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By Richard Trionfo on 2020-03-13 08:59:00

We are in Coventry, England and your announcers are Nigel McGuinness and Andy Shepherd.

The lights go out as Andy and Nigel talk about tonight’s show and Finn Balor makes his way to the ring.

Finn introduces himself and he says he didn’t come here to boost the ratings. He came here for WALTER, if he’s got the balls to face The Prince.

The lights go out and WALTER appears on the stage and makes his way down the ramp but he does not enter the ring.

Fabian Aichner, Alexander Wolfe, and Marcel Barthel come out and Wolfe welcomes Finn to NXT UK. He says this is the domain of Imperium. He wants to give the Prince a proper welcome.

Marcel, Alexander, and Fabian surround the ring and Finn takes care of Fabian and Marcel. Wolfe with a waist lock but Balor escapes and hits Slingblade. WALTER enters the ring but Finn gets to the floor and to safety.

Piper Niven is asked why she got involved in the I Quit Match. Piper says her and Toni are like sisters. There are things they fight over, but in the end, what are you going to do? Sit back and watch while Kay Lee Ray tries to cripple her? She couldn’t stop the match so she had to talk some sense into Toni. When she was in the ring trying to comfort Toni and she looked at Kay Lee and she is evil. Someone is going to have to do something.

We go to commercial.

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We are back with a Tyler Bate video package. He says being the first WWE UK champion means that he has earned his spot. When it comes to Tyler Bate, there are only steps forward.

Match Number One: Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley versus Dereiss Gordon and Dan Moloney

Stoker and Howley throw their shirts at Gordon and Moloney and they focus on Moloney as they send Gordon to the floor. Stoker with boots to Moloney. Stoker with a European uppercut and clothesline. Howley tags in and they hit a double back elbow and Howley gets a near fall. Howley with a forearm to the back and European uppercut. Howley with a knee to the midsection and a kick to Moloney. Howley with a side head lock and Moloney with a knee to the midsection.

Moloney with a suplex for a near fall. Gordon tags in and goes to the turnbuckles and hits a double sledge to the arm. Gordon with a wrist lock and Howley with a punch and arm wringer but Gordon with a cartwheel. Gordon with a forearm and Gordon with a head scissors take down and leg lariat for a near fall.

Gordon with a front face lock and Howley backs Gordon into the corner. Stoker distracts Gordon and Howley with a forearm and Stoker tags in. They kick Gordon and Stoker with a snap mare and European uppercut to the back for a near fall. Stoker with a cravate and knee to Gordon. Howley tags in and kicks Gordon in the midsection and chops Gordon. Howley with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Stoker tags in and Howley sends Gordon into the air for a pop up European uppercut for a near fall.

Howley tags back in and he connects with a European uppercut into the corner. Stoker tags in and he hip tosses Gordon. Stoker with a kick and punches. Howley tags in and he kicks Gordon and gets a near fall. Howley with a rear chin lock with his knee in Gordon’s back. Gordon powers out of the hold but Howley with a knee. Gordon goes for a sunset flip but Stoker makes the tag. Moloney tags in and Moloney with punches and a clothesline to send Howley to the floor. Moloney with a chop to Stoker and a clothesline.

Moloney with chops and a kick to the arm and a side slam. Moloney with an Irish whip and back body drop. Stoker goes to the floor and Moloney follows. Howley tags in and Howley with a kick and Deadly Pretty for the three count.

Winners: Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley

Sid Scala and Johnny Saint are in the back and Alexander Wolfe says he wants a match with Finn Balor tonight and Wolfe agrees.

Jordan Devlin stops by and says that their ace is back.

Sid tells Jordan he will be defending the title in two weeks against Travis Banks.

Jordan walks away and says he will be ready.

We are back and Dave Mastiff is talking to Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews. Gallus shows up and they go back and forth about their prior matches. Joe suggests they meet next week so they can show that Gallus is on top.

Match Number Two: Ligero versus Noam Dar

Dar does his best to avoid Ligero and get into his head. They lock up and Ligero misses a punch. Dar with a wrist lock and Ligero with an escape as Dar grabs at the mask. Dar goes into the ropes and Ligero grabs Dar. Dar misses a kick and then he tries to get Ligero to trip over him but Ligero knows where Dar is. Ligero goes to the apron and Dar with a kick to the midsection followed by a drop kick that knocks Ligero off the apron.

Dar sends Ligero back into the ring and gets a near fall. Dar punches Ligero. Dar with a kick to the leg and he stomps on the arm. Dar moves on to the other arm. Dar with a belly-to-back throw for a near fall. Dar works on the neck and Ligero with punches. Dar with kicks to the leg and Dar with a leg sweep. Ligero sends Dar through the ropes to the floor and Ligero kicks Dar off the apron.

Ligero with a pescado onto Dar. Ligero sends Dar back into the ring and connects with a shoulder. Ligero with a forearm and kicks followed by a clothesline. Ligero with a reverse DDT for a near fall. Ligero with punches to Dar. Ligero stomps on the midsection and he misses a kick. Dar with a leg sweep and Ligero with an inside cradle for a near fall. Ligero goes for a handspring cutter but Dar counters with a Fujiwara arm bar. Ligero with a rollup for a near fall.

Dar rolls through on a backslide attempt. Ligero with a pop up forearm to Dar and Ligero misses a boot against the ropes and Dar with a kick to the leg and a running boot. Dar with a running kick to the shin. Dar sets for the Nova Roller and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Noam Dar

We go to Travis Banks in the back and he is asked about his title match against Jordan Devlin. Travis says he is looking forward to beating Jordan for the Cruiserweight Title and it will mean more to do it in Coventry because of their history. Travis says in two weeks, he will be the first ever Kiwi Champion in NXT history.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Amale versus Dani Luna

They lock up and Amale with a side head lock but Luna picks up Amale and tosses her away. Luna with a waist lock and take down but Amale with a wrist lock. Luna with a waist lock take down but Amale with a wrist lock. Amale with a front face lock. Luna with a waist lock but Amale with an elbow and hammer lock. Luna with a wrist lock.

Amale gets Luna to her knees and Amale traps the arms but Luna picks up Amale to escape. Luna with a knee and fallaway slam.

Kay Lee Ray comes to the ring and she attacks Luna and Amale. The referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

After the match, Kay Lee Ray takes the mic and she says that now that she has successfully gotten rid of Toni Storm, she is here to let every girl in NXT UK know that if you have been here from the beginning or just got your foot in the door, this division belongs to me.

Luna hits Ray from behind but Ray with a series of kicks and a Gory Bomb.

Kay Lee tells Dani that if you didn’t hear her the first time, this division belongs to Kay Lee Ray.

We have a video package for Aoife Valkyrie. She says every feather she wears represents a battle she has won. Witness the Rise of the Valkyrie.

We are back and next week Dave Mastiff, Flash Morgan Webster, and Mark Andrews will face Gallus.

Match Number Four: Alexander Wolfe versus Finn Balor

They lock up and Balor with an arm bar and he takes Wolfe to the mat. Balor with a hammer lock and he works on the shoulder and drops back to the mat. Wolfe with an elbow and forearm. Wolfe goes for a sunset flip but Balor rolls through and hits a drop kick. Balor with a snap mare and a chin lock using Wolfe’s arm. Wolfe backs Balor into the corner and Balor tries to swing at Wolfe but Wolfe gets into the ropes. Wolfe tries to kick Balor and Balor with punches.

Balor with a chop and he wraps the arm in the ropes and chops Wolfe. Balor with an Irish whip and chop followed by a second and third one. Balor gets a near fall. Wolfe kicks Balor and Wolfe with a back breaker. Wolfe gets a near fall. Wolfe with a knee to the midsection followed by a rear chin lock and European uppercut to the back of the neck. Wolfe with a forearm to the back and a waist lock.

The rest of Imperium make their way to the ringside area and Wolfe gets a near fall. Wolfe with a shoulder in the corner. Wolfe with a bear hug and Balor escapes the hold with forearms. Wolfe sends Balor into the corner and they exchange forearms. Wolfe with a knee and Irish whip. Balor with a boot and running forearm.

Balor with a running forearm and a drop kick to the side of the head. Balor with boots to Wolfe as he has a message for WALTER. Balor with Slingblade to Wolfe and then he sets for the running drop kick but Barthel and Aichner grab Balor. Balor with a forearm to Barthel and Wolfe with a clothesline.

The referee sends Imperium to the back. Balor with a forearm and Wolfe fires back. Wolfe with a European uppercut and enzuigiri but Balor escapes a power bomb and Balor with a double leg take down and double stomp. Wolfe with a rollup for a near fall. Wolfe with a kick and German suplex for a near fall.

Wolfe gets Balor on his shoulders but Balor gets to his feet and hits an elevated elbow drop. Balor with a running drop kick and then Balor goes up top for Coup de Grace. Balor with 1916 for the three count.

Winner: Finn Balor

We go to credits.


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