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By Shannon Walsh on 2020-02-21 21:58:00

Impact Wrestling and OVW results of their “OutBreak” event live on Twitch from Lexington, Kentucky at the Ice Center on 2/21/20:

Corey Storm pinned Dimes after a diving double stomp in a pre-show match.

Ray Lyn pinned Cali Young in a pre-show match after dropping kicking Young into her male heel “campaign manager” who got on the ring and tried to interfere.

Josh Mathews and D-Lo Brown are the announcers.

Wentz vs. Maximus Khan

Khan pinned Wentz after a spear.

Joey Ryan vs. Dave Crist

Ryan pinned Crist after Sweet Tooth Music.

Willie Mack vs. Johnny Swinger

Mack got the pin after the stunner and frog splash.

Tony Gunn vs. Trey

Trey got the pin after a meteora.

Moose vs. Jay Bradley

Moose got the pin after the spear. Brown said it went almost 20 minutes. Crowd was behind Moose and into the match. Bradley kicked out of a superplex and Go To Hell. Moose kicked out of Bradley’s lariat finisher.

Tag Team Champions The North (Josh Alexander and Ethan Page) vs. Acey Romero and Larry D. in a nontitle match

The North got the pin on Romero after a double team slam off the ropes when it looked like he was about to splash Alexander before Page made the save. There were some good spots toward the end including Page running across the body of Romero to give D a cutter.

Rhino vs. Mad Man Fulton

Brown mentioned that Rhino was trained by Scott D’Amore. Mathews said Rhino could be in other companies making big money and taking it easy but he wanted to be in Impact working on all of these shows.

They said this will be under “old school rules” so weapons are allowed.

Rhino got the pin after the gore in a finish you usually see in Moose’s matches on these Twitch specials. The referee was bumped and Fulton gave Rhino a low blow. He then tried to hit Rhino with a chair but Rhino ducked and hit the gore.

They used chairs, a trash can and a kendo stick as weapons. Rhino hit Fulton with the trash can and Brown said the crowd was watching in “stunned silence” but they did chant for the gore. Fulton chokeslammed Rhino on the can for a near fall.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Havok vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Megan Bayne in a non-title match

Havok submitted Bayne to the Boston Crab set up by the choke bomb. Bayne and Havok were in there one on one for a lot of time in a typical 4-Way when Hogan and Grace were knocked to the outside until it was their time to come back in.

Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard and Daga vs. Ace Austin and Jake Crist

Blanchard pinned Crist after the Buzzsaw DDT.

Blanchard was greeted with a respectful applause. She was in early on against Crist and there was a chain wrestling exchange between the two. Seeing Blanchard in the ring against men so often, I really don’t consider it inter gender wrestling now because she works so well with people in the ring.

Daga was isolated in the heel corner after a cheap shot kick by Austin. They worked him over for a long time before he made the hot tag to Blanchard. The referee didn’t see the tag and he made her go back to her corner. The heels pulled Daga back to their corner to beat on him some more.

Daga finally made the legal tag and Blanchard cleaned house taking on both guys as Daga recovered. She gave Crist a mini Magnum and a tilt a whirl DDT to Austin.

The crowd seemed bored overall but it looked like a decent size crowd for the venue. The main show started at 7pm EST and it ended at 9: 35 EST right against WWE Smackdown. The Twitch viewer numbers held steady with about 700 people average the entire show.

W.W.D. Twitter


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