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By Mike Johnson on 2019-06-06 22:06:00

Welcome to’s live, ongoing coverage of Impact Wrestling’s TV Taping at the Melrose Ballroom in Long Island City, Queens!

We have some pre-show spoilers and notes on the main page.


Shawn Donovan vs. Rohit Raju (with Gama Singh)

Donovan is a regular for WrestlePro.  He was worked over but made a comeback and hit a heck of a spinebuster.   Rohit Raju came back with a top rope double stomp for the pin.

Your winner, Rohit Raju!

Impact Wrestling:

Michael Elgin vs. Willie Mack

A good back and forth match.  Elgin worked over Mack on the floor and tossed him back into the ring for a two count.   Elgin locked on a side chinlock and scored several two counts but Mack kept kicking up. Elgin worked him over in the corner but Mack kicked him off after being whipped into the corner.   Mack nailed a spinkick and slammed Elgin. He nailed a big legdrop for a two count. Mack nailed a sit-down powerbomb for a two count. Mack went for a stunner but it was blocked. Elgin drilled him with several strikes and a superkick.  Elgin nailed a superplex off the top for a two count. Elgin missed a charge into the corner and nailed his shoulder into the ringpost. Mack went for a dive but Elgin pulled Rich Swann in the ring, then slammed Swann on the ring apron. Elgin nailed a bucklebomb and a sit-down powerbomb for the pin.

Your winner, Michael Elgin!

Really good match.

Elgin went to powerbomb Mack but Swann attacked him.  Johnny Impact got involved and he and Elgin laid out Mack and Swann.  Elgin and Impact shook hands but Elgin then turned on him and nailed a German suplex, leaving Impact laying as well.  He powerbombed Mack on the floor into the ringpost.

The North vs. Rob Van Dam & Sabu (with Super Genie)

BIG pop for Sabu and RVD.  Sabu started out with Josh Alexander, who was cautious.  He tried to out-wrestle Sabu but was nailed with a big right.  RVD tagged in with a legdropover the ropes. He nailed a suplex for a two count.   The North took control and worked over RVD, who came back with a spinkick and an armdrag on Ethan Page.  Van Dam ducked a clothesline and used a takedown. Sabu and RVD nailed Rolling Thunder. Sabu flung a chair at Page.  Van Dam covered him for a two count after dropping Sabu atop of him.

The North cut off RVD and began double-teaming him.  Alexander began working over Van Dam’s leg. He nailed a suplex for a two count.  They worked over RVD for a long time as Sabu was dying to get in the ring. Page missed a charge in the corner and was kicked by RVD.   Sabu made the hot tag and began flinging chairs into The North’s faces.

Sabu and RVD worked over Alexander but Page made the save.

Sabu and RVD brought a table into the ring, getting a “ECW” chant.  They set up to do a double legdrop through the table but Moose ran out and knocked RVD off the top to the floor.  Sabu hit the Arabian Facebuster through the table anyway. Moose interfered and allowed The North to double team Sabu and pin him.

Your winners, The North!

Dreamer hit the ring and attacked Moose after.  They set up for Van Dam to hit the Van Terminator on Moose but he slipped out and escaped before Rob could nail the move.

Fun match.  The NYC crowd loved seeing the former ECW guys.

Havok (with James Mitchell and Su Yung) vs. Masha Slamovich.

Havok drilled the Slamovich with a clothesline and worked her over.  She nailed a snap suplex and then flung her by her hair across the ring. Masha made a comeback but was kicked down. Havok nailed a tombstone and scored the pin.  Good squash match.

Jim Mitchell cut a promo, saying that he had to unleash his kaiju queen Havok, his secret weapon to get back Su Yung after Rosemary put her hands on Mitchell.  He said that to pay Havok back for helping him by making sure she becomes the next Impact Knockouts Champion. He said that Rosemary’s carcass will be the launching pad for that.

Gama Singh cut a promo about how the entire country is supposed to be the land of the free but all he sees are cowards.  The crowd chanted “USA!”

Cody Deaner (with Cousin Jake) vs. Raj Singh (with Gama Singh)

A short back and forth match.  Cousin Jake went after Gama on the floor when he tried to interfere and Singh acted like he was feigning a medical emergency.  That allowed Singh to drill Deaner with a Rocker Dropper type move and score the pin.

Madison Rayne vs. Jordynne Grace

Keira Hogan came out to commentate.  She has a new theme song as well.

Lot of chants for Grace.  Grace used her power early to keep Rayne off balance.  Rayne took a nasty looking bump to the outside. Grace shoulderblocked her down when she returned to the ring, then hit a long delayed vertical suplex.  Grace nailed a series of clubbering blows and locked on some unique submissions. Rayne nailed several kicks and a dropkick. They battled outside on the apron.  Back in the ring, Rayne nailed Grace with a crucifix bomb for a two count. They battled in the corner. Grace caught him and nailed the muscle buster for a two count.  Rayne battled back but was nailed with a clothesline. Grace went to the ropes but had words with Hogan. Hogan distracted her by coming towards the ring, which allowed Rayne to escape a hold and drill her for the pin.

Your winner, Madison Rayne!

Really damn good back and forth match.

The Sandman vs. Killer Kross

Killer Kross was in the ring.  Sandman hit the ring from the crowd from where he was signing autographs but was cut off with a right hand.  They rang the bell. Kross worked him over but Sandman made a comeback and worked him over with punches in the corner.

Sandman began caning Kross.  Kross ducked a shot and locked in a choke.  Sandman tried to nail him with the cane but was choked out.  The referee stopped the match.  Eddie Edwards hit the ring with a ton of fire and clotheslined Kross over the top to the floor.  He challenged him to return to the ring, wielding the cane but Kross walked out.

Edwards and Sandman had a beer bash after.  Sandman went right back to where he was signing.  You have to love Sandman.

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