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By Brian Cannon on 2019-08-03 23:01:00

This is the OVW Report for the August 3, 2019 (103rd) edition of the Saturday Night Special!

Tonight, The OVW Heavyweight Title is on the line as Justin Smooth defends against Corey Storm!  Megan Bayne defends the OVW Women's Title against "Hip Hop VV" Valerie Verman!  Plus much more!

Your announcers for tonight are Gilbert Corsey, Josh Ashcraft, & Dr. Ted McNaler, and Brittany Devore & Mercy Keller are the ring announcers.

Cali Young vs. Jessie Belle.
Jessie tricks Cali into looking up at the ceiling, then smacks her. She bends her over and spanks her. In the corner, she runs in and splashes her. Jessie locks her legs around Cali and gives her the tilt-o-whirl. She knocks Cali down in the corner, but Cali pulls her face first into the second turnbuckle. She snapmares her and hits a dropkick to a seated Jessie. She tries to pin for 2. Jessie back with a modified Russian leg sweep. Cali gets in the ropes, but Jessie kicks her and goes for the Belle Ringer. Cali claws her eyes and rolls her up with a handful of tights for the 3.WINNER: CALI by pinfall.

KTD & "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson vs. Drew Hernandez & Amon.
KTD with a wristlock on Amon, and Amon slaps him. KTD pulls on the wristlock harder and tags Sam. KTD with a drop toehold and Sam drops an elbow. Amon with a thorat thrust and a tag to Drew. Drew goes for a back body drop, but Sam flips over and kicks him. Amon causes a distraction as Sam hits another kick and gets in and hits Sam. He chokes him with his boot, but KTD & Sam come back and hit a double super kick. Sam with a flying dropkick that knocks Amon into Drew and Drew flies off the apron by the announce table. Amon grabs a chain, but as the ref tries to take it away from him, Drew grabs another one and clocks Sam with it from behind. Amon hits Sam with an STH while Drew hits KTD with the Mayan Apocalypse for the 3 and the win.
WINNERS: DREW & AMON by pinfall.

"The Entourage 2.0": DL3 & Shiloh Jonze vs. William Lutz (w/Ashton Cove) & "Mr. Marvelous" Melvin Maximus (w/Mrs. Marvelous).Lutz hooks Shiloh's leg, but he gets to the ropes. Shiloh with a drop toehold. Lutz back with an armbar, but Shiloh elbows him in the head. He throws him into the ropes, but it knocks DL3 off. DL3 tags in and hits the corner clothesline. He goes for another, but Lutz moves. Shiloh tags back in and cuts off a tag to Melvin. He chops Lutz hard in the corner. He does a Shiloh-roonie, then misses a charge in the corner. DL3 gets ina nd grabs Lutz by the hair as he argues with Shiloh. They argue and Lutz hits them both. They take him back down and Cove charges in. He runs into the ringpost and knocks himself out again. They both go for moves with Shiloh hitting the jiggy kneedrop, and DL3 pushes him and argues again. Lutz gets a tag to Melvin. Melvin double clotheslines them and takes them both down for the 3.
WINNERS: MELVIN & LUTZ by pinfall.

We find out that earlier this week, Leonis Khan & Hy Zaya were in a bar fight and arrested. Maximus Khan says tag title match or not, Kings Ransom always wins. Ca$h Flo comes out and says he doesn't care what is going on with Maximus' brother, he signed up for a title match tonight and is going to get it. He found a partner and suggests that Maximus do the same.

"The Real Deal" Randall Floyd vs. "The Great" Dustin Jackson.
They lock up aggressively and Floyd with a shoulder block off the ropes. Side headlock takedown by Floyd, but Dustin with a headscissors. Dustin with a side headlock takedown of his own. Now Floyd has a headscissors. He hits a dropkick and goes for the modified Boston crab, but Dustin blocks it. Floyd with a hard shot to the mouth, then Dustin back with a hard shot of his own. Floyd with another big shot, then Dustin, and they exchange blows. Both men lose their composure and end up both shoving the referee. The ref calls for the bell, and all the officials end up in the ring trying to keep them broken apart.

FATAL 4 WAY: Dimes vs. Chace vs. Brandon Wolfe vs. Nigel.
Chace & Nigel try to hit Wolfe & Dimes with the croquet mallets, but they duck and kick them in the head. They roll out and Wolfe flies out on them. Dimes baseball slides into Wolfe, then brings him back in. Chace & Nigel are back in on the attack. They throw Dimes into the corner hard and club Wolfe. They claw his mouth, then choke Dimes in the corner. Nigel brings a croquet ball in and the ref blocks him from throwing it at Dimes. Dimes with suplexes and a double Change Maker to Chace & Nigel. He hits the rolling Change Maker to Wolfe and gets the 3.
WINNER: D by pinfall.

OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Ca$h Flo & TV Champion Jay Bradley vs. Maximus Khan & Big Zo (c).
Zo attacks Khan from behind and gives him 2 slams. He runs off the ropes and delivers a big splash and Ca$h pins him for the 3!

Josh Ashcraft jumps in the ring, shows off his Legacy of Brutality shirt and says "Welcome to a new chapter!".


UNSANCTIONED MATCH: "Hip Hop VV" Valerie Verman vs. OVW WOMEN'S CHAMPION Megan Bayne.VV runs out and Meg chases her as much as she can on her bad knee that VV hit with a baseball bat on Wednesday night. VV trips her and wraps her leg around the bottom rope. She hammers the knee from behind and works it over. Meg comes back, throwing her corner to corner, then clotheslining her. On the outside, Meg hits her through the curtain. VV comes out with the bat and hits Meg's knee from behind. Back inside, she whacks it hard. She goes to hit Meg across the chest, but the ref pulls it away. She tries to pin, but Meg kicks out. Meg gets the bat and clubs VV, then hits an F-5 for the 3!

WINNER: MEG by pinfall.


OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "Category 5" Corey Storm vs. "The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth (c).
Corey storms out of the gate and hits and kicks Smooth. He hits a kick to the head and goes to the outside. Corey dropkicks him through the ropes and into the steel railing at ringside. Back inside, Smooth regains control and clubs Corey and chokes him with his knee. He delivers a big slam. He sets up for Street Justice, but Corey moves. He goes for a kick and Smooth grabs his foot. Corey twists around with the other foot to kick Smooth in the head. He gets the 3 with Smooth's foot on the ropes. Another ref comes out to tell the main official and the match is restarted. Corey turns into Street Justice and Smooth pins for 2, as Corey somehow kicks out! Smooth sets up for another one, but Corey rolls him up for 2. Corey fires away, but Smooth kicks him. He charges, but Corey pulls down the top rope and Smooth flies to the outside. Corey sets up and dives out onto Smooth into the barricade. Smooth grabs the title belt and the ref sees it and takes it away. Corey with kicks galore and one to the head. He goes up top and hits the Eye of the Storm. 1-2-kickout by Smooth! Both men are down. Smooth throws him into the ropes and Corey springboards off with a stunner, then dropkicks Smooth. Smooth grabs the title again, and Corey ducks it. He super kicks Smooth and goes up top again. He leaps off into Street Justice from Smooth! Smooth gets the 3.WINNER and STILL OVW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: SMOOTH by pinfall.

If you have never been to a Saturday Night Special and/or are not able to, make sure you pick up a copy Wednesday nights at the Davis Arena during the TV tapings, or order them online at the shop on!

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