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By Steven Fernandes on 2019-03-29 21:19:00

WWE has a job posting for a Global Touring Manager

The Global Touring Manager position will be based in Stamford, CT and will report directly to the Director, Global Touring. This role is responsible for assisting the Director, Global Touring in all routing, booking and contracts of events. Key responsibilities include managing the touring of WWE’s brand NXT and handling all domestic and international contracts.

Key Responsibilities

  • Manage the touring plan of WWE’s brand NXT, which includes over 100 Florida Live Events and 60 out of state events a year
  • Manage all Domestic and International venue contracts by working with WWE’s internal legal department to ensure all proper paperwork and insurance are in place for each event
  • Liaise directly with all local international promoters to ensure that events are in full compliance with local laws and permits
  • Ensure that all departments including legal, travel, and immigration are fully equipped with all necessary information for over 500+ plus events a year
  • Secure venue availability and track potential dates to ensure market frequency and accuracy
  • Day to day management of the Internal Live Event System program to ensure accuracy of all events
  • Help identity prospective new markets, venues and opportunities
  • Distribute weekly building deals and promoter deals to marketing managers
  • Provide input to help achieve departmental goals and company objectives
  • Stay up to date on WWE programming, storylines, talent and products


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