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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-10-03 16:03:00

We are in Cardiff, Wales and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Match Number One: Piper Niven versus Isla Dawn

They lock up and Piper with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Piper with a wrist lock and Dawn with an escape and reversal. Niven with a side head lock and take down. Dawn tries for a head scissors but Niven blocks it. Dawn with a rollup for a near fall. Dawn gets Niven to the mat and Dawn escapes the hold and applies an arm bar.

Dawn adds a chin lock as she continues to work the arm. Dawn goes for a Saito suplex but Niven gets to the ropes. Dawn with a back elbow and drop kick. Dawn goes for a cross body but Niven catches Isla and slams Isla to the mat. Niven with a splash for a near fall. Niven with a chin lock using Dawn’s arm. Dawn gets to her feet and uses elbows to try to escape. Niven with a short arm clothesline and she returns to the chin lock.

Niven with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Niven with a straitjacket choke. Dawn with forearms but Niven holds on to the chin lock. Dawn with a kick and Saito suplex. Dawn with a running knee to Niven for a near fall. Niven charges into the corner but Dawn with a leg sweep that sends Niven into the turnbuckles. Dawn with a kick and Meteora for a near fall. Dawn with a front face lock. Nven gets back to her feet and she tosses Dawn away. Niven with a head butt and Michinoku Driver for the three count.

Winner: Piper Niven

We see Ilja Dragunov coming out of the medical office and he is asked about his situation. Ilja says he is still not medically cleared so he still can’t fight tonight.

Alexander Wolfe shows up and he tells Ilja that is a shame. Alexander says he likes Ilja and he tells Ilja to take a rest because someone will take his place tonight. He tells Ilja to think about his future.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for the Hunt and they will appear next week.

Piper Niven is interviewed after her match and she is asked where is her head now. She says that she has had a few wins and she is looking at the Women’s Champion.

Jinny arrives and she says that she is the next NXT Women’s Champion. Jazzy Gabbert attacks Piper from behind and Jinny gets in a few shots before officials get involved.

Match Number Two: Alexander Wolfe versus Saxon Huxley

They lock up and Wolfe with a single leg take down into a side head lock. Wolfe with a shoulder tackle but Huxley does not move. They lock up and Huxley with a side head lock. Huxley with a hip lock take down into a side head lock. Huxley holds on to the side lock and then Huxley with a hip lock take down into an arm bar.

Wolfe backs Huxley into the ropes and Huxley with a break. Wolfe pulls down Huxley’s knee pad and when Huxley goes to fix it, Wolfe with a kick followed by punches to Huxley. Wolfe with a front face lock but Huxley blocks a suplex attempt. Huxley with punches but Wolfe with a Fujiwara arm bar. Wolfe with an uppercut and suplex. Wolfe with a kick to Huxley. Wolfe stomps on the hand. Wolfe with a chin lock and he rakes the face.

Wolfe with an arm bar and he rubs his forearm across Huxley’s face. Huxley with forearms and Wolfe with a single leg take down and he works on the injured knee. Wolfe uses his boot to rake the eyes and he returns to a side head lock. Wolfe with an enzuigiri. Huxley with a Thesz Press and both men are down. Huxley with uppercuts and punches. Huxley with forearms but Wolfe returns to the leg but Huxley with a drop kick.

Huxley with a running kick into the corner and he goes to the apron. Huxley with a boot and he misses a boot against the ropes. Wolfe with a bicycle kick and he hits a forearm in the corner followed by a German suplex. Wolfe with a sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Alexander Wolfe

We go to Ashton Smith who is asked about his recent losses to Jordan Devlin.  He says he can deal with it.  He says he is going to get better and better.

Zack Gibson and James Drake enter and are surprised that Ashton is being interviewed. 

Ashton asks Drake and Gibson if they ever shut up.

Gibson says with Ashton’s record, he does not make jokes.

Smith points out that Drake and Gibson have lost their last two tag matches.

Gibson says they might not be the champions now but they are still the best tag team and they are locker room leaders.

Smith says you cannot be leaders when you have no followers.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three:  Mike Bird versus Jack Starz

Jack Starz is dragged out by Wolfgang and Mark Coffey.

Mark says young Jack is seeing stars so he will not be competing tonight.  Mark asks Wolfgang if he knows who it is in the ring.  He says this man is the Godfather of the Welsh wrestling scene.  This is the legendary Mike Bird.  He is the man responsible for training Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews.  Mark wants Mike to shake his hand.  Mark says he wants Mike to pass on this message to your two boys.  Wolfgang attacks Bird and Mark joins in.

The music for Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews plays and they make their way to the ring but Joe Coffey stops Flash Morgan Webster.  Wolfgang with a back senton to Andrews.  Joe sends Webster back into the ring and he punches Webster.  Mark with a choke slam.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Johnny Saint announces that Piper Niven and Jazzy Gabbert will meet next week.

Match Number Three:  Tegan Nox versus Kay Lee Ray in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Ray pulls the hair and backs Nox into the turnbuckles.  Ray with a slap on the break and Nox fires back and takes Ray to the mat and punches Kay Lee.  Ray goes to the floor to regroup.  Nox with an arm drag and a second one.  Nox with a chop and she sends Ray into the turnbuckles and chops Kay Lee.  Nox with a snap mare and she goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Ray goes up the ramp to the back but Nox goes after Ray.

Nox with a Northern Lariat to Ray and they return to the ring.  Nox with a punch and she gets Ray on her shoulders.  Ray with a shot to the right knee to take Nox down.  Ray with a chop.  Nox with a forearm and Ray chops back.  Ray with a snap mare and a seated abdominal stretch.

Nox with a rollup for a near fall.  Ray kicks Nox and Nox favors her right knee.  Ray with a forearm to the back.  Ray with a rolling mare and kick for a near fall.  Ray kicks Nox and then stands on the injured knee.  Ray uses the ropes to add more damage to the knee.  Nox pushes Ray away and Ray kicks Nox in the corner.  Ray with a gourdbuster for a near fall.

Ray goes to the turnbuckles and misses a swanton when Nox moves.  Ray charges into the corner but Nox moves and Ray hits the ring post shoulder first.  Nox cannot capitalize on the situation.  Nox with a forearm and Ray with a slap.  Nox and Ray exchange forearms and Nox with the advantage.  Nox kicks Ray and takes her down.  Nox with clotheslines.  Nox with a running European uppercut into the corner followed by a kick from the apron.  Nox goes up top and hits the Molly Go Round for a near fall. 

Nox misses a drop kick and Ray with a super kick and she goes for a Gory Bomb but Nox with a sunset flip for a near fall.  Nox with a super kick for a near fall.  Ray with a tornado DDT for a near fall.  Ray with a guillotine and Nox tries to escape the hold.  Nox rolls to the ropes but Ray gets Nox back into the center of the ring and Ray adds forearms to add more pressure to the hold.

Nox with a spinebuster to escape but Ray reapplies the guillotine and Nox gets to the ropes.  Ray with slaps to Nox.  Nox with a choke slam for a near fall.  Nox goes up top and Ray hits the ropes to stop Nox.  Ray wraps the injured knee in the ropes.  Ray signals that it is over.  Nox with a Destroyer for a near fall.  Nox sets for the Shining Wizard and hits it but Ray gets her foot on the rope to stop the count.  Nox kicks Ray and punches her.

Ray and Nox go to the apron.  Nox misses a kick on Ray and hits the ring post.  Ray with a Gory Bomb for the three count.

Winner:  Kay Lee Ray

We go to credits.

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