Welcome to PWInsider.com’s coverage of FIP Everything Burns 2020 from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida.
Trevin Adams is in the ring and he welcomes everyone to tonight's show. Trevin announces that the winner of the Davis/Henry match for the FIP World Championship will defend the title at Mercury Rising.
Trevin mentions that Francisco Ciatso was attacked in the parking lot.
Sean Davis makes his way to the ring with Michael Patrick and Leo Brien. Sean says they are so sorry to hear about the tragic accident that happened to Francisco Ciatso. Sean almost shows remorse. He says Ciatso couldn't be cleared by the doctors so he will not be wrestling tonight.
Sean wants an official to declare the Dirty Blondes winners by forfeit.
The Storm makes his way to the ring. He mentions the attack by the Dirty Blondes on him at the last show. He will fight them both and he will not leave until their blood is on his hands.
Match Number One: The Storm versus The Dirty Blondes (Leo Brien and Michael Patrick [with Sean Davis])
Patrick and Brien with a two on one attack but Storm fights back and hits a spinebuster on Patrick. Storm with a German suplex to Brien. Storm with a slingshot senton to Brien for a near fall. Brien with a jaw breaker but Storm with a spinning sit out side slam.
Faboo Andre and Tony attack Storm and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: The Storm (by disqualification)
Patrick and Brien set for a spike piledriver onto a chair but the music for The End plays and Odinson and Parrow go after Brien and Patrick. They hit splashes and uppercuts on Brien and Patrick. Brien and Patrick go to the floor. Odinson and Parrow with choke slams to Andre and Tony and then they hit a Super Collider. Tony is put on Parrow's shoulders and Odinson goes up top for a European uppercut Doomsday Device. They put a chair over Andre's throat and Odinson with a springboard leg drop onto the chair.
Match Number Two: Ugly Ducklings (Rob Killjoy and Lance Lude [with Coach Mikey]) versus OAO (Hunter Law and Snoop Strikes)
Law and Killjoy start things off. They lock up and Law with a wrist lock and Killjoy with a reversal. Law with a reversal and Rob with a side head lock take down. Hunter with a rollup for a near fall. Law with a waist lock and Rob with a standing switch. Law holds onto the ropes on an O'Connor Roll attempt. Rob with a rocking chair and Lude with a drop kick for a near fall. Snoop tags in and he kicks Lude from the apron. Law with a reverse atomic drop and Snoop with a blockbuster. Snoop and Law with a senton and splash for a near fall. Snoop with a front face lock and he sends Lude to the mat. Lance with a head scissors and a running forearm into the corner.
Rob tags in and Snoop with a boot and Rob with a slam and back drop onto Snoop. Lude with a splash and Rob with a double stomp for a near fall. Snoop with an Irish whip but he misses a splash. Rob takes care of Hunter on the apron and then Rob goes for a springboard move but Snoop with a drop kick for a near fall. Law tags in and he punches Rob in the midsection but he still feels the damage of the stomp by Rob. Snoop tags in and he chops Rob. Snoop with another chop in the corner and he gets a near fall. Law makes the tag and he struts before kicking Rob in the midsection. Rob with chops but Law with a kick and chop but Law feels the pain in the hand. Law with a suplex and he gets a near fall.
Law knocks Lude down on the apron and Law with a cross body but Rob rolls through and hits an exploder. Snoop stops Rob from making the tag. Rob lands on his feet and he hits an exploder onto Law. Lude tags in and he avoids Snoop and Law. Lude with a jaw breaker and a snap mare driver to Law for a near fall. Snoop with a forearm to Lude but Lude with an enzuigiri. Law is sent over the top rope and Rob tags in. Lude with a suicide dive onto Law and Rob with a plancha onto Snoop. Law with a kick to Lude and Lude with an enzuigiri and a Frankensteiner. Rob with a double stomp from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Snoop pulls Law into the corner to make the tag and he hits a running European uppercut on Rob.
Snoop puts Killjoy on the turnbuckles but Lude stops Snoop with a chop to the back. Lude runs Snoop into the turnbuckles. Law is put on the turnbuckles and Rob with a drop kick. Rob with a chop and then Rob with a superplex to Law but Snoop with a frog splash to Rob for a near fall that is broken up by a Lude frog splash. Snoop with forearms and Rob with chops. Snoop joins in the chop fest. Rob with a rolling elbow and he goes for a suplex but Law with a chop to the back and he catches Snoop. Snoop with a rana. Snoop trips Lude and then Snoop and Law pull Lude into the ring post. Rob with a waist lock but Snoop escapes. Snoop with a drop kick and clothesline. Law with a tornado DDT after Snoop hits a cross body onto Lude on the floor. Law gets a near fall.
Law and Snoop set up for Off With His Head but Rob avoids it and he rolls up Law but Law is not the legal man. Law super kicks Snoop by accident and Rob sends Law to the floor. Rob catapults Lance into the corner but Law pulls Snoop out of the way. Law with a Poison Rana and then Snoop with a Shiranui. Law with Off with His Head for the three count.
Winners: OAO
Match Number Three: Erica Torres versus Avery Taylor
They lock up and go to a stalemate. Torres goes for the legs but Taylor backs away. Taylor misses a kick when Torres gets out of the way. Torres avoids Taylor's clothesline attempts. Taylor with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall. Taylor with a kick and bicycle kick followed by an enzuigiri. Taylor with a running neck breaker for a near fall. Taylor sends Torres into the corner and chops her. Taylor with a forearm and she misses a back senton into the corner. Torres with a forearm from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Torres with a front face lock.
Taylor with punches and forearms. Taylor with a forearm into the corner. Taylor misses a splash when Torres moves. Torres with a kick in the corner. Torres with a fireman's carry into the turnbuckles. Torres goes to the apron and chokes Taylor. Torres with a waist lock and suplex for a near fall. Torres with shoulders in the corner. Torres with an Irish whip and Taylor with a cross body off the turnbuckles. Torres with a near fall. Torres runs Taylor into the turnbuckles and hits a running power slam for a near fall. Taylor with an arm drag and head scissors take down.
Taylor with a suicide dive onto Torres. Taylor sends Torres into the side bar and then hits a missile drop kick when they return to the ring and Taylor gets a near fall. Taylor with a front face lock but Torres gets Taylor up for a Burning Hammer but Taylor escpes and hits a double chicken wing driver for the three count.
Winner: Avery Taylor
Match Number Four: FIP Recruitment Camp Four Way Freestyle: Ariel Dominguez versus Noah Gray versus Cyrus Satin versus Bobby Flaco
Gray goes to the floor when the bell rings and Satin with a kick to Dominguez. Flaco with a rollup on Satin for a near fall. Flaco with a kick and a springboard twisting arm drag. Flaco with a springboard cross body. Flaco with a running European uppercut into the corner. Gray with a splash but Satin with a head butt. Dominguez with a rollup for a near fall. Dominguez with Chaos Theory to Gray and then he drop kicks Flaco off the apron. Gray with a power slam for a near fall. Gray tosses Dominguez over the top rope onto Flaco and Satin.
Gray sets for a dive but he would rather just go through the ropes to the floor. Gray with a spinebuster to Satin for a near fall. Gray is sent to the floor when Satin moves. Gray with a forearm and Satin pulls Gray off the apron when he slides to the floor. Satin with a suicide dive onto Ariel and Flaco. Satin trips Gray and hits a slingshot splash for a near fall. Flaco with a cross body to Satin and an elbow to Ariel. Flaco with kicks to Satin and Ariel. Flaco with an X Factor to Satin and a flatliner to Ariel for a near fall. Flaco with a thrust kick to send Gray to the floor. Flaco with a double jump cross body onto Gray on the floor.
Flaco with a double jump springboard cutter to Gray for a near fall. Flaco goes to the turnbuckles and misses a double stomp when Gray moves. Satin with a series of kicks and a running neck breaker. Ariel with a leg sweep to Satin followed by a hesitation DDT. Gray with a kick and buckle bomb and running boot to the head. Gray with a fisherman's buster for a near fall. Ariel with a guillotine on Gray and Flaco goes up top but Gray sends Ariel into the turnbuckles to crotch Flaco. Ariel with super kicks to Gray and a gullotine on Flaco. Gray with a spinebuster to Satin for the three count.
Winner: Noah Gray
After the match, Noah Gray is told that he has impressed the people in Evolve. Noah says he knew he was going to be victorious. He says he has something that no one else has. He has artificial intelligence. Noah says he ran a simulation one hundred times and not once did Ariel come out victorious. Noah pushes Ariel away.
Match Number Five: Damien Angel versus Donovan
Donovan with a kick and punches to Angel. Donovan with a forearm to the back followed by a chop. Donovan with another chop and Angel sends Donovan into the corner and he punches Donovan and follows with a head butt. Donovan misses a chop and Angel with a punch and chop. Donovan pie faces Angel and Angel with a punch and Donovan goes to the floor. Angel with a double sledge off the turnbuckles.
Angel with a chop followed by a punch as they go around the ring. Angel sends Donovan into the apron. Angel takes a drink and then slams it into Donovan's head. Donovan with a punch and he chokes Angel. Donovan sends Angel to the floor and Donovan follows. Donovan with a forearm and punches. Donovan goes under the ring and he gets a chair. Donovan hits Angel in the midsection and back with the chair. Donovan with punches and a head butt. Donovan misses a chop and hits the ring post instead. Angel with a punch and they fight around the bar but stay in the building. They fight by the merchandise area and Angel slams Donovan's head into the table. They fight to the stage and Donovan goes for a suplex but Angel blocks it. Angel with a cutter onto the chair.
They return to the ring and Angel misses a splash and hits the turnbuckles. Donovan with a running boot to the head followed by a cross body into the corner for a near fall. Donovan goes up top and Angel crotches him. Angel sets for a muscle buster and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Angel with a DDT for the three count.
Winner: Damien Angel
Match Number Six: Shine Nova Champion Natalia Markova versus Stormie Lee
Lee with a forearm to the back followed by a knee and forearm. Lee gets a near fall. Markova with a kick and cutter. Markova misses a kick and Lee has a kick blocked. Markova with a round kick for a near fall. Lee with a punch and a knee to the midsection. Lee chokes Markova in the corner. Lee with another kick and she chokes Markova on the top rope. Lee with a knee and a clothesline into the corner. Lee with a nsap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Lee sends Markova to the mat and chokes her. Markova pushes Lee down and Lee with a forearm.
Markova with a running round kick into the corner. Markova with forearms and an Irish whip. Lee sends Markova into the turnbuckles. Lee chokes Markova and pulls her into the center of the ring. Lee with a side Russian leg sweep followed by a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Markova with a rollup for a near fall. Lee slaps Markova and Markova responds with a forearm. Lee and Markova exchange forearms. Lee with a chop but Markova continues with the forearms. Lee with a running forearm. Markova with a forearm for a near fall.
Lee with a kick to the head. Lee mises a clothesline and Markova with forearms and an Irish whip and splash. Markova with a running spinning heel kick and a boot to the head. Markova gets a near fall. Markova gets another near fall. Markova goes up top and Lee with a forearm and she goes up top and sets for a superplex. Lee hits the superplex and Lee gets a near fall. Lee with a spear for a near fall. Markova with a spinning sit out X Factor for the three count.
Winner: Natalia Markova
After the match, Natalia is asked about her match at Shine 65 against Brandi Lauren. Natalia says that Brandi thinks she can send a thug to take care of her . . . hell no. I will see you in New York.
Match Number Seven: Leon Ruff versus Troy Hollywood
Ruff offers his hand but Hollywood pushes him to the mat. Hollywood misses a punch in the corner but Ruff does not miss. Hollywood sends Ruff into the turnbuckles and misses another punch. Ruff with punches from the turnbuckles. Hollywood tries to power bomb Ruff over the top rope to the floor but Ruff grabs the ropes and sends Troy to the apron with a rana. Ruff with a handspring kick to knock Hollywood off the apron and then he hits a suicide dive. Ruff with a forearm to Hollywood and then Ruff goes to the apron and misses a moonsault but lands on his feet. Hollywood with a super kick. Hollywood with an elbow and he goes to the apron and Ruff blocks a running kick. Ruff gets Hollywood on his shoulders but Hollywood gets to his feet and Hollywood with a round kick.
Hollywood with a back drop driver onto the apron. Hollywood with a drop kick to knock Ruff off the apron. Hollywood goes to the floor and he chops Ruff. Hollywood with another chop. Hollywood sends Ruff back into the ring and Hollywood gets a near fall. Hollywood with kicks to the back of the neck. Hollywood with punches as he trash talks Ruff and then he gives Ruff a hard Irish whip and gets a near fall. Ruff with a boot to the neck. Ruff with forearms and elbows to Hollywood. Hollywood with a flying forearm for a near fall. Hollywood slaps Ruff and connects with a forearm. Hollywood goes for a power bomb but Ruff with a rana that sends Hollywood into the turnbuckles. Ruff with a running forearm but Hollywood with a knee. Ruff with a flying forearm. Ruff with a running kick in the corner. Ruff goes for a bulldog but Hollywood pushes him away. Ruff with a cutter off the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Ruff with an elbow and forearm. Ruff goes for a slingshot move and Hollywood with a boot to the head followed by a German suplex. Hollywood with a running boot and Hollywood's momentum sends him to the floor. Hollywoods goes up top and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Hollywood with a slam followed by a second one. Ruff slaps Hollywood and Hollywood slaps back. Hollywood with a slam and he goes up top. Hollywood misses an elbow drop. Ruff with a running drop kick that sends Hollywood into the turnbuckles. Ruff with a running crucifix bomb for a near fall. Both men rake the eyes and Ruff with a kick and knee. Hollywood goes for the groin but Ruff blocks it and Ruff with a kick. Hollywood blocks a cutter off the turnbuckles and gets the three count with a rollup.
Winner: Troy Hollywood
After the match, Hunter Law and Snoop Strikes come out to celebrate Troy's victory.
Match Number Eight: FIP World Tag Team Championship Match: The Skulk (Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray) versus The Precipice (Chance Auren and Omar Amir [with Skinny Vinny])
Gray and Amir start things off but first Liam has Adrian help him take off his shirt. Amir puts Gray on the apron and Amir has some words for Gray. Gray with a waist lock and Amir tosses him aside. Amir misses a splash when Gray floats over and hits a drop kick. Alanis tags in and he kicks Amir and then hits a series of clotheslines and shoulders in the corner. Alanis with a chop. Amir with a chop and punches. Alianis with an Irish whip and elbow. Alanis with an elbow off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Gray tags in and he goes up top and hits a double sledge to the arm. Gray with an elbow in the corner and Alanis tags in. Amir runs Gray into the corner but Alanis with a waist lock. Amir with an elbow and then Amir with a biel to Alanis. Amir with a shoulder to Gray in the corner and then he drops Gray on Alanis.
Alanis and Gray go to the floor. Auren with a forearm to Alanis and he sends Alanis into the post. Amir sends Alanis back into the ring and Amir with a kick and he tags Auren into the match. Auren chokes Alanis and kicks him in the hamstrings. Auren with more kicks to the hamstring and Amir is tagged in. Amir with a punch and Alanis with a chop. Amir with a chop. Gray tags in and hits a blockbuster and then he drop kicks Auren off the apron. Gray is sent to the apron and Gray with a leg drop to the back of the head to Amir and a slingshot drop kick to Auren followed by a pescado.
Vinny gts on the apron and Auren comes in and he clotheslines Gray. Auren kicks Gray and Amir kicks him as well. Auren tags in and kicks Gray. Auren sends Gray into the turnbuckles. Auren with forearms in the corner. Auren with a running forearm to Gray. Amir tags in and he punches Gray. Amir with another punch. Amir tries to pull Gray out of the corner but Gray blocks it and then Gray sends Amir into the turnbuckles. Alanis tags in and so does Auren. Alanis with spinebusters followed by back sentons to Amir and Auren. Alanis with elbows in the corner but Auren with a boot. Alanis with a power slam for a near fall.
Gray tags in and Gray with a lungblower and Alanis with a discus clothesline for a near fall. Gray goes up top anagain but Auren gets to his feet. Gray leaps over Alanis but he hurts his knee when he lands. Auren sends Gray to the floor. Auren sends Alanis into the corner and Amir with a splash. Auren with a German suplex and then Auren gets a near fall. Amir sends Gray to the floor. Amir and Auren kick Alanis. Alanis with forearms to Auren and Amir. Amir with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex to Alanis. Amir goes over the top rope when Alanis drops down. Gray with a springboard round kick to Amir to knock him off the apron. Auren goes for a shoulder but Gray moves and hits a leg drop. Alanis and Gray with a spike flatliner for the three count.
Winners: The Skulk (retain Championship)
After the match, the music for The End plays and they make their way to the ring. Odinson and Parrow pick up the tag title belts and they go face to face. Parrow and Odinson give them back the titles but they have something to say to them.
Match Number Nine: FIP World Heavyweight Championship Match: FIP World Champion Anthony Henry versus FIP Florida Heritage Champion Jon Davis
They lock up and Davis sends Henry to the mat and then Davis with a buckle bomb followed by a flying boot for a near fall. Davis with a forearm and then Davis with a super jackhammer for a near fall. Henry goes to the floor and Davis follows. Davis with chops. Henry with a forearm and Davis with a boot to the head. Davis with a forearm. Henry kicks Davis into the stage and Henry with forearms. Henry sends Davis into the post and then Henry runs around the ring and hits a running boot that sends Davis' head into the post. Henry puts Davis' head against the post for another lap around the ring but Davis catches Henry and power bombs him into the post.
Davis gets a near fall. Davis with a waist lock but Henry with an elbow to escape and Henry goes to the floor. Davis follows and Davis with a forearm. Davis sends Henry into a stool and then chops Henry. Davis with another chop. Davis misses a boot and Davis' leg is caught on the side bar. Henry runs the leg into the post. Henry goes under the ring and cannot find anything. Henry kicks Davis in the leg. Henry rolls Davis back into the ring. Henry wants Davis to hit him but Davis' leg gives out. Henry with a spinning toe hold and knee drop. Henry ties up the legs and he bridges back while showing his love to the crowd.
Henry and Davis exchange chops. Henry kicks Davis in the leg. Davis with a forearm and chops. Henry with punches and forearms followed by a kick to the leg. Davis with a jab and Henry goes down. Henry kicks Davis in the injured leg and then gets a near fall. Henry continues to work on the knee and ankle. Henry with a single leg crab. Davis with punches to get free. Henry kicks Davis in the injured leg again and gets a near fall. Henry continues his work on the injured leg and he kicks Davis and then hits a double stomp to the midsection. Henry taunts Davis but Davis with a power slam and he cannot capitalize due to the damage to the leg.
Henry with a dragon screw leg whip and a drop kick to the knee and a kick to the chest. Henry with a double stomp to the leg. Henry with a figure four leg lock. Davis gets to the ropes but there are no rope breaks in FIP. Davis pulls himself to the apron and then he rolls himself and Henry to the floor. Henry is the first to his feet and he lines up Davis against the stage but Davis back drops Henry onto the stage. Henry misses a clothesline off the stage and Davis with a pop up power bomb onto the apron. Henry gets back into the ring.
Davis gets up and he is not in a good mood. Davis with chops and punches. Davis with a uranage and Shining Wizard for a near fall. Davis goes for a power bomb but he cannot get Henry up. Henry with an enzuigiri and a tornado DDT. Henry goes up top and misses a double stomp but rolls through. Davis with a power bomb followed by a German suplex. Henry with a triangle but Davis gets Henry up for a power bomb and Henry rolls through and keeps the triangle applied. Henry with an ankle lock. Davis kicks Henry away. Henry with a kick to the leg and he goes up top again. Henry with the double stomp and he gets a near fall. Henry returns to the ankle lock. Davis kicks Henry away. Davis with a POUNCE and both men are down.
Davis grabs Henry and Davis tries to get Henry up but Henry with a kick and a series of spinning back heel kicks. Davis with a running kick and clothesline. Davis with Three Seconds Around the World for the three count.
Winner: Jon Davis (new champion)
After the match, Davis says something to Henry and says this is his company. Henry offers his hand to Davis and Davis goes to shake it but Henry flips him off.
Jon wants everyone to leave his ring. Jon says what you are hearing is 1012 days of him putting FIP on his back. What you are hearing is fans that would die for him and he would die for them. What you are hearing is that the new FIP World Champion Jon Davis is in the building. He has fought and scratched and bled for this company. He has proved that not only is he the man in FIP, he is a force in all of WWN. Some can say he is a workhorse . . . speaking of workhorse, he beat Anthony Henry and there is one other man in his sights. There is one other man who comes from a jacket on and a towel around his neck. There is one other man who might chop as hard as he does. There is one other blue collar hard hitter. He is talking about JD Drake.
Some of you at home might not know this, but he has established dominance in FIP and next week in Queens and Melrose he will establish dominance in Evolve. That brings him to April. It brings him to the WWN Supershow. It brings him to Mercury Rising 2020. It brings him to Tampa. It brings him to his city of Tampa. It brings him to JD Drake. JD, I know you are watching and it is not often the champion makes the challenge, but if you have the guts, he will be in the middle of his ring in the middle of his people waiting for you.
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