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By Brian Cannon on 2019-08-08 07:44:00

This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, August 7, 2019. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 9PM, and on the OVW Network. In this episode, the TV Title gauntlet featuring TV Champion Jay Bradley, major announcements about the September 11th TV taping and OVW TV, plus more!

Without further ado:

Here we go...

Pre-Show Dark Matches:

Dustin Jackson defeats William Lutz. A wristlock by Dustin. Lutz reverses. Dustin reverses and takes Lutz down for 2. Side headlock by Lutz. Off the ropes, Dustin hits the dropkick. He spells "BRO" in the corner, but Lutz shoves him off and hits him and shoulders him in another corner. Lutz with a reverse cross body out of the corner, but Dustin catches him and slams him. Off the ropes, Lutz catches Dustin with a dropkick. Lutz locks the wrist and walks the top rope, but Dustin pulls him down to the mat. Dustin with an enziguri and a knee to the face. He hits a Michinoku Driver and goes up top. He connects with the splash off the top rope for the 3.

Drew Hernandez defeats Dapper Dan. Drew hits Dan, but Dan fires back and slams him. He hits the Dapper elbow drop. Drew shoulders him into the corner and gets a roll-up with his feet on the ropes for the 3.

"The Real Deal" Randall Floyd defeats Ashton Cove. Cove attacks Floyd from behind and clubs him across the back. He headbutts him and Floyd starts to fire back. In the corner, he chops Cove and then again against the ropes. Floyd hits the Deal Breaker for the 3.

That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at OVW TV.

Gilbert Corsey & Ted McNaler are on commentary, and Brittany Devore is the ring announcer.

Gilbert Corsey starts the show announcing that there will be a briefcase containing $100,000 high above the ring for one of the matches at the September 11 show at Fourth Street Live!

"Mr. Marvelous" Melvin Maximus (w/Mrs. Marvelous) defeats DL3 (w/Big D & Shiloh Jonze). DL3 attacks Melvin from behind. Off the ropes, Melvin plows him down with a shoulder block. He clotheslines him and hits a German suplex. DL3 picks himself up on the outside of the apron. Melvin hip tosses him in, then hits the Russian leg sweep for the 3.

After the match, Shiloh & Big D get in the ring. DL3 shoves Shiloh and kicks the ropes. They argue through the curtain.

Randall Floyd comes to the ring and grabs a mic. He has an issue, a major issue, with Dustin Jackson. He says Dustin could never outwrestle him or beat him 1-on-1. He says Dustin threw an elbow across his jaw and he has a major issue with that. He says this is no longer about wrestling, it's about a fight.

Dustin comes out and says Randall thinks he's all that, he's Rip's golden boy, but Dustin says he is a superstar and Randall can never beat him. Randall says he is giving him an opportunity to walk away, like Lily walked away from him. Dustin tells him to punch him in the face unless he is just a little b****. Randall hits him and they start to brawl. All the officials jump in to try and break them up.

Jacob Black vs. William Lutz (w/Ashton Cove). Black & Lutz with some exchanges, but before long,

Madman Fulton from oVe shows up and takes out all 3 men. He grabs a mic, and says "HE" is coming...


Dimes defeats Nigel (w/Chace). Dimes slaps Nigel's hand on a handshake attempt. Nigel goes to kick him, but Dimes goes for a Change Maker. Nigel throws him off. Dimes takes him down. Nigel on the ropes and Dimes super kicks him in t he back. He rolls him up with a sunset flip for the 3!

Dimes defeats Chace (w/Nigel). Chace attacks Dimes immediately and chokes him in the corner. He distracts the ref and Nigel chokes Dimes from the outside. He kicks Dimes, and again distracts the ref so Nigel can hit him from the outside. Chace throws him into the corner and knees him. Side headlock. Chace with a running uppercut on Dimes in the corner. Chace goes to kick him, but Dimes moves and hits the Change Maker. He hits a Change Maker on Nigel as he tries to get in and pins Chace for the 3.

Jay Bradley (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeats Dimes. Jay clubs Dimes and hits a big boot in the corner. He has Dimes on his shoulders and Dimes drops with a chinbuster. He dropkicks Jay and Jay falls out of the ring. Dimes goes out and Jay rolls in. Dimes goes for a sunset flip from the apron, but Jay picks him up by the throat and Dimes tries to fight out, but Jay drops him. He hits a knee drop for 2. Jay charges into Dimes and plows him down. Dimes kicks him as he charges him in the corner. Dimes leaps at him, but Jay catches him and chokeslams him. Jay sets up for the Boomstick. Dimes ducks and dropkicks the knee. Dimes with a fameasser, followed by a flying headscissors. Dimes goes for the Change Maker, but Jay catches him with the Boomstick for the 3.

Jay Bradley (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeats "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson. Sam goes to the top and hits a missile dropkick. He jumps on Jay's back, but Jay rams him into the corner. Jay chops him and throws him to the opposite corner. Sam moves from a charge. He tries a tornado DDT, but Jay throws him off. He ducks a Boomstick, but runs into a swinging side slam. Jay sets up for the Boomstick and connects for the 3.

Jay Bradley (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeats Maximus Khan. Maximus comes out firing away with punches and clotheslines. Off the ropes, he spears Jay. Hy Zaya, Big Zo, & Ca$h Flo all come out to ringside. While Ca$h & Hy distract the ref, Zo gets in the ring behind Khan and hits the Zo slam. Jay gets the 3.

After the match, Zo gets a mic and says family is forever. The first man who came to him and said they need to "unleash this beast" was Josh Ashcraft. Ca$h trained him, and Hy was his mentor. After he lost to Jay last week, it was a wake up call. Josh said "nice guys finish last". He is done dancing and singing to entertain the fans. It's about winning titles. Oh, and it's still Zo time!

Dean Hill comes out and says he has 2 big announcements. First, starting October 1, OVW TV moves to Tuesday nights live on WBNA-21 at 8PM. Secondly, two big superstars from the Tuesday night tradition of wrestling in Louisville at the Gardens will be there...Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton,the Rock 'n' Roll Express! Justin Smooth comes out and says no one wants to see the Rock 'n' Roll Express, they were wrestling before he was born. He wants to know who he will be facing for his OVW Heavyweight Title. Corey Storm comes out and says the only thing that saved Smooth was getting his foot on the bottom rope. When Smooth pinned him, though, Smooth's foot was under the bottom rope! Dean says he saw the footage and Storm deserves a rematch. Dean Hill's law says he will get his rematch at Fight for Freedom on September 11!

This ended the TV taping.

DARK MATCH: Amon vs. KTD. Amon attacks KTD at ringside. He clotheslines him, throws him into the ring apron, and into the ringpost. He smacks KTD numerous times and chokes him with his boot. The ref counts them out and rules it a no-contest.

DARK MATCH: "Category 5" Corey Storm defeats Colton Cage. They lock up and Colton gets in the ropes and yells at referee Charlene to get him off. Corey gets flipped over to the apron and kicks Colton in the head. He shoulders Colton and dives in with a sunset flip for 2. He throws Colton out of the ring and dives into a forearm from Colton on the outside. Colton clubs him across the back and clotheslines him back inside the ring. Colton chokes him and hits him across the back. He elbows Corey in the corner and charges with another hard elbow. He misses another and Corey rolls him up for 2. Colton catches him with a shot to the midsection and suplexes him. He pins him for 2. He pulls Corey up and goes for a suplex. Corey flips over and kicks him. Colton rolls out and Corey dives out onto him. He rolls him in and flips in on him. He goes up top and Colton shakes the ropes for Corey to fall off. Colton with the sideburn effect. He sets up for the scissor kick, but Corey moves. Corey with a dropkick into the corner. He goes up and hits the Eye of the Storm for the 3.

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