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By Steven Fernandes on 2019-05-21 20:38:00

The "Bash at the Beach" trademark by Cody Rhodes was given an initial refusal by The USPTO because likelihood of confusion with WWE's registered "The Bash" trademark. 

His trademark for "Dusty Rhodes" has also been given an initial refusal because of likelihood of confusion to the "Dustin Rhodes" trademark registered to Dustin Runnels. 

All his other trademarks - BattleBowl, Bunkhouse Stampede, The Prince of Wrestling, The American Nightmare, and The American Dream have been approved to publish for opposition at a later date. 

Meanwhile, WWE's trademark for "Garza Jr." has been given an initial refusal because, according to The USPTO, they are just trademarking a last name/surname which is not a rare name. They supplied the article of Garza's signing as evidence in which WWE made mention of his uncle Hector Garza.

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