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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-08-18 16:06:00

We start off with a look at the eight man tag match between Villian Enterprises and the team of Lifeblood and PJ Black.

Your hosts are Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay.

We go to comments from Women of Honor Champion Kelly Klein. She says that before she became a two time Women of Honor Champion she told six women that if they wanted a chance, they could ask. One of them was Karissa Rivera. She did not want to ask for a title match or have one handed to her so she earned a chance. It shows that you deserve to be in Women of Honor, but are you ready for the title? Kelly will give her a chance tonight. Kelly says she hopes that Karissa is ready.

We take a look at highlights from the match between Rush and TK O’Ryan from Manhattan Mayhem.

Rush with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. TK with a spinebuster for a near fall. TK sets for a fisherman’s DDT and hits it for a near fall. Rush spits at TK and TK slaps TK. Rush tells TK to hit him again and TK with a chop. Rush wants TK to hit him again and TK with a chop. Rush grabs for the groin area and then he blocks a chop and Rush with a forearm. Rush with a German suplex and running knee to send TK to the floor. Rush sends TK into the guadrails and members of ringside security. Rush hits a third set of guardrails. Rush winds up for number four and he finishes the circuit.

TK returns to the ring and Rush with a slingshot into the ring followed by a back kick to TK. Rush with an overhead belly-to-belly throw into the turnbuckles. Rush with a running drop kick into the corner for the three count.

Rush will be part of the All Stars team with Kenny King, Jay Lethal, Jeff Cobb against the champions in Atlanta.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Eli Isom, Cheeseburger, and Ryan Nova are preparing for their match in the back.

Ian mentions the Top Prospect Tournament and we see the brackets.

We see Silas Young and Josh Woods from three weeks ago when Silas beat Josh after a low kick. We see what happened after the match in the back. We see footage of Josh Woods hitting Silas low at Manhattan Mayhem and their conversation after the match. We see footage from Lowell, Massachusetts when Silas faced PJ Black. We take a look at highlights from the match.

PJ escapes a chin lock and hits an elbow from the turnbuckles. PJ with another elbow from the turnbuckles and he goes up top again. PJ with a cross body and a backslide for a near fall. PJ with a springboard kick and a quebrada for a near fall. PJ with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Silas goes to the turnbuckles and PJ with Spanish Fly from the middle ropes for a near fall. PJ goes to the apron again and he goes for the springboard 450 but Silas moves and PJ lands on his feet. PJ with a kick off the turnbuckles and then he goes back up again and Silas crotches PJ on the top turnbuckle.

Silas with a knee followed by Misery for the three count.

We cut to Silas on the phone later in the night and Josh gives Silas a pack of cigarettes and takes one and walks away.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Karissa Rivera versus Kelly Klein for the Women of Honor Championship

They lock up and they go to a stalemate. Rivera with a wrist lock but Klein with a reversal and arm drag. Rivera with a waist lock take down into a front face lock but Klein escapes with a hammer lock. Rivera holds on to a hammer lock and Klein with a head scissors. Klein with a waist lock take down.

Klein with a back elbow and front face lock DDT. Klein with an Irish whip and a second one into the turnbuckles. Klein with a third Irish whip as we go to commercial.

We are back and Klein with a slam. Klein gets Rivera up for a second slam. Klein with a back breaker. Rivera blocks a suplex attempt from Klein and Rivera tries for a suplex of her own but it is blocked by Klein. Rivera with a kick and Irish whip but she misses a splash into the corner. Klein with a forearm, elbow and clothesline in the corner followed by a suplex. Klein gets a near fall. Klein with a fallaway slam to Rivera. Rivera escapes a second fallaway slam attempt and Rivera with a boot to Klein. Rivera with clotheslines. Rivera with a drop kick. Rivera with an Irish whip and she runs into an elbow. Rivera with a spinebuster for a near fall. Rivera with forearms but she misses a clothesline. Klein with a Death Valley Driver for the three count.

Winner: Kelly Klein (retains Championship)

After the match, Sumie Sakai makes her way to the ring to check on Rivera.

Klein takes the mic and she says it looks like you have someone in your corner. Kelly says that you aren’t ready for this, but if you keep doing this, you have the endorsement of a legendary Women of Honor Champion. When you come back, she will give Karissa another opportunity. You proved that you are ready for Women of Honor.

The lights go out and Velvet Sky and Angelina Love make their way to the ring.

Velvet asks if they were having a moment. Velvet says everyone knows this is a load of crap. Everybody knows it should have been Angelina Love in this match instead of whatever was in the match. After Angelina pinned you at Best in the World and kicked your ugly face in, she earned the right to be the number one contender for the title . . . not that.

Angelina Love says Matt Taven talked about a conspiracy for years in Ring of Honor and she says that he was right. The conspiracy is against The Allure.

Kelly says she can assure that there is no conspiracy, just the truth. The Women of Honor don’t want people like you.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kelly Klein says that you saw Karissa Rivera put up a hell of a fight. As much as she wanted the title and as much as Sumie wanted this championship, that is how much Karissa wanted the title. Women like The Allure don’t deserve to be here. We are going to show the Allure what Women of Honor is all about.

Ian and Quinn talk about the upcoming shows in Atlanta and Nashville, and the Defy or Deny match that will take place in Nashville.

We go to footage from the last Defy or Deny match from June featuring Flip Gordon versus Mark Haskins versus PCO versus Matt Taven.

We see Taven go for Climax on PCO but PCO escapes. PCO goes over the top rope to the apron. Haskins with a shoudler to PCO and PCO with a punch. Gordon slides through the ropes and sets for a power bomb onto the floor but PCO holds on to the ropes. Haskins with a drop kick and PCO goes down. Haskins with a suicide dive onto Gordon. Taven with a plancha.

PCO sets for a tombstone on Taven and then he adds choke slams to Haskins and Gordon at the same time. TK O’Ryan and Vinnie Marseglia make their way to the ring and Taven hits PCO with a chair and PCO does not feel it. PCO grabs the chair and he hits Taven in the back and Taven is eliminated. PCO attacks a ring post and railing that had nothing to do with the elimination. Haskins with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall on Gordon. Haskins with a double stomp to Goron and Taven with a rollup and a handful of tights to eliminate Haskins.

Gordon with a forearm and Taven with a forearm. They go back to back. Gordon goes to the apron and he goes for a rana but Taven catches Gordon and power bombs Gordon through a table. Taven sends Gordon back into the ring and hits a frog splash but Gordon kicks out. Taven tries for Climax and Gordon escapes. Gordon with slingblade. Gordon with a modified Unprettier followed by a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Gordon gets Taven up and Taven lands on his feet and hits Climax for the three count.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Eli Isom, Ryan Nova, and Cheeseburger versus Marty Scurll, Brody King, and PCO (with Flip Gordon) for the Ring of Honor Six Man Tag Team Championship

PCO starts for the champions and the Nova and Cheeseburger go after Pco before the bell rings. Cheeseburger and Nova are sent to the floor by PCO. Isom comes in and PCO wants him to hit him from behind. Isom with a forearm to the back and PCO wants more. Isom with more forearms. PCO with a punch and clothesline.

PCO with a power slam for a near fall. Nova and Cheeseburger attack PCO after breaking up the cover. PCO with a double clothesline to Nova and Cheeseburger.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Isom escapes from PCO and Isom knocks Scurll off the apron. Scurll with a knee to the back but Isom punches Scurll off the apron. Isom sends PCO over the top rope onto King and Scurll. Isom goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault onto Scurll, King, and PCO. PCO is rolled into the ring and all three men cover PCO and PCO kicks out emphatically. PCO pushes Nova and Isom into the corner and Cheeseburger goes for the Shotei and it has no effect. PCO with a choke slam.

King tags in and he clotheslines Isom and Nova. King Irish whips Nova into Isom and hits a splash followed by chops to Nova and Isom. Scurll tags in and Scurll is sent to the apron by Cheeseburger but King with a splash. Scurll with a sunset flip to King from the apron and Cheeseburger is power bombed across the ring.

Scurll with a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Isom land son his feet and Nova tags in. Scrull tells Nova to hit him again. Scrull isn’t impressed and Nova slaps Scurll. Scurll slaps back. Scrull with a thrust kick to the knee. Scurll wanders around the ring to signal for the crossface chicken wing. Nova drops down and gets a near fall. Scurll with a power bomb for a near fall. King kicks Isom and Irish whips him. Scurll is sent into a boot and Isom with a super kick to Scurll. King with a Bossman Slam on Isom.

Nova with a rollup on Scurll for a near fall. King with a boot to Nova and then Scurll with a catapult into a forearm and King with a back senton to allow Scurll to get the three count.

Winners: Marty Scurll, Brody King, and PCO (retain Championship)

We go to credits.

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