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By Shannon Walsh on 2020-03-16 18:12:00

WrestleTalk and Will Ospreay’s “No Fans Monday” results from London, U.K. ???????? at 229 London on 3/16/20 and live on YouTube:

This show is to benefit the wrestlers on it who will be out of work with all of the event cancellations due to the Coronavirus. The money comes from ad revenue and fan donations in the chat room. It was put together in just four days.

Paul Robinson vs. The O.J.M.O.

They even had a little pyro around the ring before the match started.

Robinson got the pin after a low blow and double stomp as he shoved The O.J.M.O. towards the referee in the corner.

They interviewed Aleah James but you couldn’t really hear it. She said she’s still not medically cleared yet. Mercedez Blaze came up and insulted her. It was supposed to be a 3-Way Match with them and Gisele Shaw. Blaze will now face Shaw in a singles match.

Adam Maxted vs. Carlos Romo vs. Malik vs. Chuck Cyrus vs. Paul Sayers in a Scramble Of Doom

The announcers said 7,800 were watching and joked that they almost beat Impact Wrestling’s attendance records.

Cyrus got the pin on Maxted after an F-5 and a piledriver. Cyrus did an interview after and said he’s going to celebrate by going to the gym and hugging everyone. The interviewer was wearing a mask and ran away from an attempted hug.

Mercedez Blaze vs. Gisele Shaw

Shaw got the win with the bridging armbar submission. Blaze put on white gloves before the match and kept them on the whole time.

Callum Newman was interviewed. He was calm but said he was terrified to wrestle David Starr. Starr interrupted the segment and made the interviewer give him the full introduction. Starr insulted Newman and Newman said a smart remark back. They got into a backstage brawl and fought toward the ring.

David Starr vs. Callum Newman

The announcers said Newman is only 17 and a wrestling scholarship winner.

Starr got the pin after the lariat.

They went a long time in an effort to make Newman a new young star. Newman got in several near falls including hitting a Code Red and a shooting star press. He kicked out of Starr’s lariat and power bomb over the knee, and later another lariat and piledriver.

Nathan Cruz and Lucas Steel intimidated the interviewer backstage. They made him do a dance for the viewers which came off like Eliane on “The Little Kicks” episode of Seinfeld.

Lucas Steel and Nathan Cruz vs. Robbie X. and Scotty Davis

Steel has a definite superstar look to him. Davis is a last minute replacement for Kid Lykos II in this match.

Cruz pinned Robbie X. after a power bomb and clothesline off the top rope double team finisher.

Adam Maxted was interviewed backstage. He said he didn’t win the match tonight but he came out looking like a star.

The announcers said they have raised £6000 so far. There are nearly 9,000 viewers on average for most of the show.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Connor Mills

Fletcher got the pin after a spinning tombstone. This became really hard hitting towards the end. Both guys were a bloody mess. Mills had a bloody nose. Fletcher might have lost some teeth because his mouth was full of blood.

They aired a comedy commercial to plug the t-shirt on the WrestleTalk website.

Will Ospreay vs. Bea Priestley

The announcers noted this main event is boyfriend vs. girlfriend because they’ve been public about their relationship for a long time.

The ring announcer mentioned Priestley is a former World of STARDOM Champion and current co-STARDOM Tag Champion. She was announced as “Will Ospreay’s girlfriend”. She noted Ospreay as former IWGP Junior Champion and current REV Pro Heavyweight Champion. She introduced him as “Bea Priestley’s boyfriend”.

They announcers said this was also NJPW vs. AEW. Over 11,000 viewers now.

Ospreay got the pin after a hidden blade to the back of the head followed up by the Stormbreaker. He held Priestley close after the match and kissed her on her head. They didn’t hold back in the match.

Ospreay gave her the springboard forearm shot followed by a driver. She gave him a draping DDT on the apron followed up by a diving double stomp which crashed them both to the floor. Ospreay was almost counted out, and when he rushed into the ring, she gave him a knee shot and a Regal Suplex.

Ospreay cut a promo after the match. He talked about how the show came together.

He put over Priestley. He said people think she gets work because she’s his girlfriend. He said he doesn’t have that kind of power and not a lot of people like him because he can be an idiot at times. He said she made a name in STARDOM and was offered a deal “from another company” that she turned down and she’s now in AEW.

He asked the entire locker room to come to the ring. He thanked the fans for watching and donating. He said he enjoyed doing the show and may do more depending on the quarantines.

W.W.D. Twitter:

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