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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-05-08 21:59:00

Mandy Rose is in the back getting ready for her match and Otis checks to see if she is ready.  Mamdy says this is a long time coming.  Otis asks how can he help and Mandy tells Otis to focus on Money in the Bank because he has it.  Mandy kisses Otis and walks away.

We see Sonya getting ready and she says she is ready to deal with five years of problems with Mandy.  Dolph says he will be watching in the back and he asks Sonya to take it easy on the face and Sonya says she can't make any promises.

We are at the WWE Performance Center and your announcers are Michael Cole and Corey Graves.

Match Number One:  Mandy Rose versus Sonya Deville

Mandy with a running knee as the bell rings and then she kicks and punches Sonya.  Sonya kicks Mandy away and Sonya with a knee.  Mandy with a forearm and Sonya goes down.  Mandy with punches and Sonya goes to the floor.  Sonya with a kick from the apron followed by a sliding knee to the back of the leg.  Sonya with another sliding knee for a near fall.  Sonya asks Mandy if she thinks she is better than her.  Sonya kicks Mandy in the leg and slaps Mandy.  Sonya with a waist lock take down and a body scissors.  Sonya continues to taunt Mandy.

Sonya with a rear chin lock and she rips off Mandy's eye lashes.  Mandy leans back to try to get a near fall.  Sonya with a kick.  Sonya continues to yell at Mandy and she kicks Mandy in the chest.  Mandy with clotheslines to stop Sonya.  Mandy with a running knee and Sonya goes to the floor.  Mandy slams Sonya's head into the announce table and ring steps a few times.  The referee continues his count and Mandy send Sonya over the announce table.  They get back into the ring and Mandy goes for a double underhook.  Mandy has a knee blocked and Sonya with a rollup and a handful of tights for the three count.

Winner:  Sonya Deville

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two:  Big E, Kofi Kingston, Lince Dorado, and Gran Metalik versus Wesley Blake, Steve Cutler, Miz, and John Morrison (with Jaxson Ryker)

Miz and Kofi start things off and they lock up.  Kofi tries to take Miz to the mat and he does with a wrist lock.  Miz with a wrist lock.  Kofi with a hammer lock and Miz backs Kofi into the corner.  Miz misses a punch and Kofi fights out of the corner.  All eight men are in the ring and the referee wants things under control.  Big E sends Kofi over the top rope onto The Forgotten Sons.  Lince and Metalik with suicide dives onto Miz and Morrison as we go to commercial.

We are back and Blake kicks Big E in the corner.  Big E with an abdominal stretch and he knocks Cutler to the floor when he tries to interfere.  Big E with a back elbow and Kofi tags in for a leap frog senton and a near fall.  Kofi with a drop kick and then he tags in Big E.  Kofi with a splash followed by one from Big E.  Dorado and Metalik tag in and Metalik with a splash off Dorado for a near fall.  Metalik with a wrist lock and Kofi tags in.  Kofi with a double stomp to the arm and then he gets a near fall.

Kofi with an Irish whip and Cutler pulls Blake out of the way and Kofi hits the ring post ona  splash.  Miz tags in and kicks Kofi.  Miz with another kick to Kofi and then Morrison tags in and they Irish whip Kofi into the corner.  Miz with an Awesome Clothesline and Morrison with a rolling Alabama Slam and running knee to the head for a near fall.  Cutler tags in and he punches and kicks Kofi.  Cutler with a back elbow and he chokes Kofi in the ropes.  Ryker with a punch to Kofi from the floor.  

Blake tags in and he head butts Kofi.  Kofi knocks Cutler off the apron but Blake knocks Kofi off the apron and hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz with a knee to Kofi and he tags Morrison back in.  Morrison with a springboard round kick for a near fall.  Morrison with a kick to the back.  Morrison with punches and he tags Blake into the match.  Blake and Morrison with forearms.  Blake with an abdominal stretch and Cutler tags in.  Kofi with a hip toss but they stop Kofi from making the tag.  Kofi avoids Cutler and he goes to the floor.  Miz grabs Kofi but Kofi kicks him away.  Kofi dives into the corner but Big E, LInce, and Metalik are all pulled off the apron. 

Big E is sent into the ring steps while Kofi hits Miz with SOS.  Morrison tags in and so does Metalik and Metalik with a springboard cross body.  Metalik with a springboard head scissors and he hits a springboard drop kick.  Dorado tags in and he is caught by Cutler and Blake.  Dorado with a handspring double cutter.  Metalik with a springboard rana that is blocked but Metalik with a destroyer.  Dorado with a spike rana to Morrison.  Metalik with a moonsault and Dorado with a shooting star press.  Kofi leaps off the turnbuckles and then Blake goes to the floor.  Big E with snake eyes while Kofi hits a kick.  Miz sends Big E over the topre.  Cutler with a stomp while Blake hits a reverse DDT on Big E.  Blake power bombs Kofi onto Big E.

Morrison kicks Metalik off the turnbuckles.  Dorado with a sunset flip to Morrison for a near fall.  Dorado with a crucifix bomb and then Morrison lands on his feet on Starship Pain.  Dorado with a poisonrana to Morrison but Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

Winners:  Miz, John Morrison, Wesley Blake, and Steve Cutler

Kayla Braxton is with Baron Corbin in the back.  He is asked about tonight's six man tag match.  He says he is teaming with two assassins against Drew Gulak and Daniel Bryan.  They beat them down so bad and then made them kiss the foot of the king.  Who would want to be their partner.  Baron says he is looking past tonight to Sunday.  He says he is thinking about the way he can torture his opponents.  How far can Rey Mysterio fly?  He does not mind knocking on every door to find Aleister Black.  Otis won't get off the first floor.  He will feel like his girlfriend, a loser.  Baron says he can feel the fresh air filling his lungs as King Money in the Bank.

We go to commercial.

Renee Young is in the ring and she is joined by Jeff Hardy.  Renee mentions the video feature that has aired over the last few weeks, she asks what does Jeff have left to prove.  Jeff says he has seen the highs and the lows.  Every low taught him how to get up.

We see Sheamus in the back and he does not care.

Jeff says he can still hear your voices chanting his name.  You have stuck with him through his entire career.  He asks for you to stay with him for one more good run.

Sheamus is still in the back and he cannot believe this is what we have been waiting for.

Jeff says he is surprised that Sheamus has not come out yet because he heard what Sheamus had to say.

Sheamus makes his way to the stage.  He says this is the saddest thing he has seen.  Begging his dealers for one more sip off the bottle and they aren't even here for a pity swig?  Nobody will say it to Jeff's face, but he will.  The people loved the high flying maniac, the champion who held every title under the sun, but they are tired of you. They are tired the suspensions, the releases, and the no shows.  They are tired of the second chances.

Jeff says Sheamus knows a lot about him for being a hater.

Sheamus says he isn't a hater.  How many false comebacks can you have before you realize they aren't coming back.

Jeff tells Sheamus to ask himself fella.

Sheamus says he is not afraid of the hard truths.  Everybody knows that Jeff's next failure is right around the corner, other than Jeff.  Sheamus says he has been snuffing Smackdown's weakest flames and now it is time to put yours out.

Hardy with a flying boot to Sheamus as he enters the ring.  Hardy with Whisper in the wind followed by a Twist of Fate.  Hardy goes up top for a Swanton and hits it.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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