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By Grant Fletcher on 2020-02-10 09:50:00

This past Sunday New Orleans’ Wildkat Sports and Entertainment put on a unique wrestling card from the Esplanade Mall in Kenner, LA. Long have I wondered what the atmosphere was like at the very first WCW Monday Nitro that emanated from the Mall of America, and raucous Sunday at the shops has to be the closest thing that will ever come to it!

Ring announcer Edward King and General Manager Reverend David S. Powers welcomed the fans and mall-goers to the show and introduced the mayor of Kenner, Ben Zahn. Zahn then asked that Staff Sergeant Reginald Gates (of Fortune 5,000) come to ringside. Zahn informed the fans that Gates was being deployed to the Middle East soon on behalf of the U.S. military, and to thank Reginald Gates for his service Zahn presented him with the key to the city of Kenner, LA. The rowdy fans cheered on Gates as he accepted his reward and Gates took off to the back to prepare for his match.

David Powers then announced that he, in his work with The Powers Foundation, must leave the US and travel to Asia in order to help combat the coronavirus. In doing so he’d have to step down from his role as Wildkat GM and must name his replacement, whom he then brought out… ‘Outlaw’ Matt Lancie. Lancie was most recently both Wildkat Heavyweight Champion and Wildkat Revolution Champion, but was sidelined by a knee injury. Lancie announced that there would be four qualifying matches on this card to crown a new Wildkat Revolution Champion, and that this would usher in a new era for the Revolution title.

Wildkat Revolution Qualifying Match: Jace Valor v Jett Danger

These two combatants started in on each other with fast-paced offence that included head scissor takedowns, lariats and dropkicks. They were hitting each other hard from the start. Jace Valor slowed things down a bit with a sleeper hold and followed with a Claymore Kick to Jett Danger’s jaw. Jett Danger answered with a Gory Bomb and a Lionsault, but could only pick up a two-count. Ultimately the zeal of Valor would be too much for Danger, as a cutter from Jace Valor left Jett Danger laid out on the mat for a three-count.

Winner via pinfall: Jace Valor

A great opening bout to get the crowd’s blood pumping. These two aren’t the biggest wrestlers, but they more than made up for that with how hard they were hitting each other.

‘The Standout’ Edgrin Stone w/Hardbody Harper v ‘The Brute’ Tommy Bolton

Stone started out by using his size to bully his opponent from one side of the ring to the other. Every strike and crossbody attempt that The Brute threw out was countered by the mighty Edgrin Stone. Stone nearly put Bolton through the ring with a thunderous Samoan drop, but was only able to get a two-count for his efforts. 

Bolton slipped a bicycle kick attempt by Stone; this gave him enough room to fire off a series of strikes followed by a dropkick. This still only allowed him a two-count against Edgrin Stone. A gnarly lariat from Edgrin Stone finally put Tommy Bolton out of his misery, allowing the House of Harper member to get the three-count.

Winner via pinfall: Edgrin Stone

Stone looked like a dominant monster here. This only makes me wonder what’s next for Edgrin Stone and who, if anyone, on the Wildkat roster can find a chink in Stone’s armor?

Wildkat Revolution Championship Qualifying Match: Nathan Bradley w/Reginald Gates v ‘The Situ-Asian’ Bu Ku Dao

These two started out with an evenly matched chain wrestling exchange. Bradley was the first to score any offense with an arm drag followed by a scoop slam and a standing moonsault. Bu Ku Dao responded with a sunset flip and an arm drag, and the two engaged in a contest to see who could land the next strike. Each man ducked and dodged the other’s attacks both on the ground and from the top rope in a high stakes game of cat and mouse!

Bu Ku Dao managed to lock in the General Tso-mission, but Bradley escaped with a rope break. They traded suplexes and pinning attempts with no clear frontrunner. At one point Nathan Bradley knocked the wind out of Dao with a running shooting star press, but still only grabbed a two-count for the impressive display. Bu Ku Dao was thinking big. He went for a facebuster but Nathan Bradley blocked the attempt and followed with a fireman’s carry neckbreaker. This was exactly what Nathan Bradley needed to put the former Wildkat Heavyweight Champ down for the count.

Winner via pinfall: Nathan Bradley

This match was exactly what the crowd wanted to see from these two Wildkat staples. Bu Ku Dao and Nathan Bradley gave the fans everything they wanted and more with this fast-paced bout.

Wildkat Revolution Championship Qualifying Match: Chuck DeVine v ‘Chalmation Sensation’ Danny Flamingo

At the bell, these two men went at each other like a couple of rabid dogs. With each shot and slam harder than the last, you had to wonder when somebody was going to break their hand or fracture their collarbone. The fight spilled out of the ropes and onto the floor where DeVine took control. He tried to score a count out victory, but Flamingo managed to crawl under the ropes at the referee’s count of 9. Chuck DeVine used his legs to stretch out the left arm of Danny Flamingo, but the hold was broken when the referee caught DeVine using the ropes for leverage. 

DeVine tried for an Unprettier, but was counted by a jumping neckbreaker from Danny Flamingo. After they two combatants got back to their feet, DeVine was able to successfully strike with an Unprettier and pick up the much deserved pinfall.

Winner via pinfall: Chuck DeVine 

The only way I could describe this match is brutal and vicious. Simply writing about it does not illustrate the way Chuck DeVine and Danny Flamingo clobbered each other.

Wildkat Tag Team Championship: Fly Def (Warren Johnson and Zack Mason) v The Hawx Aerie(c) (Luke and PJ Hawx)

Warren Johnson started out by keeping PJ Hawx off balance by employing armlocks and headlocks. PJ outmuscled Johnson with his amateur wrestling prowess which led to both Luke and Mason tagging in. Luke began by outmuscling Zack Mason, until both members of Fly Def found a way to cut off the elder Hawx from his son PJ. When Luke was finally able to tag out, Fly Def employed the same tactic on PJ. 

Luke created some space by throwing Warren Johnson from the top rope into the arms of PJ who followed through with a belly-to-belly suplex. PJ then rolled from the ring and dashed up the escalated to the second floor of the mall leaving Luke to fend for himself, or so we thought. Zach Mason plunged Luke to the canvas with a superplex from the top rope. 

Just as it seemed Luke would be done in by Fly Def, PJ Hawx came crashing down from the mall’s second floor balcony onto all three of the other men! The crowd went insane at the sight of PJ’s death-defying 15 foot dive, and with good reason. It was easily the most outrageous thing I’ve witnessed firsthand at a wrestling show. It should serve as no surprise that this daredevil act allowed the Hawx Aerie to score the pinfall and the win.

Winners via pinfall: The Hawx Aerie

It’ll be hard to top this one! Great wrestling with an insane high dive at the end from PJ Hawx. This one got the biggest reaction from the fans. Not only following PJ’s insane drop, but also during The Hawx Aerie’s entrance and after the final bell. The crowd loved it!

Wildkat Heavyweight Championship: Curt Matthews w/Hardbody Harper v ‘Ruthless’ Ryan Davidson(c)

The two hulking men started out evenly in the match until Matthews was able to synch in a headlock and began wearing down the constitution of the champion. Challenger and champion battered and bludgeoned each other with their bear-paw sized hands and massive kicks. Back and forth the battle raged like a scene out of a Godzilla movie. 

Davidson dropped Matthews with a falcon’s arrow then went to top rope, but Hardbody Harper grabbed onto Davidson’s foot from the apron. This stopped Ryan Davidson long enough to let Curt Matthews get the drop on him. Harper kept up the blatant interference by standing on the apron and holding Davidson in place for Matthews to attack. As Curt Matthews charged in Davidson slipped from Harper’s grasp leading to Matthews colliding into his ringside manager. With Harper out of the picture and Matthews distracted, Ryan Davidson was able to hit Curt Matthews with another falcon’s arrow and score the three-count.

Winner via pinfall: ‘Ruthless’ Ryan Davidson

This is exactly the kind of match up you picture when you think, “Heavyweight championship match.” They certainly gave the mall-goers a clash of the titans that they won’t soon forget.

Wildkat Revolution Championship Qualifying Match: Reginald Gates w/Nathan Bradley v ‘Wildcard’ J. Spade

Gates and Spade traded momentum back and forth. They kept a good pace through the match. Not going too fast, but also moving things along quick enough to show off their athleticism. To see them work against one another was a true testament to their training and their God-given aptitude. 

Nathan Bradley cheered on his Fortune 5k teammate in Reginald Gates as Gates fired off a missile dropkick from the second rope. Spade responded with a dropkick of his own but only got a two-count. In the end it was a discuss forearm to the face of Reginald Gates that would net J. Spade the three-count.

Winner via pinfall: ‘Wildcard’ J. Spade

These two are some of the purest athletes in Wildkat Sports and seeing them go head-to-head was a real treat. A great topper to the night’s events. 

After the final match the entire locker room emptied to gather around Reginald Gates. Nathan Bradley took to the microphone and told the story of both he and Gates starting out with Wildkat and he lauded the courage and bravery of Reginald Gates. Gates then thanked the fans and his Wildkat family before promising that he would return from his deployment in the Middle East to once again compete in the Wildkat ring.

Another great Wildkat Sports and Entertainment card is in the books, and this wrestling fan couldn’t be happier. The unique atmosphere coupled with awesome wrestling and one insane dare-devil stunt by PJ Hawx put the entire thing over the top with the fans. As always, I can’t wait until the next one.

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