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By Anthony Pires on 2019-12-23 20:04:00

We open tonight’s show with highlights from the last two weeks of NWA World Champion Nick Aldis’ life, including his win over James Storm at Into The Fire, his confrontation with Marty Scurll, his attack on Tim Storm, his reunion with Kamille and his alignment with The Wild Cards.

As always, Dokken’s “Into the Fire” greets us.

Joe Galli and Stu Bennett are your announcers.

Dave Marquez is with Trevor Murdoch.  He announces, to a big ovation, that he has signed an official NWA contract.  Zicky Dice interrupts him and talks about how much he’s been partying with strippers since his big win last week.  He tells Murdoch to treat him with respect.  This brings out The Pope.  Pope tells us to let the congregation have its moment.  Pope pays homage to the NWA greats.  Pope announces that he’s looking for a group of his own to run.  Dice asks if he’s the type of talent Pope is looking for.  Pope laughs and walks off.  Pope joins Galli and Bennett on commentary.

TV Tournament Qualifying Match:  Ricky Starks vs Eddie Kingston (6:05 time limit)

Collar and elbow, we have a stalemate.  Kingston with a headlock.  Kingston hits a shoulderblock and immediately hits another headlock.  Starks reverses into a hammerlock.  Kingston breaks it with a back elbow.  Kingston charges the corner and Starks with a boot.  Starks hits a clothesline off the 2nd rope.  Starks to the top and a cross bodyblock for 2.  Starks with kicks and forearms, Kingston tells him to bring it, Starks with another kick for 2.  Kingston blocks a whip and nails an exploder suplex.  Kingston with ground and pound for 2.  Kingston now with kicks to a downed Starks.  Kingston misses and clothesline and Starks nails a sling blade.  Swinging DDT by Starks for 2.  Starks hits asunset flip for 2 and nails a pump kick.  Buster Keaton by Starks for the pin.

WINNER: Ricky Starks

Pope and Kingston acknowledge each other with a respectful nod.

We see another replay from Nick Aldis, Wild Cards and Kamille’s attack on Tim Storm.

Dave Marquez is back.  Royce Isaacs is out with a beautiful blonde, May Valentine.  Isaacs and Valentine play coy about their Holiday plans.  Isaacs whispers his plans in Marquez’ ear and Dave seems a little embarrassed.  Isaacs calls the booing crowd rude.  He talks about global expansion with Nick Aldis.  He also wants to impress his girlfriend by winning a one on one match.  This brings out James Storm.  His beer is on ice and accepts the challenge and references taking Valentine out with him.  The match is made official.

He get a commercial with Danny Deal$$$

Royce Isaacs vs. James Storm

May with a little kiss for Royce to wish him luck.  Isaacs is stalling telling the ref his shoulder needs massaging.  Storm attacks on the outside.  Storm is beating him around ringside.  Storm throws him in and hits a series of roundhouse rights.  Crowd is behind Storm big time.  Isaacs and Valentine walk out and he gets counted out.


The implication is that after the qualifying matches are completed, the TV Title Tournament itself will take place at the Hard Times PPV.  Hard Times is already sold out. 

Dave Marquez brings out Eli Drake, who brings out a bottle of champagne.  Drake fires up the crowd.  Drake then runs down Marquez’ comedy attempts.  Drake talks about the new year and decade.  New year means new goals.  He’s going for gold in 2020.  Drake shows some manic energy, sort of giving off the impression that he’s drunk from champagne. Santa and Mrs. Claus sing “O Come All Ye Faithful” with Drake.  While the song unwinds, Nick Aldis, The Wild Cards and Kamille come out, Marquez wishes them a Merry Christmas.  Nick gives his entire crew matching jackets.  Aldis tells Marquez that everything we’ve seen the last few weeks has been part of a master plan.  Marquez asks about Ricky Morton’s comments from last week.  He asks the Rock and Roll Express to come out.  Ricky and Robert join them.  Aldis asks him to clarify his comments.  Morton says he represents the greatest organization in the world and knows he trained under Harley Race.  Ricky apologizes for anything he said that may have offended Aldis.  They shaken hands.  Aldis tells Morton to be careful about ever opening his mouth again.

We see Thunder Rosa’s attack on Ashley Vox at Into the Fire and the debut of OBD

Melina, Thunder Rosa & Marti Belle vs. Ashley Vox, ODB and Alison Kay (winner of the fall gets a one on one match with an opponent of their choice). 

Rosa and OBD start off.  Rosa with a hammerlock into a headlock.  Shoulderblock by ODB.  Kay tags in and attempts a power bomb, Rosa slides out and hits a neckbreaker, tags in Belle.  Shoulderblock by Belle for a 2 count.  Kay with a Samoan drop, tags in Vox, Melina also tags in.  Vox with a headbutt and a dropkick.    Melina with an eye rake for 2.  Belle tags in and hits an arm twist. She throws Vox into the corner arm first and hits a series of kicks in the corner.  Hip attack by Belle, tags in Rosa.  Rosa with chops in the corner, Vox fights back but gets punched.  Melina tags in and hits a DDT.   Vox blocks a punch and rolls up Melina for a 1 count, Vox can’t make the corner.  Vox kicks Melina off and gets the tag to Kay.  Kay with a pump kick, Melina counters with a jaw breaker, both women tag out.  ODB and Rosa are in.  ODB with a fallaway slam, Vox makes the blind tag and hits a missile dropkick.  Belle runs in and hits a stun gun on Kay.  Vox with an armbreaker submission.  Rosa counters into a shouderbreaker, maintaining the position.  Rosa then hits another shoulderbreaker to the may on Vox for the pin.

WINNERS: Thunder Rosa, Melina and Marti Belle (Thunder Rosa gets to pick a future match)

Melina announces that Thunder Rosa chooses ODB as her future opponent

Dave Marquez is with Anastasia Fletcher from a law office to pick qualifying matches.  Tim Storm and The Dawsons are out as well.  Tim Storm gets picked as does Nick Aldis.  Next week it’s Aldis vs Storm in a qualifying match in the TV Title Tournament.  Tim Storm tells us mama Storm turned 95 this week.  Storm cuts a passionate promo about getting his work ethic from her.  Just like his mother, Tim Storm has something left to prove.  Storm knows he’s older and broken down but is coming for the TV Title. 

Colt Cabana vs The Question Mark (TV Title Tournament Qualifying Match- 6:05 Time limit)

Lock up, arm drag by Cabana.  Cabana does it again.  Question Mark with a karate thrust.  Cabana with a chop, headlock, hammerlock take down combination into a rollup for 2.  Colt to the outside, Question Mark follows.  Colt returns and Question Mark rolls in and Colt tries a quick pin but only gets 2.  Question Mark drives Cabana into the corner and hits karate thrusts to the midsection.  Mark misses a charge, Cabana hits and elbow and a chop in the corner.  We’re told Aron Stevens is banned from ringside.  Cabana with a splash off the top for 2.  Mark hits 2 jumping karate chops but Cabana counters with an elbow to the head.  Cabana to the top, he jumps into a Mongrovian Spike by Question Mark and Mark get the pin.

WINNER: The Question Mark

Backstage, Stevens announces their intent to win all the NWA Titles.

We go to credits.

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