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By Anthony Pires on 2020-01-21 22:10:00

We begin this week’s Powerrr with highlights of Team Morton’s victory over Strictly Business.  As a result, Ricky Morton challenges Nick Aldis for the NWA World Title tonight.

Dokken’s dulcet tones welcome us to tonight’s show.

Joe Galli and Stu Bennett welcome us to the GPH Studios in Atlanta.  Galli is fighting laryngitis.

Dave Marquez brings out Robert Gibson.  Robert feels like a kid again seeing his partner challenge for the World Title.

Tasha Steelz vs.  Thunder Rosa

Steelz attacks but Rosa rolls away, but Steelz is able to grab a headlock.  Rosa powers out of it and trips Steelz.  Steelz with a rollup for 1.  Rosa regains the edge with a kick and then stomps Steelz on the mat.  Steelz punches back but Rosa with a running knee.  Dragon Sleeper by Rosa, she slams Steelz down for a 1 count.  Elbow drop by Rosa.  Three neck breaker drops by Rosa.  Rosa whips her into the corner but Steelz gets her feet up on the charge.  Steelz off the 2nd rope but Rosa with a dropkick and a modified Michinoku Driver for the pin.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa

Dave Marquez interviews Rosa.  She knows nothing of Melina’s future plans.

We hear from Nick Aldis, who announces that he’s going to Ring of Honor in Baltimore.  He’s calling NWA fans to action to take over the show.  Aldis says Baltimore is NWA country.

Joe Galli is back with Royce Isaacs and Mae Valentine.  Galli seems very enamored with Ms. Valentine.  Isaacs says Strictly Businesses stock is on the rise but Galli brings up Isaacs recent losses.  Galli suggests that maybe Mae Valentine is the cause.  Isaacs says the two haven’t slept together yet so how can that be a distraction.

We get an Austin Idol commercial for getting heat

Thomas Lattimer vs. Trevor Murdoch (NWA Title Tournament Match- 6:05 time limit

Lattimer attacks right away with kicks and stomps.  Elbows by Lattimer in the corner.  Lariat by Lattimer, Murdoch to the outside.  Lattimer follows with punches.  Murdoch gets stomped upon reentering the ring.  Lattimer with a hard whip into the corner.  Popup powerbomb by Lattimer for 2.  Four minutes remain.  Lattimer with a beatdown in the corner, he whips Murdoch into the corner and charges.  Murdoch gets out of the way and rolls up Lattimer for the pin.

WINNER: Trevor Murdoch

We see Melina’s comments from last week and her issue with Allyson Kay. 

Joe Galli has Melina and Allyson Kay face to face.  Melina tells Kay that she needs to listen (expletive deleted).  Melina grants her a match with Thunder Rosa for the title for the Hard Times PPV.  For now, Kay will wrestle Marti Belle in a no DQ match.  The verbiage was a little unclear as to what Kay gets out of this other than a path to Melina.

Allysin Kay vs Marti Belle

Belle with a series of kicks and forearms in the corner.  Belle with a series of fast stomps in the corner.  Belle whips her into the corner but Kay with a running kick, Belle to the outside.  Kay follows but Belle with a forearm.  They change chops.  Spinning elbow by Belle, she drops Kay on the steps.  Belle gets a chair, Kay grabs it away but Belle kicks her and jams the chair into the midsection.  Belle uses the chair to execute a chinlock.  Belle charges a sitting Kay but Kay moves and Belle runs into the chair.  Kay and Belle fight through the crowd.  Kay with 10 clubbing forearms she throws Belle back and threatens her with a chair.  Belle begs off and Kay put the chair down.  Belle reaches for the chair but Kay picks her up in an over shoulder backbreaker and just drops Belle face-first into the chair for the pin.

WINNER: Allysin Kay

We get a full package on Nick Aldis vs Ricky Morton, reviewing everything that’s happened leading to tonight. 

Eddie Kingston and The Pope come out.  Dave Marquez talks about the tough loss last week.  Pope said he didn’t lose and Eddie didn’t lose.  The Pope said he’s still looking for his Horsemen and when he finds them, they’ll control the NWA.  Kingston tells Marquez not to disrespect him.  Pope convinced them to compete last week.  He can’t blame Pope.  Outlaw Inc. doesn’t lose, they learn.

Kyle Davis steps in for Joe Galli and they throw it to Dave Marquez, who is with Aron Stevens, who will give a demonstration of Mongrovian Karate.  The Question Mark comes out.  Stevens asks the audience to face Mongrovia and bow.  First, we get a demonstration of Mongrovian Kata.  We then get a student attacking The Question Mark and he’s brought down.  The next student attacks with a finger gun and gets “disarmed”.  Question Mark repeatedly beats up his students as Stevens introduces more ridiculous situations into the mix.  From an entertainment standpoint, this is absolutely must-see.   How Stevens kept a straight face, we will never know.  Stevens declares he’s ready for 4th degree and will break the unbreakable Mongrovian wood (10 X stronger than human bone and 20 X stronger than Oak).  Before he can try, one of the Question Mark’s masked students attacks Stevens.  It’s Ricky Starks.  He runs off Question Mark and Stevens.

Promotional consideration paid for by Tony Falk’s Waffles and Tire Irons.

Last Chance Gauntlet Match in the TV Title Tournament- Every 2 minutes, a new wrestler enters.  Elimination by pin, submission or over the top on to the floor.

CW Anderson vs. Caleb Konley

Lockup, arm twist by Konley, reversed into a hammerlock by Anderson.  They exchange reversals of hammerlocks until Anderson grabs a waistlock, Konley with a takedown into an armbar, which Anderson reverses.  Full nelson by Anderson.

Jocephus is next, back from suspension.  He gets hip tossed over the top by Konley and Anderson.

Jocephus is eliminated.

Spinning headscissor by Konley, Lariat by Anderson for 2.  Half crab by Konley.  Superplex by Anderson.

Colt Cabana is out next.  He takes his time.  Konley and Anderson try to hip toss him out but Cabana survives and nails both with shoulderblocks. Springboard crossbody by Cabana on both. He hits his Dusty jabs and elbows.  Russian leg sweep by Cabana.  Anderson hits a running clothesline on Cabana for 2.  Dave Dawson is out next.  He hits an avalanche on all three opponents and nails Konley with a splash for 2.  Cabana fight off elimination.  Dawson with a fallaway slam on Konley into Cabana and Anderson.  Aron Stevens is out next, favoring his back from Starks’ attack.  Stevens hides under the ring.  Zicky Dice comes out and grabs the mic and declares himself the next TV champion.  He’s already qualified and sarcastically wishes everyone luck.  Sal Rinauro is next.  Rinauro with a stunner on Anderson, Dawson with a dropkick for 2.  Anderson with a spinebuster on Dawson.  Konley with a moonsault on Dawson and everyone pins Dawson

Dave Dawson eliminated.

Mr. Anderson is next.  Mic check on Rinauro for the pin.

Sal Rinauro is eliminated.  Konley goes for the moonsault on Cabana but Anderson pulls him away and hits the Mic Check on Konley for the pin.

Caleb Konley eliminated. CW goes to kick Anderson but Cabana catches the leg.  Mr. Anderson with a chop and Colt with a Superman splash for the pin.

CW Anderson eliminated

Handshake by Cabana and Anderson.  This brings out the Question Mark, who distracts Cabana and Anderson.  Stevens comes into the ring and attacks them.  Stevens sets up his opponents for a double Mongrovian Spike but they get out of the way and Stevens gets nailed into unconsciousness.  Cabana and Anderson throw him over the top.

Aron Stevens is eliminated. 

Anderson rolls up Cabana and pins him with a handful of tights.

WINNER: Mr. Anderson

Anderson and Cabana shake hands but Anderson nails Cabana with a Mic Check.  Follow up with a mic check into the steel ringpost. NWA officials order Anderson away.

We get a music video for Hard Times.

Dave Marquez is with Eli Drake and James Storm.  Eli Drake predicts Ricky Morton will win the NWA World Title.  James Storm vows to work his way back to the #1 contenders spot, but tonight it’s about Ricky Morton.  Storm gets the crowd to stand up and pray that Morton kicks the crap out of Aldis.

Breaking News:  Matt Cross and Dan Maff have been entered in the NWA TV Title Tournament.

We get comments from Flip Gordon and some special announcements:

-Aron Stevens defends the National Title at Hard Times against Scott Steiner

-If Ricky Morton wins vs. Nick Aldis, he’ll defend the title at Hard Times

-  If Nick Aldis wins vs. Ricky Morton, The Rock and Roll Express will defend the NWA Tag Team Titles against The Wild Cards and James Storm and Eli Drake in a triple threat match

NWA President William Corgan joins the desk.

NWA World Title Match: Nick Aldis (NWA Champion) vs Ricky Morton.

NWA President William Corgan orders all seconds to the back, so we’ve got a one on one.  Aldis stalls for what seems like 3 minutes and we lock up.  We get a clean break in the corner.  Lockup again, we get another break.  Headlock by Morton, he cinches it in as Aldis tries to throw him off.  Morton maintains the headlock into a takedown for a 2 count.  Aldis gets back to his feet and he chops Morton off the break.  Morton with a punch, down goes Aldis.  Aldis retaliates with punches, Morton fights back.  Morton asks Aldis if he’s ready to wrestle.  Arm twist by Aldis, Morton with an eye poke and gets off 6 punches in the corner.  Aldis tries a reverse atomic drop but Morton blocks it and knocks Aldis down with a seventh punch.  Aldis leaves the ring and Morton follows him and attacks.  Aldis with an eye rake.  Aldis drives Morton’s back into the post.  Aldis with an elbow smash.  Back in the ring, Aldis with stomps and whip into the opposite corner, Morton slumps to the mat.  Aldis to the top but Morton tries to punch him off. He does meet Aldis with a punch to the midsection.  Aldis with an eye rake and a bodyslam.  Aldis to the top but Morton slams him off and hits a Hurancanrana for 2.  Figure 4 leglock by Morton.  Aldis struggles after almost a minute and a half but reaches the ropes.  Morton with a small package for 2, Aldis reverses it and hooks the tights for the pin.

WINNER: Nick Aldis (retains NWA World Title)

We get a video warning to Aldis from Villain Enterprises: Hard Times are here Nick, see you Friday in Atlanta.

We go to credits

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