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By Anthony Pires on 2020-01-08 09:00:00

We begin this week’s Powerrr by going straight to Dokken!

Joe Galli is by himself at ringside and he brings out Tim Storm, decked out in a very nice suit.  Tim resets the picture.  He knows what an honor the TV is and he’d be proud to be champion.  Storm reveals there’ll be 2 open invitation spots.  Essentially it could be anybody.  He reiterates his belief that the NWA fans are the best in the world and they deserved Nick Aldis vs Tim Storm.  The crowd is screaming that Aldis is a coward.  This brings out Kamille.  She grabs the mic from Galli and gets in Storm’s face.  He asks her why Nick Aldis disrespected the audience.  He asks if Aldis is a coward and Kamille with a hard slap across the face and walks off.  Tim Storm may be the best babyface promo in wrestling today.

Dave Marquez is out with the Dawsons and Trevor Murdoch, to draw names for the tournament.  Murdoch puts over the tournament.  NWA lawyer Anastacia pulls out Zane Dawson’s name and Dave Dawson.  Next week the Dawsons face off.  Thomas Lattimer and Trevor Murdoch will also face off in the tournament.

Zickey Dice vs. Caleb Konley (NWA TV Title Tournament Match- 6:05 time limit)

Konley immediately hits a backslide off of Dice attempted clothesline for a 2 count.  Rollup Konley for 2.  Armdrags by Konley and Dice begs off.  Kneelift by Dice and a lariat.  Quick small package by Konley for 2.  Konley misses a dropkick off of a leapfrog but immediately hits one.  Dice to the outside.  Konley slingshots Dice into the ring and nails chops in the corner.  Back drop by Konley off of a whip to the buckle.  Konley attempts a backdrop but Dice grabs him and throws him out of the ring.  Dice charges but Konley with a shoulderblock. Headscissors by Conley.  Legsweep and senton by Konley for 2.  Three minutes remain.  Dice reverses a whip into the corner but meets Konley’s boot on the charge.  Konley attempts a second rope dive but Dice catches him and hits a Northern Lights for 2.  Snake Eyes bodyslam by Dice, he misses a cannonball.  Konley with three left hand punches.  Running boot by Konley.  Two minutes remain.  Konley misses a moonsault.  Shake, rattle and roll neckbreaker and Dice gets the pin.

WINNER: Zickey Dice

We get a commercial for

Joe Galli is back with an interview with Aron “Shooter” Stevens and The Question Mark.  It is a fact that the Question Mark is Stevens’ sensei.  Stevens is getting The Question Mark acclimated to American culture.  As the 1st ever NWA 3rd Degree National Champion, Stevens understands that unworthy challengers are lining up.  Mark corrects Stevens’ pronunciation of “karate”.  Stevens and the Question Mark are going for every NWA title.

Galli and Bennett are back with Alyson Kay at commentary

Thunder Rosa vs. ODB

Lockup, hammerlock by Rosa into a front facelock.  Kneelifts by Rosa.  Armtwist and kneelift by ODB.  The two exchange punches and OBD forces Rosa into the corner. Forearms and a slap by ODB, they start exchanging chops and forearms.  Running clothesline by ODB.  Drop toe hold into the ropes by Rosa.  Rosa stomps ODB and the two roll around.  ODB misses a charge and Rosa with a knee strike.  Snap mare by Rosa, followed by a rear chinlock.  ODB powers Rosa off in the corner, we’re back to forearm exchanges.  Shoulder tackle by ODB.  Rosa tries a dive off the 2nd rope but ODB catches her and hits a fallaway slam.  ODB misses an axehandle off the 2nd rope, Rosa with a dropkick for 2.  Crowd is alive for this.  Rosa with a backstabber and a double stomp off the top rose for the pin.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa

The Rock n Roll Express with a commercial to help YOU with your relationship troubles.

Joe Galli brings out Nick Aldis.  Aldis seems disgusted with the rousing boos he’s getting.  Atlanta is chanting “coward” at him.  Aldis mocks Galli.  Galli wants Aldis to explain Kamille’s actions earlier.  Aldis has no answer as she’s no longer his insurance policy, she’s a full-fledged member of Strictly Business.  Aldis mock Tim Storm as a relic in his rear view mirror.  Aldis calls Ricky Morton another relic trying to make a new name off of him.  Aldis says the Wild Cards should be getting an NWA Tag Title shot.  Aldis says he didn’t feel like competing last week and it’s not because he doesn’t think he can get the job done in 6:05, specifically telling people to ask his wife about that.  He puts over the future of Ricky Starks.  Tonight, Starks gets made by the National Treasure in 6:05

Nick Aldis vs Ricky Starks in a 6:05 Exhibition Match

Lockup, headlock by Aldis into a shoulderblock.  Aldis poses for the crowd.  Headlock, shoulderblock into a dropkick by Starks.  Rollup by Starks for 2.  Starks goes for a cross body block and Aldis catches him and turns it into a vertical suplex for 2.  Cross face forearms by Aldis. Aldis hits a clothesline for 2.  Starks fight back with punches.  Aldis halts the comeback with kicks to the head.  Fallaway slam by Aldis for 2.  Three minutes remain.  Rear chinlock by Aldis, Starks elbows and chops out and hits a sling blade.  Starks goes for a swinging DDT but Aldis shoves him off.  The NWA Champion charges but runs into a boot for 2.  Two minutes left.  Aldis walks around ringside and Starks nails a suicide dive.  Starks rolls Aldis in and goes for a 2nd rope moonsault but misses.  Starks does land on his feet but favors the knee.  Starks with a small package for 2.  Aldis gets the cloverleaf on with one minute left.  Starks struggles to get the ropes as the last 10 seconds tick away.


Aldis appears disgusted.  This brings out Ricky Morton.  Morton asks for 5 more minutes, Starks is fired up and ready.  Aldis says no, as Starks was finished as far as Aldis is concerned.  Morton says that since Aldis won’t give Starks 5 more minutes, maybe Morton can have 5 minutes.  Aldis says no and storms off. 

Triple Threat: Eli Drake & James Storm vs Colt Cabana & Ken Anderson vs. The Wild Cards

Lattimer and Isaacs aren’t there so it’s a regular tag team match.  Drake slaps a headlock on Cabana to start and takes him down.  Drake counters with a headscissors, Cabana rolls back into headlock.  Drake reverses it into an armbar.  Anderson tags in and clubs Drake in the corner.  He misses a clothesline.  Storm tags in and he and Drake nail a double clothesline for 2.  Anderson tries to throw Storm over the top rope but he skins the cat and runs into a tilt a whirl that he reverses into a headscissors takedown.  Storm unloads with rights but Anderson with a hairpull takedown, Cabana tags in.  Cabana with chops and tags back out to Anderson.  Chinlock by Anderson, Storm breaks it with an enziguri and tags in Drake.  Russian Leg Sweep by Drake followed up with a powerslam.  Elbow drop by Drake for 2.  Drake misses a clothesline and falls into the corner, where Cabana tags in.  Jawbreaker by Drake out of a chinlock.  He clotheslines Anderson and hits a 2nd rope dropkick on Cabana.  Anderson pulls Storm off the apron.  Storm with a boot to the face but goes down immediately, favoring his leg.  Cabana with a Superman press for 2.  Anderson shoves the referee, arguing it should have been a pin.  Referee calls for the bell.


Cabana argues with Anderson outside the ring. 

Strictly Business comes out together to talk to Dave Marquez.  In this room, Aldis decrees, he is god and makes the room.  It wasn’t in the groups best interest for Wild Cards to be in the previous match.  Aldis calls out the Rock and Roll Express.  Morton and Gibson come out.  Aldis doesn’t know how all this started but it’s got to be settled.  A six man tag team challenge is issued: Team Morton vs Team Aldis.  Is team Morton wins, he gets a title shot.  Morton agrees.  Morton promises to win.  Aldis decrees that neither man can be in the match. Aldis’ team will be Wild Card and the newest member of Strictly Business, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner.  Steiner comes out to his siren music as we go to credits.

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