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By Brian Cannon on 2020-02-05 07:27:00

This is the OVW Report for Tuesday, February 4, 2020. OVW TV can be seen LIVE at 8PM ET on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area as well as Youtube! OVW Overdrive can be seen on Saturdays at 11AM. You can also find OVW TV on the OVW Network.

In this episode, NEW Women's Champion Ray Lyn faces Cali Young, Dimes & Corey Storm have a rematch against the Legacy of Brutality, we hear from NEW Heavyweight Champion Maximus Khan, plus more!

Without further ado:

Here we go...

OVW Overdrive (Airing Saturdays at 11AM starting in January):

William Lutz & Luscious Lawrence defeat KTD & Steve Michaels. Lawrence takes KTD down. They lock up again and Lawrence throws him to the opposite corner. KTD takes him down into the turnbuckle. Lawrence locks him up and pulls him by the hair into his corner. Lutz tags in and works over KTD with Lawrence. KTD gets a tag to Michaels. Michaels hits Lutz down and goes to slam KTD onto him, but Lutz puts the knees up. Lawrence comes in and slams him and delivers a backbreaker without a tag. KTD gets another tag to Michaels. He comes in and chops them both hard. He goes to suplex Lutz in from the apron, but Lawrence grabs Michaels foot as Lutz falls on top of him for the 3.

"The Mayan Mauler" Drew Hernandez defeats "The Hammer" Randall Floyd. They lock up and Floyd has a side headlock. Drew back with an armbar. Floyd tries to break in the ropes, but Drew lets go of him and Floyd falls on his face. They lock up again and Floyd takes Drew down, but misses a knee drop. Drew with a back body drop. Drew with a shot to the ribcage and shoulder block. Off the ropes, Floyd kicks Drew and stomps him in the ropes. He misses another knee drop. Drew clotheslines him and hits a shoulder tackle for the 3.

"Zero Gravity" AJ Daniels defeats "Action" Ashton Cove. Quick pin attempts early by Cove. AJ takes control. He misses an outside dive, then Cove dives out on him. AJ regains control again, hitting the countdown kicks, but misses the Zero Gravity kick. Cove takes control briefly, but AJ catches him with a kick to the head, then hits the 450 off the top rope for the 3.

"The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth defeats "The Bro God" Dustin Jackson. Smooth sulks around the ring from losing his title. He finally gets in and attacks Dustin from behind when Dustin turns his back. Off the ropes, Dustin catches him with the dropkick. Dustin hits him at ringside after Smooth rolls out and kicks him in the side. He spells "BRO" in the corner. Smooth picks him up and crotches him across the top rope. Dustin fires back up, hitting a boot to the face off the ropes after sliding out of a spinebuster attempt. Smooth rolls out and Dustin dives out on him. Back inside, Smooth comes back with Street Justic out of nowhere for the 3.

That concludes tonight's edition of Overdrive. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the report. Again, you can check OVW out on Youtube or WBNA-21 in the Louisville area LIVE at 8PM and Overdrive Saturdays at 11AM on WBNA-21. Also, catch OVW on the OVW Network.

Shannon the Dude & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary, and Brittany Devore is the ring announcer.

We start out with a recap of Maximus Khan winning the Heavyweight Title at the Saturday Night Special!

"The Nephilim" D'mone Solavino vs. Crixus.

Crixus quickly goes for the Claymore, but D'mone moves. Crixus fires away, but D'mone shoulders him into the corner. Off the ropes, Crixus takes him down with a hard clothesline. D'mone slides off Crixus' shoulders, but Crixus plants him on the mat and pounds away on him. D'mone with an Olympic slam, but Crixus comes back with a Claymore for the 3.

WINNER: CRIXUS by pinfall.

Corey Storm is in the back getting his shoulder checked out. Dimes comes in and asks how he is doing. Storm says it still hurts. Dimes says he told him it would happen defending two belts. He can go find a better healthier partner if he needs to. He decides to talk to Dean Hill about getting them a rematch for tonight. We then see Dapper Dan confronting Crixus about interfering in his business. Crixus slams him into a locker. Gilbert Corsey is at ringside and says that Ray Lyn will defend the Women's Title tonight against Cali Young, Dimes & Storm will get their rematch against the Legacy of Brutality, and the former Tate Twins return back to OVW to face AJZ & Tony Bizo.

Dean Hill brings out the new Heavyweight Champion Maximus Khan. He thanks everyone for their support in becoming the champion.

He gets interrupted by Justin Smooth. Smooth says if it wasn't for the crooked ref, he would have won in the first 10 seconds. Tony Gunn interrupts. He says he would have beat Khan 1-on-1 last week, but he was fighting the whole locker room in a lumberjack match. Dean says Gunn burned a bridge by throwing the TV Title off the bridge and turns his back to him. Khan & Smooth turn their backs too. Gunn says he will get Khan's attention as he walks out. Dean says Dean Hill's law says there will be the rematch between Khan & Smooth next week on OVW TV!

Melvin Maximus is shown on the screen trying to exorcise the demon out of "Mrs. Marvelous". He looks to a reverend for help.

AJZ & Tony Bizo vs. "The Tate Twins": Brent & Brandon.

The twins use their speed early to keep AJZ off his feet. AJZ catches Brent in the corner with a hard forearm to the jaw. AJZ with a dropkick and Bizo tags in and they deliver a double hip toss. The twins regain advantage and kick Bizo down, then double dropkick AJZ. AJZ & Bizo roll out and the twins dive out. Back inside, they go for a double suplex on Bizo, but Bizo reverses. All 4 end up fighting, with Bizo & AJZ hitting the 3D on the wrong Tate twin. Brandon throws Bizo out of the ring and rolls AJZ up for the 3!


Cali Young (w/DL3) vs. Women's Champion Ray Lyn.

DL3 sprays hairspray in Ray's eyes before the match. Cali hits a suplex, but Ray comes back with kicks and a Samoan drop. Off the ropes, DL3 trips her up. He throws in hairspray and Cali accidentally sprays DL3 in the eyes, then the ref. She then accidentally sprays herself in the eyes and Ray hits the Electric Heel for the 3.

WINNER: RAY LYN by pinfall.

We see Melvin Maximus in the back again trying to get "Mrs. Marvelous" to snap out of her current state.

SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Rush Champion "The Prince of Flight" Corey Storm & Dimes vs. "The Legacy of Brutality": Jay Bradley & "Hood Ninja" Hy Zaya (w/Josh Ashcraft, Ca$h Flo, & Big Zo) (c).

Not knowing which 2 members would be defending, Storm & Dimes get attacked from behind by Hy & Jay. Dimes & Storm come back and work over Hy, but Storm hurts his bad shoulder and the Legacy takes control. Jay hits a shoulder breaker and Hy tags in and delivers a hard kick. Storm reverses a throw into Jay's boot in the corner. Jay tags in and runs into a spinning kick by Storm. Dimes gets the hot tag and hits a flying cross body on Jay, then a hurricanrana. He dropkicks Hy off the apron. He hits a tornado DDT as Storm cannonballs into Hy. Dimes reverses a hold from Jay and takes him down. Double super kick to Hy and Dimes hits the Change Maker on Jay. Jay moves from the Eye of the Storm and throws Storm into the ringpost. He locks in a submission and Storm has to tap!


This ended the TV taping.

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