We take a look back at what happened last week on NXT.
We are at Full Sail University and your announcers are Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton.
Officials are in the back and we see referees on the phone looking for Finn Balor. We are told that the scheduled main event will not happen tonight.
Velveteen Dream is on the turnbuckles mocking Finn Balor.
Dream says new levels, new devils. In the Dream's experience, you are dealing with the same demons. The Dream says he has been stood up by a demon. He says he is referring to Finn Baylor.
The music for the Undisputed Era plays and Adam Cole makes his way to the stage.
Cole says that many thought that the winner of the match between Dream and Balor would be the number one contender for his title. This is a little convenient since Balor is not here. You are trying to weasel your way into a title match. You can dream all you want but I am your reality. Cole says he has no idea what happened to Finn Balor, but I know what will happen to you.
Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish attack Dream from behind and then Cole joins in the attack. Strong and Fish hold Dream for Cole but Keith Lee makes his way to the ring and he fights off all three men. Lee with a shoulder tackle to Strong and a clothesline to Fish. Lee gives Cole a POUNCE that forces all three members of Undisputed Era to the floor.
Match Number One: Shotzi Blackheart and Tegan Nox versus Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez
Gonzalez goes for a kick but Nox moves and tries for a rollup. Shotzi tags in and Nox with a kick to the knee. Shotzi with kicks followed by a springboard head scissors attempt but Gonzalez is able to stay on her feet. Shotzi with a drop kick and Kai tags in. Shotzi avoids Kia and Shotzi with an arm drag and face plant. Shotzi with a back senton to Kai in the corner. Nox with a Cannonboar and then Gonzalez is sent to the floor. Shotzi with a springboard cross body onto Gonzalez and Kai as we go to commercial.
We are back and Gonzalez with a Gory Special. We see footage of Kai and Gonzalez working over Shotzi during the commercial break. Kai tags in and hits a bicycle kick while Shotzi lays over the turnbuckles. Kai gets a near fall. Kai misses the running boot into the corner when Shotzi moves. Blackheart with a tag and Gonzalez tags in. Nox with chops to Gonzalez followed by punches. Nox with clotheslines but Gonzalez does not leave her feet. Nox with a stomp to the foot and European uppercut. Nox with a head butt and Gonzalez stays on her feet. Gonzalez misses a splash and Nox with a European uppercut and kick. Nox goes up top and stops Kai from interfering. Nox comes off the turnbuckles and Gonzalez catches Nox and hits a fallaway slam.
Shotzi tags in and hits a seated splash for a near fall. Kai kicks Nox from the floor but Shotzi goes for a wheelbarrow move. Gonzalez counters with a one arm power bomb for the three count.
Winners: Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai
We are told that Velveteeen Dream will team with Keith Lee against Roderick Strong and Adam Cole in the main event.
We take a look at Drake Maverick's video after his release. Drake says he is not done and he has a story to tell. This is not about the tournament, it is about his life. He says he has three matches. When he sat in that chair, he said he doesn't want people to feel sorry for him. He will give everything he has in these matches. He is not done with this company. He is going to go out as the NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Jake Atlas says he is from Los Angeles and he honed his craft out there. This means so much to him. He wants to break barriers and prove to the people who have supported him that if you try to do something, you can do it. He says the odds are against him but he has been breaking stereotypes.
Match Number Two: Drake Maverick (0-0) versus Jake Atlas (0-0) in a Block A Match in the Interim Cruiserweight Title Tournament
They lock up and Maverick with a side head lock. Atlas holds on to the ropes to avoid an O'Connor Roll. Atlas goes for a moonsault but lands on his feet when Maverick moves. Drake goes for the leg and he takes Atlas to the mat and applies a side head lock. Maverick with a wrist lock and Atlas escapes a Tequila Sunrise attempt. Maverick with a kick to the leg. Atlas puts Drake on the apron and Drake with a shoulder and he slides under Atlas. Maverick with a drop kick and Atlas catches Drake and Drake with a head scissors that sends Atlas over the top rope to the floor while Drake lands on the apron.
Maverick sends Atlas back into the ring. Atlas with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Atlas with a hard Irish whip. Atlas with a waist lock take down. Drake runs to the turnbuckles and Atlas goes face first into the turnbuckles. Atlas misses a shoulder in the corner and hits the ring post. Maverick with a European uppercut and Atlas with an Irish whip and Drake floats over. Drake sends Atlas into the turnbuckles and then Drake kicks Atlas in the arm and hits a missile drop kick.
Maverick with Tequila Sunrise but Atlas escapes and goes to the floor. Drake with a suicide dive and then he sends Atlas back into the ring. Drake goes up top. Maverick with an elbow drop for a near fall. Atlas with a super kick and both men are down. Allas goes to the turnbuckles and Drake with a palm thrust to stop Jake. Maverick sets for a Frankensteiner but Atlas holds on to the turnbuckles. Altas with a cartwheel from the top rope into a DDT for the three count.
Winner: Jake Atlas (1-0)
Jake is congratulated on his victory and he says he is on top of the world right now. Jake wants to say something to Drake but Drake just goes to the back. Jake says Drake gave him a hell of a fight. One down, two to go. He vows to become the next NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a Keith Lee video package and Damian Preist says he does not care about Keith's family or his journey. All he cares about is the North American Championship. He has been giving chances to people he knew he could beat. He hand picked Cameron Grimes and Dijakovic. He knew he could beat them. The Triple Threat wasn't your fault, it was Regal's, but you couldn't beat him. Priest says he hits hard and you felt my power. I am the one man who can put limits on you. You call yourself a moment maker, and I have a moment for you. My first main event, but now I am thinking of a bigger moment. When I beat you and become the new North American Title. When I have my name live forever.
KUSHIDA syas he has been preparing for this tournament. He says the WWE does not show the Cruiserweight Title the respect it deserves. He vows to take the title back to Japan.
Tony Nese says last year at Wrestlemania, he walked out as champion. KUSHIDA has experience in round robin tournaments and has won, but Tony says he wasn't in those tournaments. KUSHIDA cannot hang with him. He says that he believes he is still the champion.
Match Number Three: KUSHIDA (0-0) versus Tony Nese (0-0) in a Block A Match in the Interim Cruiserweight Championship Tournament
They lock up and Nese sends KUSHIDA to the mat and then Nese poses. They lock up and Nese with a waist lock take down. KUSHIDA with a front face lock. KUSHIDA keeps Nese from escaping and he rides the back and then poses to mock Nese. Nese works on the legs. KUSHIDA goes for a crossface chicken wing and settles on a hammer lock. Nese backs KUSHIDA to the ropes and Nese pie faces KUSHIDA and KUSHIDA with forearms. Nese with a shot to the throat and then Nese leaps over the top rope to the floor and drops KUSHIDA on the top rope. Nese sends KUSHIDA Into the guardrails. Nese gets a near fall.
KUSHIDA with forearms and he goes up top and hits a chop to the top of the head. KUSHIDA sets for a handspring move but Nese grabs the hand and then sends KUSHIDA into the guardrails as we go to commercial.
We are back and Nese with a body scissors. KUSHIDA with forearms to escape the hold. Nese with a chop. KUSHIDA with chops and Nese is sent to the apron. Nese drops KUSHIDA on the top rope. Nese goes for the double jump moonsault but KUSHIDA moves. KUSHIDA with a handspring back elbow to Nese followed by a hip toss and cartwheel followed by a drop kick. KUSHIDA with a punch to Nese followed by a kick to the arm. Nese with a punch but KUSHIDA with kicks to the arm. Nese with a pump handle slam attempt but KUSHIDA counters with a Hoverboard Lock and body scissors. Nese with a suplex and a near fall.
Nese goes up top and KUSHIDA with a handspring kick to Nese. Nese sends KUSHIDA to the mat and Nese with a 450 splash for a near fall. Nese sets for the Running Nese but KUSHIDA with two Shotei palm strikes. Nese with a palm strike to stop KUSHIDA on the turnbuckles. Nese gets KUSHIDA on his shoulders but KUSHIDA with forearms to escape. KUSHIDA with a Hoverboard Lock on the turnbuckles and he floats over to the mat and forces Nese to tap out.
Winner: KUSHIDA (1-0)
Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher are in the back and Matt says he does miss his Bro Pete. Thatcher says they have different philosphies. He likes to make people tap out while Matt likes to knock people out. Matt says when he looks into Tim's blue eyes, it reminds Matt of Stallion Pete. Thatcher tells Riddle his eyes are brown. Matt says he has a surprise for Thatcher next week.
We go to commercial.
Coverage Continues on Next Page
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