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By Anthony Pires on 2019-11-19 19:28:00

We begin with ominous music showing video of the recent teased dissention between Kamille and NWA World Champion Nick Aldis, including James Storm’s challenge and Colt Cabana’s defeat of Storm for the National Title.

Dokken welcomes us to the show with “Into the Fire”

Joe Galli and Jim Cornette are your commentators and they go over the show’s line-up.

Dave Marquez brings out Nick Aldis.  Aldis is dressed to complete and he is without Kamille.  Dave asks Aldis to address the controversy.  Aldis tells everyone to assume that he has nothing to do with Kamille’s actions or inaction.  Aldis vows to take care of all of his business in the ring while calling himself the greatest NWA Champion of the modern era.  Aldis heaps praise on tonight’s opponent, Trevor Murdoch.  Aldis stresses that this will be an exhibition, as Murdoch is coming off a long sabbatical.

Nick Aldis vs. Trevor Murdoch

We get a handshake followed by a collare and elbow, Aldis switches to an arm twist, which Murdoch reverses.  They go back and forth with the arm twist, Murdoch with a takedown.  Murdoch reapplies the arm twist and starts hitting short shoulderblocks to Aldis’ left shoulder.  Hammerlock but Murdoch, Aldis rolls out but Murdoch is able to re apply.  Aldis makes the ropes, forcing a break.  Murdoch with a low kick to the middle rope, crotching Aldis.  A series of right hands and a clothesline by Murdoch, followed by a trilogy of bodyslams.  Murdoch charges the corner and eats an elbow.  Aldis goes for a clothesline, Murdoch ducks and hits a full nelson slam.  Murdoch hits his bulldog off the top for a 2 count as Aldis gets his foot on the ropes.  Murdoch back to the top, Aldis his him with a right hand.  Aldis goes up to try something but Mudoch head butts him off the ropes.  Murdoch attempts a second bulldog off the ropes but he slips off instead.  Aldis with a Cloverleaf for the tap out.

WINNER: Nick Aldis

Great showing by Murdoch.  The two shake hands.

NWA returns to PPV on December 14th with Into the Fire

Dave Marquez brings out the Rock and Roll Express, who are dressed and ready for action.  Ricky Morton announces that they will be challenging The Wildcards for the NWA World Tag Team Title.  As the Express leave, Wildcards come out and cut a promo on their challengers.  Marquez asks Thomas Lattimore what his relationship is with Kamille.  Lattimore sternly answers that they’re just friends.

Danny Deals and Andy Andersons with a commercial for

We see highlights from last weeks debut of The Question Mark.

Colt Cabana joins Galli and Cornette at the broadcast table to scout Ricky Starks.

Ricky Starks vs The Question Mark

Mark starts off with 3 overhead chops and a thrust punch to midsection.  Forearm to the back of the head by Mark. Starks counters with a headbutt and a running knee.  Starks attempt a whip but Mark with chops.  Starks avoids a charge and sends Mark to the outside.  Starks with a tope suicida.  Starks hits a series of forearms on the outside.  Aron Stevens jumps him from behind.  Stevens and The Question Mark double team Starks.


The attack continues with a series of throat chops by The Question Mark.  They set up another, but Cabana makes the save as Stevens and The Question Mark run off.

Jim Cornette and Joe Galli announce that the main event for the show will be The Question Mark & Aron Stevens vs. Colt Cabana and Ricky Starks.  The audience is going nuts over The Question Mark.  Eli Drake joins Galli and Cornette.  Drake says that everyone is trying to make noise at his expense.  The crowd is chanting for the Question Mark.  Drake challenges Ken Anderson, who he accuses of being way past his prime.  Mr. Anderson comes out and confronts Drake.  Anderson accepts the challenge and wants it now.  Drake takes his jacket off and Anderson heads to the ring.  Drake instead attacks and sends Anderson into the post.  Drake then grabs a spare turnbuckle hook and clocks Anderson in the back.  Cornette checks on Anderson.  Security holds Drake back. 

We review the events with Marti Belle, Thunder Rosa and Allysin Kay, in which Belle and Rosa have formed an alliance to take out Kay.

Allysin Kay and Ashley Vox vs Thunder Rosa and Marti Belle

Kay runs off the heels as she enters the ring.  Vox holds Kay back so the match can start.  Vox starts off with Belle.  Collar and elbow, headlock by Vox, Belle breaks it with a hairpull and punches.  Waistlock by Vox, Belle escapes with Elbow strikes.  Belle misses a running senton, Vox gets a 2.  Front kick by Belle connects, Belle follows up with quick stomps, here comes Thunder Rosa.  Rosa with a hard chop for 2.  Armbar by Rosa Belle.  Belle connects with a forearm and a running knee in the corner for 2.   Belle attempts a charge but Vox gets her feet up.  Vox with a dropkick and tags in Kay as Belle tags in Rosa.  Back and forth punches between Kay and Rosa.  Kay gets the better of it and tries a package piledriver that Rosa slips out of and hits a running knee.  Rosa to the top but Kay meether there.  Kay with forearms and a superplex, both women are down.  From the crowd, Melina comes out and takes a place at ringside, definitely drawing the ire of Kay, who goes over to ask what she’s doing there. While distracted, Kay gets rolled up by Rosa for the three count.

WINNERS: Thunder Rosa and Marti Belle

Belle attacks Vox and Kay, throwing Vox to the outside while Rosa hits a double stomp to Kay.  Melina enters the ring and celebrates with Rosa and Belle

Promotional consideration paid for by Austin Idol and the Kay Fabe Cocktail

We get a package on the events earlier which led to the next match.

Colt Cabana and Ricky Starks vs. Aron Stevens and The Question Mark

Stevens and Mark and doing the dueling poses thing which gets boos for Stevens and major cheers for the Question Mark.  Starks charges but Stevens screams and runs from the ring.  Stevens immediately tags in the Question Mark, who gets tripped up by Starks and Starks with a dropkick.  Cabana tags in and hits the Mark with a punch out of a headlock.  Series of arm twists by the National Champion.  Mark breaks it with two overhead karate chops, Stevens tags in.  Cabana immediately grabs Stevens by the ear and tags in Starks.  Stevens runs away.  Starks chases him and as they re-enter the ring, Stevens misses an elbow and tags the Question Mark back in.  Mark with a series of overhead chops to the cheers of the crowd.  Back body drop by the Mark.  He tags in Stevens, who hits one chop and immediately tags in the Mark.  Stevens and Mark are now tagging in and out, hitting overhead chops.  The crowd hates when Stevens does it, they love it when the Question Mark does it.  Stevens moons the crowd.  Sling blade by Stevens.  Cabana tags in and hits Stevens with punches and a clothesline.  Starks tags back in and hits a flatliner for 2.  Colt tags in and Cabana and Starks hit a hip attack on both Stevens and The Question Mark.  The crowd does not want the Question Mark hurt.  Starks goes for a DDT but Stevens pushes him into his own corner, here comes the Question Mark.  Side Russian Leg Sweep by Starks, Starks goes for the Mask but Stevens stops him.  The distraction leads to a throat thrust by the Mark, Starks is down.  Stevens tags himself in and gets the pin.

WINNERS: Aron Stevens and The Question Mark

Dave Marquez is signing off but James Storm interrupts him complaining about Nick Aldis and Colt Cabana not defending their titles and why Aldis gets to have “exhibition” matches. This brings out Kamille, who whispers in Storm’s ear. Marquez asks what she said and Storm said “sorry ‘bout your damn luck”

We go to the credits.

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