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By Anthony Pires on 2019-12-17 19:28:00

It’s the Post Into the Fire Episode of NWA Powerrr

We begin immediately with Nick Aldis’ post match comments that no one can take the NWA Title from him.  We then see the entrance of Marty Scurll.Dokken back for Season 2!

Joe Galli and Stu Bennett are your announcers.

Dave Marquez introduces the New NWA National Champion Aron Stevens, who is accompanied by The Question Mark.  Marquez is denied the ability to look Stevens in the eye.  Stevens announces that he’s the 1st American to earn a 3rd degree black belt in Mongrovian Karate.  The crowd boos until The Question Mark says KARA-TAY. The crowd chants “Question Mark”.  Stevens declares the National Title makes him the ultimate male in American.  He declares himself the 1st ever 3rd degree National Champion, including the yellow tape around the belt.  Stevens decrees that he shall be known as Shooter Stevens.  Stevens says that he and Question Mark want the NWA tag team title (he said National Tag Team but it may have been an error).  Colt Cabana comes out, Marquez thanks him for saving the segment.  Colt and Stevens go back and forth.  Thunder Rosa ends it by walking out with a festively dressed Melina.  Ashlex Vox attacks Rosa but Rosa is quick to get the advantage and throws her into the steps.  Alyson Kay and ODB make the save.

We see the post match attack by Ken Anderson on Eli Drake.  They will meet tonight in a no disqualification match.

Backstage, Melina and Thunder Rosa confront Marti Belle about not being out there with them.

Joe and Stu announce a tournament for the TV Title.  A stipulation has been added to the tournament.  Each match with have a 6:05 time limit

TV Title Tournament Qualifying match: Zicky Dice vs. Sal Rinauro vs CW Anderson

Anderson and Rinauro shake hands.  Quick rollup by Rinauro for 2, Anderson reciprocates.  Sunset flip by Rinauro on Anderson for 2.  Rolling reverse by Dice on Rinauro for 2.  Rollup by Anderson on Dice for 2.  The 3 collide with a triple clothesline.  Dice tries to slam their heads together but Rinauro and Anderson block it and connect with punches to Dice.  Rinauro with a headbutt to each.  Stunner by Rinauro on Anderson and follows up with a running clothesline in the corner on Dice.  Rinauro charges Anderson and eats a spinebuster.  Dice throws Anderson out of the ring and hits a Rude Awakening (which he calls a Snake, Rattle and Roll) on Rinauro for the pin.

WINNER: Zicky Dice

Dave Marquez interviews Zicky Dice.  Dice says he needs no luck in the tournament.  The Dawsons run him off and they tell the fans that they can’t stand them.  They’ve come out to tell the truth.  There’s a conspiracy in the NWA.  They were promised NWA Tag Team Title opportunities by the Wild Cards for helping them, but since their rematch loss to the Rock and Roll Express, they won’t even pick up their phones.  The Wild Cards come out with chairs and chase the Dawsons to the back.

We see the post Into the Fire interview with Marty Scurll.  Scurll says he’ll do whatever he wants.  He goes over his past with Nick Aldis and the respect he has for him.  Scurll says he knows he can beat Aldis.  Scurll makes it clear that he’s the next NWA World Champion.  Crowd chants “next world champ”. 

We get a Highspots commercial

Eddie Kingston is out with Galli and Bennett and talks about Homicide’s injury. 

The Rock and Roll Express (NWA World Tag Team Champions) vs Zach Mosley and Sean Sims

Robert Gibson with a headlock, shoulderblock and hiptoss.  Tags in Morton.  Morton with a hiptoss of his own.  Ricky and Robert with whips, Mosely and Sims collide and the Champions Score a double pin rollup.

WINNERS: The Rock and Roll Express

Post match interview: The Rock and Roll Express talk about the legacy of the NWA and the great legends of the past.  The discussion turns to Nick Aldis. The Dawsons come out to expose the truth about the WildCards.  Another brawl break out to the back.

The next NWA PPV will be called “Hard Times”

The Wild Cards (Royce Isaacs and Thomas Lattimore) vs The Dawsons

Lattimer and Zane brawl right away.  Isaacs with the interference and an attempted double backdrop, Zane counters with a kick.  Zan misses a chop in the corner.  Lattimer stomps Zane’s fingers.  Isaacs with shoulder blocks into the corner.  Wildcards working on the hamstrings of Zane Dawson.  Isaacs with chops and punches, Zane is favoring the hand.  Lattimer comes in and bites the fingers during a wristlock.  WildCards with a death valley driver into a power bomb for the pin on Zane Dawson

WINNERS: The Wild Cards

Post match interview with Dave Marquez.  WildCards say the Dawsons are liars and so is Santa.  This brings out Jocephys as Santa Claus, throwing out candy canes.

We get a post Into the Fire interview with James Storm, who complains that he never gave up.  Storm says he will go back to the bottom and work his way up to #1 contenders spot. 

Zicky Dice is back out with Dave Marquez, who brings out the rest of the TV Title competitors:

·        Ricky Starks

·        Caleb Konley

·        Colt Cabana

·        Trevor Murdoch

·        Thomas Lattimer

·        The Question Mark

·        Eddie Kingston

·        Tim Storm

·        Zane Dawson

·        Dave Dawson

·        Nick Aldis (everyone seems shocked about this)

Nikita Koloff comes out to draw the matchups.  First match will be Ricky Starks and Eddie Kingston.  Nick Aldis joins Marquez to address the TV Title situation.  He says that he’s run through the NWA and has no challengers left.  He wants to make history by being the first to ever hold the NWA and TV Titles at the same time.  Aldis declares Ricky Starks the top young star in wrestling.  He believes Starks can make it to the finals and lose to him in the tournament finals.  Aldis has a firm “no comment” regarding Marty Scurll.  When asked about Kamille, Aldis says he needs to assemble a real team.  We will see that unfold over the next few weeks.  Kamille is no longer his insurance policy.

Stu Bennett interviews Marty Scurll.  Basically out over the NWA and its title.  Bit out of Villain character.  Scurll says he’ll continue to keep people guessing.  The NWA World Title is his goal.

Eli Drake out with Dave Marquez.  Drake is speaking with a pretty bad larynx injury.  Drake runs down Aldis and his own exclusion from the TV Title tournament.  He tells Anderson he’s going to finish things for good in the no DQ match.

Eli Drake vs. Ken Anderson

Anderson and Drake with punches at the outset.  Drake with a running clothesline off of an irish whip into the corner.  Russian Leg Sweep by Drake, clotheslines Anderson to the floor.  Drake follows and clubs Anderson to the stairs.  They brawl on the stairs of the studio, Drake in control with a low blow.  Anderson tries to escape but Drake with kicks.  Anderson connects with a punch.  They make it to the runway at the top of the studio and exchange punches.  Anderson throws Drake to the floor.  Anderson with stomps, crowd is firmly behind Drake.  Drake rakes Andersons face around the rails.  Anderson with a punch and slams the ramp door on Drake.  Anderson follows Drake down the stairs.  Back to ringside, Drake gets thrown into the stairs.  Anderson grabs a chair.  Drake blocks a mic check and drops Anderson into the chair.  Ground and pound by Drake.  Drake forgoes using the chair and hits a Gravy Train for the pin.

WINNER: Eli Drake

Aldis comes out to confront Tim Storm on commentary and tells him to keep his name out of his mouth.  Storm is done as far as Aldis is concerned.  There’s no mic so it not 100% clear whats being said.  Storm is furious and goes to the ring.  Aldis follows.  Wild Card attacks Storm from behind.  They hit a series of kicks and punches. Kamille comes in and gets in Aldis’ face and argues with him.  She immediately turns around and spears Storm, exposing that his earlier firing was a ruse.  Speaking of exposing, Kamile and Lattimer expose their relationship with a pretty big kiss.  The group embraces and Storm takes some more abuse from Aldis.

We go to credits

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