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By Taylor Millard on 2019-09-25 11:09:00

This week's episode starts with the end of the match between Villain Enterprises and Lifeblood from Saturday Night at Center Stage where Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams unveil their new kick/piledriver move. VE wins after Flip Gordon uses a chair on Williams allowing Brody King to hit the Gonzobomb for the win.

Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome us to the show and push Death Before Dishonor on Friday. They quickly recap the issues between Vinny Marseglia and the Beer City Bruiser where Marseglia stubbed his cigar into Bruiser's chest at Manhattan Mayhem.

First Match: The Horror King Vinny Marseglia vs. Beer City Bruiser

Marseglia starts out fast dropkicking Bruiser to the outside as he posed on the apron. Both men exchange punches outside the ring. Bruiser misses a cannonball but nails a chokeslam on the apron.

Bruiser jumps from the ringside barrier over the announce table but lands on the ringside crew. Marseglia hits another kick from the apron and we go to break while Caprice Coleman says, “[Bruiser] flew over my head!”

Back from break and Bruiser is in control with a clothesline in the corner. He misses a Bruiser Bomb and Marseglia starts beating Bruiser with punches and kicks. Marseglia is over to get a one count. At some point one of the turnbuckles was exposed but it wasn't shown how.

The two fight up to the top rope where Marseglia blocks a superplex attempt and nails Redrum but only gets a two count. Marseglia is furious he can't put Bruiser away. Bruiser gums  Marseglia's hand, takes a pump kick to the face, and is able to counter the offense into the Beer City DDT but Marseglia kicks out.

Bruiser beats down Marseglia in the corner and is pushed away by the ref at three. Bruiser goes for a charge, but Marseglia sends Bruiser into the turnbuckle using the ref as a decoy and get the pin.

Winner: Vinny Marseglia

ROH announces the participants and bracket for the #1 Contender Tournament: PCO vs. Kenny King and Dalton Castle vs. Mark Haskins on one side of the bracket while Colt Cabana takes on Marty Scull and Bandido faces Jay Lethal on the other.

King will face PCO and Scurll will face Cabana on Friday at Death Before Dishonor. Bandido vs. Lethal and Castle vs. Haskins is Saturday at Death Before Dishonor Fallout. The semi-finals and final will be at Glory by Honor on October 12th at New Orleans. The winner will face the ROH Champion at Final Battle on December 13th in Baltimore.

Back from break and TK O'Ryan has laid out Brian Milonas with a baseball bat. O'Ryan tells him, “What do you think of that, Fat Boy!” before he's ushered away.

Riccobani and McKay run down Angelina Love's (with Mandy Leon) declaration at ROH Honor For All that she doesn't need to be involved in the Fatal Fourway for the Woman of Honor championship because she's beaten Kelly Klein and Sumie Sakai. Allure tries to leave the ring but are attacked by Stella Grey and Damaris and brought back into the ring. Love wins with the Botox Injection and Leon sprays Damaris with hair spray.

After the match Love and Leon berate McKay for suggesting they cheated to win.

We then go to the Prestigious Shopping Network where Joe Hendry discusses the amazing deals which include a World Champ T-Shirt reduced from $199.99 to $24.99. He also says he was hurt by Dalton Castle calling him “trash” on Twitter so he unveils a 2nd best! Dalton Castle T-shirt which features Castle as a pigeon. Hendry says the World Champ T-shirt is a statement of intent and how he plans to be the best and change wrestling.

We return from break with Matt Taven giving a promo at Summer Supercard where he discusses beating Jeff Cobb and PCO. He suggests he's on pace to be the greatest ROH champ of all time because he's Matt Taven. He's then interrupted by RUSH. They'll face each other at Death Before Dishonor. Riccobani and McKay say this is a match a year in the making.

Main event is a #1 contender match for the ROH tag championship: Lifeblood (Bandido and Haskins) vs. Villain Enterprises (Scrull and King). Riccobani says PCO has been escorted from the building because he's not cleared to compete due to a nasty facial injury. The match was supposed to be for the six man title but PCO's injury changed it.

Bandido and Scurll start off and The Villain blows off Bandido's request for a handshake and tags in King. King dominates the start of the match throwing Bandido down. The luchador tries a single-leg takedown, fails, but gets it to work after King says something which was bleeped out. Bandido hit a hurricanrana but King stays on his feet and hits his own.

Both men exchange quick one falls. King offers his hand to Bandido and they shake hands only for Scurll to attack from behind. Haskins comes in and starts to clean house with King accidentally hitting Scurll with a clothesline.Haskins stop a hurricanrana from Scurll and puts him in a Boston Crab.  Bandido hits kicks on King and Scurll, then tags in Haskins.

Haskins gets a one count following a double team. Scurll kicks Haskins from behind and King lays out Haskins with a punch. Scurll kicks Haskins and we go to break.

Back from break and Scurll gets a two count on Haskins. He mouths off to Bandido and stomps on Haskins' hand, then rips the fingers. Scurll calls for the chickenwing but Haskins blocks it and both men are down.

Haskins gets the hot tag to Bandido who takes out both Villain Enterprises members. Lifeblood hits tope suicidas on VE. Frog splash on Scurll but he's able to kick out. King is tagged in and gets a pair of two counts on Bandido (the latter saved by Haskins).

All four men exchange blows, go down, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial. Haskins and Bandido get a two count after a series of kicks and stomps. Haskins rips Scurll's fingers but Scurll pushes him into Bandido and gets a chickwing. Haskins fights out and gets a two count.

King tries to hit a Gonzo but gets dumped. Twenty-oneplex by Bandido on Scurll, then he hits a dive on King outside. Haskins get Scurll in the Sharpshooter and Scurll taps.

Winner by submission: Lifeblood who get a tag title shot against the Briscoes at Death Before Dishonor.

Here is a quick rundown of the Death Before Dishonor card.

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ROH Tag Champs The Briscoes vs. Lifeblood

Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham

Kenny King vs. PCO - Quarterfinals of #1 Contender Tournament

Colt Cabana vs. Marty Scurll - Quarterfinals of #1 Contender Tournament

WOH Champ Kelly Klein vs. Angelina Love

ROH World TV Champ Shane Taylor vs. Flip Gordan vs. Tracy Williams

ROH Champ Matt Taven vs RUSH

Episode ends with RUSH telling Taven he's coming for him at Death Before Dishonor.

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