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By Mike Johnson on 2019-05-11 10:00:00

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I just watched the Bruiser Brody episode of Dark Side if the Ring and it was a hard episode to watch. I read so much about Bruiser Brody’s murder as a kid, but hearing about it was completely jarring. But one thing stuck out to me - Tony Atlas seemed to think that Bruiser Brody would be ok after he left the hospital. However, he noted that the hospital asked him to leave. Has there ever been anything mentioned about what may or may not have happened in the hospital after? I know that people could take a turn for the worse, but I was curious if there was any speculation into any further incidents beyond the initial stabbing. What were your thoughts about the episode?  

There’s never been any accusations thrown, in all these years, that anything underhanded happened to Brody in the hospital after Atlas left his side.  I thought the episode was great and told the story of a really sad piece of wrestling history that the average viewer was likely never aware happened.  I’d really like to see them do a follow-up piece trying to cover what happened in the trial and finding the court documents, which have been missing for many, many years.  The interview and footage of Brody’s wife Barbara and her son Geoff is some of the most compelling material on a pro wrestling-centric show, ever.

I notice that a lot of times, you will give the news but not give your opinions on it.  Why is that?  This is your forum, so why not use it?

I do, every day.  A lot of time, my opinions are in audio form in the Elite section of the site.  I know the world has changed but I was brought up that news gathering and reporting are a different animal from opinion pieces.  While I will do the latter, I try very hard to separate it from the former.  I think far too often, opinion is presented as factual information these days and that’s not fair to the reader or the subject.

I’ve been really impressed with Tony Nese.  Where did he come from?

Nese was a lifelong fan who grew up in Long Island and trained under Mikey Whipwreck.  He broke out in the NYWC promotion and from there, started working all the Northeastern independents.  He was a regular in House of Hardcore before being signed by WWE for the Cruiserweight Classic and then locked into a full-scale deal.

I don’t get it.  Why should I care about an old Bret Hart match from decades ago?

You don’t have to, but others do.  It’s just been an interesting piece of wrestling folklore and now it’s going to be seen on a major scale for the first time.

Why doesn’t WWE utilize the Stampede library more?

They have been very slow to use it, because they don’t own the rights to any of the material pertaining to Bret Hart.  He acquired the rights to that material from his parents and if WWE wants to use it, they have to make a deal to license or purchase the material from Hart.  There were some Stampede episodes uploaded for a short time, but once Hart learned they were using his matches, he contacted the company and they were removed.  WWE will have to work around his matches or come to a deal with him down the line.

The one place Impact Wrestling doesn't get credit for is its improvement on social media over the last few years.  Who's behind it?

Impact hired a fan named Garrett Kidney to run their social media, so all improvement credit goes to him!  I am actually really surprised no one has tried to poach him.

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