man.  As he’s arguing with King, Scurll off the ropes, he pretends to get hit by Aldis.  Hebner yells at Aldis while King and Scurll double team.

Splash by King for 2.  Forearms by King, he tags in Scurll. Arm wringer by Scurll.  Superkick on the apron by Scurll.  Lattimer sends Scurll into the post.  Back in the ring, Aldis tags in.  Aldis goes after Scurll with kicks and rakes his face across the top rope.  Lattimer tags in and hits an atomic knee drop on Scurll.  Elbow by Lattimer for 2.  Lattimer slows things down with a chinlock.  Scurll blocks a suplex and hits one of his own.  King and Aldis both tag in and King has to go to work on both members of Strictly Business. 

Scurll assists King with a German Suplex.  Piledriver by King for 2.  Scurll hits a superkick to Aldis’ midsection and teases the chicken wing.  This brings out Kamille.  While the referee is distracted, Aldis goes to hit scurll with Scurll’s umbrella.  Scurll ducks.  Royce Isaacs runs out and he gets the business end of the umbrella.  Scurll with a tope on to Isaacs.  King with a Lariat on Lattimer, Lattimer counters with a low blow.  Aldis with an elbow off the top on King for the pin.

WINNERS: Nick Aldis and Thom Lattimer

Strictly Business celebrates as we go to Mr. Corgan.

Mr. Corgan is very proud of hi roster.  Next week we will debut a new show while we wait for the NWA to be able to present wrestling again.  The show is called Carnyland.  He goes into no detail.  We will have to see for ourselves as to what it’s about as we go to credits.

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