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By Richard Trionfo on 2019-04-28 09:20:00

We start off with Richard Holliday and Alexander Hammerstone and they see what is left of Maxwell Jacob Friedman’s vehicle that was taken by the Hart Foundation. Hammerstone freaks out. Hammerstone complains about what has been going on. Holliday tells Maxwell he needs to show up as soon as possible.

We are told that on June 1st, MLW will crown the first National Openweight Championship. Four men will battle for the title.

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We are in New York City and your announcers are Jim Cornette and Rich Bocchini.

Match Number One: Jordan Oliver versus Kotto Brazil

They lock up and Oliver backs Brazil into the corner. Oliver with a slap and Brazil slaps back. Brazil with a thrust kick and drop kick. Brazil with a running clothesline into the corner and then he hits a slingshot kick into the corner. Brazil with a running double knee strike and Oliver goes to the floor. Oliver gets back on the apron to stop Brazil but Brazil with a drop kick. Brazil lands on his feet on a pescado and then he charges at Oliver but Jordan moves and Brazil hits the ring post.

Oliver sends Brazil back into the ring. Brazil with punches and chops. Oliver rakes the eyes and the referee warns him. Oliver runs into a boot and Oliver gets a near fall. Oliver with a reverse chin lock. Brazil with elbows but Oliver with a forearm to the back. Oliver goes for a suplex but Brazil counters into a rana. Brazil with a flying clothesline and another clothesline. Brazil with a head scissors. Brazil with a running back elbow into the corner.

Brazil with a clothesline into the corner and Brazil with a blockbuster. Brazil goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.

Salina de la Renta and Ricky Martinez make their way to the ring and Oliver with a rollup for a near fall when Brazil was distracted. Brazil sends Oliver to the apron but Oliver with a slingshot cutter for a near fall. Brazil with a kick and stunner that sends Oliver to the floor. Brazil with a suicide dive onto Oliver. Brazil sets for a second one and hits it. Brazil goes for a third one but Martinez trips Brazil. Brazil with a pescado onto Martinez. Brazil returns to the ring and Oliver with a springboard cutter for the three count.

Winner: Jordan Oliver

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Avalanche Robert Dreissker will face Tom Lawlor for the MLW Championship. We see Dreissker’s performance in Battle Riot.

He says that he is coming to MLW from wXw and he is coming for one reason and one reason only. The MLW World Heavyweight Championship. He tells Tom Lawlor to be ready for a beating.

We go to commercial.

We see footage from earlier today when Brian Pillman Jr. was attacked with a chair by Maxwell Jacob Friedman and then he is hit with a chair while a chair is placed on his arm.

Match Number Two: Ace Austin versus Rey Horus

They lock up and Austin backs Horus into the corner and gives a clean break. Horus with a waist lock and Austin with a wrist lock. Horus with a wrist lock and Austin with a reversal into a side head lock. Horus with a kick and side head lock. Horus with a shoudler tackle and he sends Austin off the ropes who hits Horus with a shoulder tackle and Horus with a head scissors and Austin escapes.

Horus with a drop kick and chops. Austin with an Irish whip and Horus floats over. Austin with a sunset flip for a near fall. Horus with a sunset flip of his own for a near fall. They go for a test of strength and Horus with the advantage and Austin with a bridge to keep his shoulders off the mat. Austin blocks a kick and he misses a kick.

Austin with a leg sweep and kicks in the corner. Austin with knees to the midsection followed by a forearm. Horus tries to float over but Austin does not go into the corner. Horus blocks a German suplex and then lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex. Austin with a uranage and thrust kick to send Horus to the floor. Austin avoids Horus on the apron and kicks Horus in the chest. Austin kicks Horus on the floor and kicks him against the guardrails.

Austin breaks up the count and he clotheslines Horus. Austin gets a near fall. Austin with knees to the ribs and applies an arm bar. Austin with a guillotine and then he runs Horus into the turnbuckles. Austin puts Horus on the turnbuckles and Austin with a crossface and he goes after Horus’ mask. Horus knocks Austin to the mat and Austin climbs back up to the turnbuckles. The mask is off but Horus is able to get it back on. Horus hangs from the tree of woe and Austin kicks Horus. Austin chokes Horus from the floor.

Austin with a forearm and we go to a split screen update about the condition of Brian Pillman Jr. Austin sends Horus into the turnbuckles. Horus goes to the turnbuckles for a springboard arm drag that sends Austin to the floor. Horus with a kick that knocks Austin off the apron to the floor. Horus with a corkscrew pescado onto Austin. Horus sends Austin into the ring post. Horus with a chop against the guardrails. Horus with a clothesline into the corner followed by a forearm and a jumping thrust kick

Horus with a forearm and Austin with a forearm and he sends Horus into the turnbuckles. Austin with punches. Horus goes to the floor and kicks Austin. Horus goes up top but Ausatin recovers. Austin with a drop toe hold and kick to the back. Horus with Spanish Fly for a near fall. Austin with a forearm and Horus fires bck. They go back and forth and they go with chops as well. Horus with forearms and Austin with a forearm. Horus with a kick and Austin with round kicks. Austin with a twisting suplex for a near fall. Austin with a slam and he goes up top. Horus crotches Austin and Horus with a chop across the chest. Horus goes up top but Austin with a chop and he gets Horus on his shoulders. Horus with elbows to stop Austin. Austin tosses Horus off the turnbuckles and Horus lands on his feet. Horus with a Victory Bomb from the turnbuckles for the three count.

Winner: Rey Horus

We go to Salina de la Renta in the back and she is on the phone. Low Ki mentions the National Title but Salina says that she is very busy. Salina says that she will be back and walks away from Low Ki.

We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Tom Lawlor. He says now that Jimmy Havoc is gone, the last man to defeat him is done in MLW. Tom says now he can defend the title against all comers. He mentions that people from Germany and Japan want to take a shot at him. Tom welcomes them to face him. He does not care about LA Park. When you are the filthiest man in wrestling, you do what it takes to keep the title. Get used to seeing Tom Lawlor in front of you. The toughest man on Earth is not backing down from anyone.

Match Number Three: Richard Holliday, Alexander Hammerstone, and Maxwell Jacob Friedman versus Brian Pillman Jr., Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Teddy Hart in a Tables Match

Pillman is not with Hart and Smith as the teams make their way to the ring.

Hart has to be held back by the referee and then he attacks Friedman from behind. Holliday decides to start things and Smith with a super kick. Smith press slams Hart into Hammerstone and Friedman but they catch Hart. Smith with a drop kick and they go to the floor. Hart punches Freidman, Hammerstone, and Holliday. Hart with a knee and chops. Smith with a kick to Hammerstone.

Hart goes to the ropes for an Asai Moonsault onto all three men. Hammerstone kicks Smith but Smith pucnhes back. Smith with forearms to Holliday. Hart with a suplex to Hammerstone on the floor. Smith with a forearm to Holliday. Smith slaps Holliday. Smith suplexes Holiday on the floor. Hart kicks Hammerstone and Smith with a knee. Hart sends Holliday into the apron and then back into the ring for Smith.

Smith with European uppercuts to Holliday. Hart holds Holliday in the ropes for Smith to kick him. Hart with a punch to Holliday. Smith with another kick to the chest. Hart package wrist lock DDT on Holliday. Hart with a double assisted piledriver in the ropes to Friedman and Hammerstone. Smith goes to the turnbuckles and Hart gives him Friedman for a power slam off the turnbuckles. Hart with a moonsault. Smith goes up top and hits a diving head butt. Hart with an Arabian Press onto Friedman. Hammerstone stops Smith from getting a table from under the ring. Smith is sent into the ring post by Hammerstone. Holliday hits Hart from behind.

Hammerstone with a missile drop kick to Hart. Holiday with a buttefly back breaker and then they hit a spike tombstone piledriver to Hart. Smith kicks Holliday and Friedman with an elbow to the back. Hammerstone gets Hart up for a delayed vertical suplex and Smith does the same to Friedman. Holliday kicks Smith in the leg and he lets go of Friedman and Hammerstone with the suplex. Hart is sent shoulder first into the ring post.

Hammerstone punches Smith while Holliday kicks him. Hammerstone with a forearm. Hammerstone with a kick while Friedman instructs Holliday. Holliday punches Hart on the floor. Holliday brings a table into the ring. Pillman makes his way to the ring and he punches Holiday and Friedman. Pillman with super kicks. Smith clotheslines Holliday over the top rope to the floor. Hammerstone is sent into the turnbuckles. Hart hits an assisted destroyer on Hammerstone. Hammerstone is put on the turnbuckles and then Friedman is put on Smith’s shoulders. Hart goes off Hammerstone’s back for a Doomsday Destroyer.

Holliday with a low blow to Hart and Smith. Holliday with an arm wringer on Pillman’s injured arm. Hammerstone with a bicycle kick to Pillman and Hammerstone with a running power bomb to send Pillman through the table.

Winners: Richard Holliday, Alexander Hammerstone, and Maxwell Jacob Friedman

We go to the back for Salina de la Renta. She is asked about next week’s show. Salina says there will be tv and movie stars. Gringo Loco will face Hijo de LA Park. Daga will face Low Ki. There will be a public execution of Pentagon Jr. Salina asks Kaci how her Spanish is and she tells Kaci to learn her Spanish or she is fired.

We go to credits.


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