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By Cory Strode on 2020-01-08 20:37:00

It's Wednesday night, and it's time for All Elite Wrestling from the Landers Center in Southaven, MS.  Our announcers are Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. Dave Brown joins them as well as it's a night to honor Memphis Legends.

This week, we will get Mox's answer for Jericho, Cody's answer to MJF, Our answer to if Riho can keep her title as she faces Kris Statlander, and Adam Page's answer if he is still drunk from last week's drinking with Private Party.

We get a recap of last week's show and get right into this week's show as Adam Page comes to the ring.  The graphic says he isn't gonna pay Private Party that $12 cover charge. He's joined by Kenny Omega. Next to the ring is Private Party and we get a recap of their run in with Page last week. 

Kenny Omega & Adam Page vs. Private Party.

Page and Quen lock up, run the ropes, end up with a chop by Page, and Drop sault by Quen.  This leads to a tag by Cassidy, who hits Page with a stomp from the top, a run over to kick Kenny off the apron and a one count on Page. Cassidy tags in Quen and they hit a series of moves on Page leading to a one count by Quen.  Quen tags in Cassidy, and they attempt another series of moves, and Page hits a shoulder tackle on Cassidy and suplexes Quen onto Cassidy.

Kenny is tagged in and he and Page start a chopfest.  Kenny hits a backbreaker on Cassidy and gets a two count.  Page is tagged back in and maintains control, knocks Quen off the apron and then tag in Kenny.  Cassidy is tossed into the ropes, but gets a low bridge on Page to get him out of the ring, kicks Kenny in the face, but is cut off with a chop by Kenny.  They start to battle, but Cassidy hits a flatliner on Kenny and both mean are down. They both tag, and Quen hits a flying crossbody on Page, and then starts leaping onto Page and Kenny outside the ring one side to the other.  

Quen hits a 450 splash on Page for a two count.  Cassidy gets tagged in, they double team Page, pins Page and Kenny comes in to break it up.  Cassidy starts an attack on Page in the corner, but Page is able to reverse it with a kick into Cassidy as Cassidy leaps from the top.  Quen come s in for a crossbody and is caught by page for a fallaway slam. Kenny comes in and they hit a series of double team moves on both member of Private Party.  It ends with Kenny getting a knee strike on Cassidy and a two count by Kenny.

Kenny starts for a V Trigger, and Quen tries to interrupt, and Kenny switches gears immediately to snap dragon Quen.  Cassidy takes advantage of the distraction and hits a basement drop kick. Kenny is on the mat and Private Party hits a Silly String on Kenny for a two count.  Quen is tagged in, tries a shooting star press and Kenny gets out of the way. KEnny gets up, holds Quen for a buckshot lariat from Page, but Quen ducks, and Page and Kenny almost collide, but Quen decides to have them meet anyway and shoves Page into Kenny. 

Kenny and Page recover, hit strikes on Quen and Page hits the discus clothesline for the two count.  Page drags Quen to his corner and tags in Kenny. Page puts Quen up for the electric chair, but Cassidy breaks it up and them shoves Page into the turnbuckle, where Kenny was sitting.  Private {arty sets up and hits Gina and Juice and Page breaks up the pin, meaning they only get a two count.  

As they work Quen over, Kenny grabs Quen foot, and Quen is able to hit Page with a high flip kick.  Page goes outside the ring. Kenny hits a V Trigger, Page comes back with a buckshot lariat and Kenny puts Quen up for the One Winged Angel for the three count.

Your winners: Kenny Omega and Adam Page!

In the back, Pac has a brutalizer locked in on Michael Nakazawa, and Pac demand a one on one match or it will continue.  Kenny runs to the back and it's commercial time.

We return to a rundown of what is coming, and Dave Brown has left the announce position, but Brandi has joined the team.  

Kris Statlander is first to the ring.  She is followed by Riho who is on her 99th day as champion. The other woman from last week's match are in the crowd, watching.  

Kris Statlander vs Riho for the women's tile.

 They start with Riho dodging charges, and then she attacks Kris with blows.  Kris is able to hit Riho, who goes down, and Kris is over her for the two count, not doing anything to pin Riho, who bridges out and starts with a kick.  Kris goes for a handstand leg drop that Riho dodges, and Riho follows it with a Rana, putting Kris onto the ropes. Kris blocks the , and then hits a tiltawhirl back breaker on Riho for a two count.  We go to commercial and Kris keeps control on Riho on the small screen. As Little Ceaser's pushes their pizza, Riho takes over with a flip into a stomp.

We return to Kris trying to hit a moonsault and missing, and Riho hits a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Riho goes to the top and Kris gets up.  She holds Riho with a stalling vertical suplex but Kris hits her own head. As they are recovering, Awesome Kong and Mal come to the ring. They match continues, Riho hits a knee and Kris hits a high boot to Riho's face.  As Riho is setting up for a move, Mal grabs her, pulls her outside the ring, and tosses her into the barricade. Kris attacks Mal and comes back into the ring as Brandi says she has to clean this up.

Kris hits a Tope on Kong outside the ring and Brandi comes to the ring to get in Kris's face.  As they fight, Luther comes out from under the ring and grabs Kris to allow Kong at nail Kris. Kris is tossed back in the ring, and we are told the Luther must be part of the Nightmare Collective.  Riho hits a crossbody on Luther, 

Riho comes back in the and hits Kris with a leg capture.  Kris is able to get up, tries a gorilla press on Riho, who turns it into a crucifix and as two count.  Kris hits a discus clothesline, a spinning slam and a two count by Kris. Statlander gets Riho in a gut wrench and while the ref is distracted by Mal, Kong grabs Kris's legs so that Riho falls on top of her.  Riho uses it to roll up Kris for the three count.

Your winner and still champion: Riho. 

Kong comes in the ring and starts attacking Kris.  Riho tries to help but Mal attacks her. Shida comes in to break it up.  Big Swole and Sunny Kiss come in to make sure that Kris and Riho aren't attacked further.  Through the match, Brandi did some great heel commentary and sold herself and her squad well

We go to a video package on Superbad Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford showing what they have been doing the past few weeks.

It's time for Christopher Daniels to come to the ring and they show how he has been unable to pull off some of his moves lately and we go to commercial.  We come back to Sammy Guevara coming to the ring.   

Christoper Daniels vs Sammy Guevara

They lock up and trade hold with no one getting and early advantage.  Daniels eventually takes over with arm drags, and chops in the corner.  Sammy turns the tables by pulling the ref in front of him when Daniels is charging, and then following it up with a cheap shot and then both knees to Daniels's chest for a two count.  Sammy starts hitting stomps and another two count, taunting Daniels with each move. He squats Daniels and drops him and gets another two count. Sammy works over Daniels and Daniels struggles to recover.

Sammy tries a 450. but Daniels's dodges it, Daniels is able to hit an exploder and uses the time to recover.  Daniels is able to hit a series of strikes on Sammy and rolls Sammy up for a two count. Daniels tries the angels wings, but just can't hit it, as Sammy hits a knee strike, a standing moonsault and gets a two count on Daniels. Daniels hits a backslide on Sammy for a two, Sammy rolls through for a two on Daniels, and they clotheslines each other. They both attempt a few high impact moves and Daniels wins the sequence by slamming Sammy when we hear Pentagon asking Daniels to show the BME.

Sammy is able to hit Daniels with a knee and a kick to the back of the head and pins Danmiels for the three count.

Your winner:  Sammy Guevara

We then get the Dark Order coming out to speak with Christopher Daniels.  Evil Uno talks about how he remembers how Daniels helped him 15 years ago, but AEW fans don't know how good he is.  He offers Daniels a mask, and Daniels throws the mask back and the Dark Order attacks. SCU and the Young Bucks rush the ring to beat back the Dark Order.  All of the baby faces get to hit their finishing moves on a Dark Oder member and we go to commercial.

Lucha Brothers vs Dustin and Cody with Arn Anderson.

The match starts with Cody and Pentagon in the ring.  Cody immediate hits the drop down uppercut. Fenix is tagged in and Dustin is then tagged in and they attempt a few moves and they tag in Cody and Pentagon.  All four are in the ring for a bit until Fenix kicks Cody in the back of the head. Pentagon maintains control with strike and kicks until Cody gets in a kick and tags in Dustin.  

At this point things break down, Dustin is on the apron, Pentagon his a enziguiri, Fenix hits a Tope.  Dustin is put back in the ring and Pentagon nails him again and we go to commercial. The Lucha Brothers maintain control during the commercial in the small screen as we are asked to go to Chili's, buy a truck, and do our taxes.  

Back to action, and Pentagon is keeping control as Dustin is struggling to get to his corner.  Dustin si able to strike Pentagon and then starts crawling to his corner. Fenix grabs a chair,a dn Arn is able to knock it out of his hands.  Fenix tags in and Dustin gets a spine buster on him. He and Fenix struggle to tag. They both hits tags and it's Cody hitting moves on both Pentagon and Fenix.  Cody works over Fenix in the ring with ten fists in the corner. And the weight belt comes off and gets tossed into the crowd. He attempts Crossroads, but Fenix stops it.  Fenix is able to hit a kick on Cody and follows it up with a rolling cutter. Fenix tags in Pentagon who sets up for the package pile driver,. But Cody drives him into the corner.

Dustin tags in and Fenix is able to hit him with a missile drop kick off the top.  Fenix hits hits Cody with a run across the rope kick, and Pentagon drops him on his shoulder.

As Pentagon tries to set Dustin up, Dustin hits a power slam on him and follows it up with a Destroyer on Fenix.  Cody comes in and hits a Cody Cutter on Pentagon. Dustin hits the Final Reckoning on Fenix for a pin and a three count.

Your winners The Brotherhood, Dustin and Cody

Tony goes to the ring to speak with Cody. He asks Cody is he accepts all of MJF's conditions for a match.  Arn Anderson interrupts and asks why MJF can lay down stipulations. Arn says he and Cody will talk about it this week and get back to them and we go to an ad for the merch.

Alex Marvel talks with Lanny Poffo.  Lanny says he is happy to have met the pros and fans.  They hype AEW Dark and we go back to MJF on his way to the ring.

We come back to MJF telling us Cody is a coward.  He gives Cody until the count of ten to come out and face him.  As the countdown ends, MJF calls him a little bitch. DDP's music hits and he's on his way to the ring.  DDP gets in a plug for DDPY and the crowd chants Yoga. DDP puts over that he is on TNT and says he's here to address a situation a few weeks ago.  He bad moths MJF and Wardlow, gets in a plug for his twitter and Instagram and says people are demanding one more match. MJF gets in his face and when DDP steps up, MJFD says that Butcher, Blade and The Bunny may want to fight him. 

They come to the ring and MJF reminds DDP WCW is dead, which is also the average of his fans.  MJF says he has two options, kiss the ring and leave the company, or they can send him straight to hospice and have his way with his Diamond Daughters.  Page chooses to fight, takes out Butcher and Blade with Diamonds, but MJF ends it with a low blow. MJF is about to attack but QT Marshal and Dustin come out to break it up and MJF goes to the back.  

It's commercial time, and no, no Frank Thomas ads here in Minneapolis the home of the Vikings, Prince, and your charming and delightful play by play guy, Cory!! Strode.

During the commercial, Jurassic Express comes to the ring.  They are followed by The Best Friends.

6 Man Tag Jurassic Express vs The Best Friends

We start the match with Jungle Boy and Taylor.  They hook up with a collar to elbow tie up and follow up with arm drags, and Taylor is out of the ring after a drop kick.  Marko wants the tag and gets it, and Trent is waiting for him. Marco physics himself up and is tosses down quickly. Marko puts on a leaping headlock and follows with a leaping rana.  Trent drops him with a kick. Marko follows with an inside cradle for a two count.  

Marko hits a couple of strikes and tags in Jungle Boy, who nails an inverted atomic drop, Marco follows with an enziguiri, and Jungle Boy uses Marko for a rip cord and two count broken up by Taylor.  Luchasaurus comes into the ring and we go to commercial.

When we come back, we are told it was all Best Friends as Taylor is in control of Jungle Boy.  Jungle Boy gets a desperation clothesline and is able to tag in Apatosaurus, but takes out Taylor and Trent. Trent tags in Orange Cassidy.  Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets and does the mini-kicks. Luchasaurus grabs him for an Atomic Drop and Cassidy counters it with a stunner.  Luchasuarus is knocked to his corner when he tags in Jungle Boy. Cassidy hits a drop kick, kips up and then jumps through the ropes outside the ring with hands in his pockets onto Luchasaurus who is being held by the other friend..  Excalibur calls it a Freshly Squeezed.  

The Best Friends hug in the ring and Jungle Boy tries an attack only to be hit with a spear by Trent.  Cassidy drops on Jungle Boy from the top rope and pins Jungle Boy for a two count, broken up by Marko. Marko hits offense on everyone in the ring, ending with Marko is able to hit a Destroyer on Trent.  Luchasaurus is able to toss Marko onto Trent and Cassidy.  

In the ring, Taylor hits a knee strike on Taylor, who then reverses it and rolls Trent up for the three count and the win.

Your Winners: Jurassic Express

In two weeks, it's the rock and rager cruise!  Next week is Bash at the Beach! We hear about matches coming up on those shows.

The announcer set up that Mox and Jericho would be able to control AEW and Jericho is on his way to the ring with Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara as we go to commercial. Sammy has his signs to show on the small screen to hype the decision.  

When the commercial is over, Mox is coming through the crowd.  There's a table with a bucket full of Bubbly! Hmmm... a table in the ring.  I wonder if it will get used. Jericho talks Mox to the ring, hyping him up. Jericho reminds us that 1/8 is a big day in Memphis, and if Elvis was here, Jericho would kick his butt.  No, it's a big day because Mox will be making his decision. And after the decision, it will be a party and no one in the crowd is invited.

Mox says he's had a lot to think about this week, and a lot went into the decision than people think.  Mox says the fans don's know him. He goes over what Jericho offered him but he doesn't want any of it.  He can't be bought. He came to AEW to dominate. His answer is YES!

Mox unzips his leather jacket to show an Inner Circle shirt.  Mox wants to stand with the Inner Circle because he wants to dominate.  Mox says he wants to learn from the greats, and Jericho is the greatest of all time.  Mox ask him to pop open a little bit of the bubbly. The crowd is not happy about this.  Corks are popped, Jericho celebrates and music is played.  

Mox says Jericho forgot that he owes Mox a little something.  Jericho pulls out the car keys and says the car is worth 750K, down from Millions. The crowd chants that Mox sold out and he celebrates it.  Mox asks to cut the music and he forgot one final thing.

Mox says he was just kidding, he would never join the Inner Circle, says he wants the belt and nails Jericho with a bottle of Bubbly.  Mox hits Jericho and Sammy with a Paradigm Shift and takes off through the crowd as TNT gives us The Longest Yard!

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