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By Brian Cannon on 2019-03-02 21:10:00

OVW Clash in the Bluegrass Results

This is the OVW Report for the March 2nd Clash in the Bluegrass featuring IMPACT Wrestling!


-OVW Heavyweight Champion Tony Gunn goes 1-on-1 with Sami Callihan!

-Team OVW (Dustin Jackson, Shiloh Jonze, Melvin Maximus, & Sam Thompson) face oVe's Sawyer Fulton, Ace Austin, and Jake & Dave Crist!

-Big Zo vs. Ca$h Flo vs. Jay Bradley vs. Moose in a fatal-4-way battle of the big men!

-Plus much more!

Your announcers for tonight are Gilbert Corsey, Don Callis, & Josh Mathews, and Mercy & Brittany Devore are the ring announcers.

William Lutz (w/Ashton Cove) vs. "Livewire" KTD.

Lutz with the early control, thanks to a distraction from Cove on the apron. Lutz works him over and gets some near falls, but KTD fires back. Lutz locks up the arm and hits it after stepping across the top rope Undertaker-esque. KTD fires back again, hitting a spinning back elbow and he then dives out of the ring on Lutz & Cove. He rolls Lutz in, then goes up top. He hits a flipping legdrop on Lutz for the 3.

WINNER: KTD by pinfall.

Dimes vs. "The Warlord of Weird" Sinn Bodhi.

Sinn takes Dimes down and then delivers an airplane spin into a snap suplex. He gives him the "funnel cake" and tries to pin. He headbutts Dimes to the outside. He bites him, then tickles him in the ropes. Dimes flips him in and dropkicks him to the corner. He delivers the 10-count punches, but at 7, Sinn gets out and kicks Dimes in the head. He stomps Dimes and tries to pin for 2, but Dimes rolls him over for 2. This happens again, and Sinn pounds Dimes. He rakes his face across the top rope and smacks him across the back. He kicks him and Dimes tries to fire back. Sinn clotheslines him and tries to pin for 2. Dimes comes back and hits the springboard stunner for the 3!

WINNER: DIMES by pinfall.

NON-TITLE MATCH: OVW Television Champion Colton Cage (w/Dani) vs. Brandon Espinosa.

Cage hits Espy off the apron and into the barricade before he can enter the ring. Cage hits him on the outside. Espy back with a huge chop, then another. Cage rakes his back and rolls him in. Cage throws him into the corner and hits a sidewalk slam for 2. Cage with a suplex. Another suplex and a 2 count. Espy tries to roll him up for 2. Cage hits him. Espy chops back, but Cage pulls his head down across the top rope. Cage throws him in the corner and goes for another sidewalk slam, but Espy reverses into a hurricanrana. Espy rolls him over and kicks him i n the face for 2 counts. Off the ropes, he gets tripped by Dani. Cage with the sideburn effect. Espy kicks out at 2. Espy drop toeholds Cage into the turnbuckle. Espy with a sit-out powerbomb for 2. He goes up for a frog splash, but Dani is on the apron. Cage shakes the ropes and Espy falls. Cage hits the scissor kick and puts him away for the 3.

WINNER: CAGE by pinfall.

FATAL 4 WAY: Jay Bradley vs. Ca$h Flo vs. Big Zo vs. Moose.

Moose jumps out saying he doesn't want to be in this stupid city. Zo & Ca$h team up to take Jay out of the equation. Ca$h & Zo exchange chops, and Zo Samoan drops him. Off the ropes, Moose trips Zo up. Ca$h attacks him from behind. Off the ropes, Moose trips Ca$h, allowing Jay to attack Ca$h from behind. Jay & Zo exchange blows. Moose trips Jay off the ropes and Zo hits the running cross body. Moose jumps in to break up the pin. Everyone teams up hitting and chopping Moose. Jay then throws Zo out of the ring. Ca$h slams Jay and goes up top, but gets knocked off. Moose catches Jay with a forearm shot. Jay with a big boot to Moose. Jay dives out on Moose & Zo. Ca$h then dives off the apron on all of them. Zo with a roundhouse kick to Ca$h. Moose then kicks Zo. Moose slams Jay and goes up top. Ca$h hits him. Zo & Ca$h get up and superplex him while Jay powerbombs them both off! Jay tries to pin Moose for 2, then Zo for 2, then Ca$h for 2. Jay throws Zo to the outside, then Ca$h. He goes for a Boomstick, but Moose boots him. Ca$h hits the Wall Street Crash on Moose, then Zo hits the roundhouse kick on Ca$h. Jay hits a boomstick on Moose for 2. Jay is taken down by Zo, then Zo & Ca$h exchange shots. Ca$h goes for a suplex, but Zo reverses into a small package for the 3!

WINNER: ZO by pinfall.

NON-TITLE MATCH: Madison Rayne vs. OVW Women's Champion Cali Young.
Some quick exchanges early. Rayne with an arm drag. Cali knees her and dropkicks her through the ropes. Cali with a dropkick to a seated Rayne for 2. Cali hits her head into the top turnbuckle and throws her into the corner. She runs in with a back elbow and chokes her in the ropes. Cali tries another pin for 2. Cali with a submission, but Rayne works out and they both go for a cross body at the same time off the ropes. Rayne fires back and takes Cali down with some hard shots. Rayne with a forearm shot for 2. Rayne with a suplex pin for 2. Cali kicks Rayne and hits the x-factor for 2. Cali charges, but Rayne moves and Cali runs into the corner. Rayne hits a reverse DDT for the 3.

WINNER: RAYNE by pinfall.

TEAM OVW: Dustin Jackson, Shiloh Jonze, "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus, & "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson vs. oVe: Jake & Dave Crist, Sawyer Fulton, & Ace Austin.

Sam & Dave exchange shots, then both tag out to Ace & Dustin. Dustin kicks and uppercuts him. He locks the arm up and tags Shiloh. Shiloh hits it and then Melvin tags in and works it over. Jake tags in and Melvin slams him. He throws him into the corner and Dustin tags in. They continue working it over with Sam back in. He runs into a kick to the face from Jake. All 8 men end up in the ring brawling. Sawyer with a long-standing vertical suplex to Sam. He then holds him up long again for a slam. Dave tags in and kicks him in the face. Sawyer slams him across Dave's knees. Ace tags in and Sam tries firing back. He's dragged back to oVe's corner and Dave tags in. Shiloh with the tag and is on fire until a big boot from Sawyer. Shiloh tries fighting out of their corner, but gets pulled back in. Sawyer tags in and they deliver a slam/kick combo to Shiloh. Ace tags in with a snap suplex. Shiloh with an enziguri to Dave and a hot tag to Dustin. He clotheslines Ace & Dave in opposite corners. He then leaps out on all of oVe and double dropkicks them off the top rope. Everyone ends up inside. The Crists hit their finisher on Sam, but Dustin is legal. He superkicks Jake in the face and goes up top, but Sami Callihan runs out and shoves him off the top rope. The ref calls for the bell as Tony Gunn runs out and everyone brawls around ringside and to the back.


Brian Cage vs. "The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth

Smooth locks up the arm and takes Cage down. Cage works out and kips up. Cage takes him down off the ropes. Smooth back with a dropkick. Cage with an arm drag. Smooth with a headlock, but Cage suplexes him. Cage runs into a back elbow and clotheslines him. Smooth slams him. Smooth splashes him in the corner and hits him, but Cage superkicks him in the face. He takes him down for 2. Cage takes him down and kicks him in the back of the head, then drives him into the corner and clotheslines him. On his shoulders, Smooth slides off and hits a backstabber for 2. Smooth fires away and clotheslines him. Off the ropes, Cage kicks him and then Smooth catches him in a spinebuster for 2. Cage flips Smooth over to the apron and kicks him in the face. He suplexes him in for 2. Smooth catches Cage and slams him for 2. He connects with the bicycle kick, but Cage kicks out at 2! Smooth charges, but Cage powerbombs him, hits a buckle bomb, then a spinning sit-out powerbomb for the 3!

WINNER: CAGE by pinfall.

Adam Revolver (w/World Heavyweight Radio Champion Shannon the Dude) vs. Eddie Edwards.

Before the match starts, Johnny Impact arrives and says that OVW & IMPACT agreed to make this a triple threat match for the IMPACT World Championship!

IMPACT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Adam Revolver (w/World Heavyweight Radio Champion Shannon the Dude) vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Johnny Impact.

Adam rolls out and Johnny locks up Eddie's arm. Off the ropes, Adam trips Johnny. Off the ropes again, Eddie hits an overhead throw for 2 as Adam runs in and breaks the pin. Johnny & Eddie agree to go after Adam on the outside. They catch him and exchange shots and Eddie chops him. They exchange shots on Adam back inside and hit a double superkick. Eddie rolls Johnny up from behind for 2. Johnny goes to jump on Eddie, but Adam pulls him down, then attacks Eddie who is distracted by STD. Johnny gets back in and kicks Adam in the face. He then double superplexes Adam with Eddie off the top rope! All of them exchange shots. Eddie goes after STD as does Johnny. They run to the back. Eddie stays with Adam while STD runs back out, but Johnny is not back out yet. Eddie works over Adam, then hits a sit out powerbomb on Johnny who runs back out for 2. Adam hits the Russian leg sweep/pin combo for 2 on Eddie. He locks in a sleeper on Johnny, but Johnny knocks him off. Johnny superkicks Eddie. Eddie comes back with several roll-up attempts on Johnny for 2's. Adam locks in a sleeper on Eddie, but Johnny hits a kick off the ropes to Adam. He connects with Starship Pain for the 3!WINNER and STILL IMPACT WORLD CHAMPION: JOHNNY by pinfall.
After the match, Johnny & Eddie shake hands, but Adam attacks them. Eddie grabs the kendo stick and STD hits him from behind. Adam low blows Eddie and runs off as Johnny gets back in to run them off.

Dean Hill brings out Scott D'Amore and they talk about this partnership and Scott returns the OVW Title. Sami Callihan and oVe come out and Sami says he wouldn't have given it back if that's all he was going to do.Tony Gunn comes out and says if it takes putting the title on the line to get Sami in the ring, that's what he'll do. Sami is bringing oVe, Tony is bringing Team OVW.

OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "The Void": Nigel Winters & Chace Destiny vs. "Kings Ransom": Maximus & Leonis Khan.

The War Kings face the winner, or if neither team wins in 10 minutes, it becomes a triple threat. Chace attacks Max and Leo blind tags. Off the ropes, Leo hits a jumping clothesline. Nigel tags in and gets slammed down. They hit a double shoulder tackle. Chace tags in and gets a hip toss from Leo. He runs into a boot, but Leo with a clothesline. Nigel tags in, but gets driven into the corner. Max tags in and shoulders him. He chops him hard, then knees him. He tags Chace and he tackles Max. They hit a double clothesline. Leo tags in and hits a back body drop on Nigel. He locks in a sleeper, but Nigel reverses out. Chace tags in and they club Leo across the back. The War Kings' music hits and they enter the contest.

OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "The Void": Nigel Winters & Chace Destiny vs. "Kings Ransom": Maximus & Leonis Khan vs."The War Kings": Crimson & Jax Dane.

The War Kings get in and annihilate the Void, tossing Nigel out and squashing Chace inside. Jax delivers a meeting of the minds to the Void. Jax continues to work over Chace. He clubs him across the back and tags Crimson. Crimson with a hard shot to the gut and a suplex. Chace tries to fire out of the corner, but Crimson takes him back down. Jax tags in and splashes him in the corner and snapmares him. He applies pressure to the shoulder. Chace hits a chinbuster and tags Nigel as Max tags Jax. Max hits the spinning jumping clothesline on Nigel. Ransom delivers Kings Landing to Nigel. Crimson tags himself in. He delivers a Death Valley Driver to Chace and Off With Their Heads to Nigel for the 3 and the win.


OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: "The Draw" Sami Callihan (w/"oVe": Sawyer Fulton, Jake & Dave Crist, & Ace Austin) vs."Shotgun" Tony Gunn (w/"Team OVW": Sam Thompson, Melvin Maximus, Dustin Jackson, & Shiloh Jonze).

Sami attacks Gunn, but Gunn fires back. He chops Sami. Sami chops back. Gunn chops him several times back. Gunn dives out on all of oVe! He hits Sami's head off the apron. He tries to run, but Team OVW is in his path. Gunn chops him. Back inside, Gunn chops him and pounds him after he flips Gunn off and spits at him. Gunn pounds him in the corner and throws him to the opposite corner. He flips out to the apron and goes for the knee off the top, but Sami hits the ropes and knocks him down. He throws Gunn out and distracts the ref so oVe can stomp him. Sami with a sleeper. Gunn works out, but runs into a back elbow. Sami catapults Gunn into the bottom rope. He drops an elbow for 2. Gunn comes back and locks Sami in a leg submission. Sami gets to the ropes. Gunn charges Sami in the corner with some hard shots and tries to pin for 2. Sami fires back, misses a charge, and Gunn kicks him in the head and hits the flying knee off the top rope. Gunn slides out at Sami, but Sami puts him in the apron and hits him. Team OVW and oVe square off again on the outside. Sami with a hard chop. He rolls Gunn in. Sami snapmares him and Sami applies pressure to the shoulder. Gunn works his way up and rolls Sami up for 2. Sami clotheslines him and stomps him. Gunn comes back and locks Sami up in an ankle lock. Sami gets to the ropes with assistance from Jake. Sami fakes an injury and rolls Gunn up for 2. Sami with a leglock on Gunn. Gunn gets to the ropes. Sami chops him in the corner. Gunn only gets angrier, and chops back. Gunn spits in his face and chops him. Gunn clotheslines him. Gunn hits a reverse DDT for 2. Gunn sets him on the top turnbuckle. Sami slides down and powerbombs him for 2, then goes right into an STF. Gunn gets to the ropes. Sami has a bat. Gunn catches a swing and as he pulls it away, hits the ref. Gunn hits the Killshot, but there's no one to count. oVe gets in, as does Team OVW. There's melee in the ring. Gunn hits Sami with another Killshot at the end of it, but Ace gets in and hits him. He goes up top, but Gunn gets up and shoves him off through the announce table! Sami grabs him below the belt and hits his finisher, but another ref comes out to count 2. Sami throws the ref out. He places a chair on Gunn and has the bat, but Gunn kicks him below the belt. He hits another Killshot and gets the 3!


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