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By Brian Cannon on 2019-02-07 07:30:00

This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, February 6, 2019. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 9PM, and online at OVW TV. In this episode, a major announcement from owner Al Snow, Kings Ransom wants to cash in their title shot against the War Kings, plus more!

Without further ado:

Here we go...

Pre-Show Dark Matches:


"Livewire" KTD & Eddie Knight defeats William Lutz & Ashton Cove. Eddie & KTD work over Cove's arm. Lutz comes in, but gets an arm drag from KTD. Cove comes back in and gets a double hip toss. Eddie goes up top, but the ref gets distracted and Cove pushes Eddie down and Lutz gets in to double team. They work Eddie over in the corner and use distractions to choke him and double team him. Eddie fires out of the corner against Lutz, but Lutz delivers an atomic drop and clotheslines him. Cove tags in and clubs him, but Eddie fires out of the corner again. Cove delivers an atomic drop and goes for a clothesline, but Eddie ducks and tags KTD. KTD fires away with back elbows on Cove and takes Lutz down and out as he tries to enter. He tags Eddie and Eddie delivers the flying elbow drop on Cove for the 3.

Cali Young & Valerie Vermin defeat Miss Hannah & Brittany Garcia. Cali & Val make quick tags in and out early working over Brittany's arm. Val hits a knee to the face and Hannah tags herself in. She kicks Val and chokes her in the corner. She delivers a snapmare and rakes Val's eyes while she has her in a headlock. Off the ropes, Hannah cartwheels and kicks Val. She tries to pin for 2. Hannah hits her in her corner, but Val fights out. She tries to run to tag Cali, but Hannah trips her. Val kicks her away and makes the hot tag as Hannah tags out to Brittany. Cali clotheslines her and dropkicks her. Brittany hits her and gets her up on her shoulders. Cali slides out, takes Brittany down, then locks in the armbreaker for the tapout.

Colton Cage defeats "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson. Colton hits him in the corner, then throws him into the other. Sam comes back with a kick to the head and a missile dropkick. He goes to dive out, but Colton hits him and shoulders his way back in. Colton misses a charge in the corner and Sam rolls him up for 2. Colton stomps him and tosses him out of the ring. He goes out and Sam kicks him. Back inside, Colton goes for the sideburn effect, but Sam blocks it. Sam splashes him in the corner and hits a slingblade. He clotheslines Colton out of the ring and goes to dive, but again Colton shoulders him. Sam dropkicks Colton's legs, knocking him off the apron. He finally connects with a dive. Colton rakes the eyes and rolls Sam in. He hangs Sam up on the top rope. He then connects with the scissor kick for the 3.

Tony Gunn comes out and says he has been in the business for 15 years. He has had a lot of highs and a lot of lows. He has experienced a lot of things, but defeating Abyss and becoming OVW Heavyweight Champion is an experience he will never forget. He is going to bring honor, respect, and competition to the title. He is going to honor it, respect it, and defend it!


That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at OVW TV.

Josh Ashcraft, Gilbert Corsey, & Dr. Ted McNaler are on commentary, and Mercy is the ring announcer.


Al Snow starts out the show by making a huge announcement. They are partnering with IMPACT Wrestling for a combo show on the March 2 SNS here at the Davis Arena! He is interrupted by Shiloh Jonze & DL3, Big Zo, Melvin Maximus, Adam Revolver, Ca$h Flo, Drew Hernandez, & Justin Smooth. They all say they should be a part of it. Al tells them that only champions are guaranteed a spot on the show to represent OVW against IMPACT.

He says the TV Title that Smooth currently holds is the only one that can be lost via countout or disqualification and has to be defended weekly in a gauntlet style match. He says there are enough men out here that they will all be a part of the gauntlet tonight in the main event. The winner will be champion and represent OVW, if they can hold onto it until March 2!


"The Void": Chace Destiny & Nigel Winters defeat Eddie Knight & Dimes. Nigel's arm is worked over, then the Void comes back and takes control. They knock Eddie off the apron and hit Dimes with a combo backbreaker from Chace and fist drop from Nigel off the second rope for the 3.

After the match, the lights go out. Amon appears in the rafters saying that all sheep wander off from their flock, but they will return to him. Even if it means him & Crazzy Steve have to put them through hell.


Kings Ransom comes out and say they have been waiting since Christmas Chaos to cash in their Nightmare Cup win. They came to OVW to prove they're the best and to be the best, they have to be OVW Southern Tag Team Champions! They know the War Kings are here and want their title shot now! The War Kings come out and say after Al Snow announced the OVW/IMPACT supershow and said only champions can compete, they are going to take a hard pass. They aren't even dressed to compete. Kings Ransom goes out and goes after them and a ref comes out calling for the bell to start the match!

OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: "Kings Ransom": Maximus & Leonis Khan defeat "The War Kings": Crimson & Jax Dane (c) by DQ. Maximus goes for the jumping clothesline on Jax, but doesn't budge him. Leonis tags and they hit a double jumping clothesline to take him down. Crimson tags in and they take him down and Leonis kicks him. Crimson kicks back, but Leonis rolls him up for 2. Jax tags in and headbutts him. Both men tag out and Maximus hits a running cross body for 2. All 4 men end up in the ring as Jax breaks the count, then Crimson accidentally splashes the ref. Leonis & Maximus hit Kings Landing on Crimson, but there's no ref. Another ref comes out, but Crimson kicks out at 2. Jax gets in and clocks Maximus with a title belt and the ref calls for the bell.



Big Zo defeats DL3 (w/Big D). Zo hits DL3 and charges, but DL3 flips out of the ring and kicks him. He tries to fly off on him, but Zo slams him and hits the Zo bomb for the 3.

Big Zo defeats Shiloh Jonze (w/Big D & DL3). Zo hits Shiloh and flips him into the ring. Big D is on the apron and Zo snatches his wig and puts it on. He hits the cartwheel butt bump and back elbows. Shiloh tries to jump on him, but he catches him. DL3 causes a distraction, and Big D tries to interfere, but he throws Shiloh into Zo's backside by accident, then Zo hits the Zo bomb for the 3.

"Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus defeats William Lutz. They hit a power struggle, then Zo slams Melvin and goes for a Zo bomb. Melvin gets underneath him and hits an electric chair for the 3!

Adam Revolver (w/Shannon the Dude) defeats "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus. Adam attacks Melvin and tries to throw him. Melvin blocks it, but Adam pokes him in the eye and takes out his knee. He locks in the Figure Four. Melvin fights back and hits a sidewalk slam. He clotheslines him in the corner and STD hits Melvin from behind. He chases him on the outside, but Adam rolls out and clubs him. They exchange blows and the ref counts Melvin out as Adam rolls in just before 10 and STD holds Melvin's feet.

"The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth (c) defeats Adam Revolver (w/Shannon the Dude). Smooth comes in firing away and hits a big spinebuster. He goes for the bicycle kick, but Adam moves and locks in the sleeper. Smooth drives him into the corner and flips him off. He connects with the bicycle kick for the 3.

"The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth (c) defeats Drew Hernandez.

Before the bell rings, Dustin Jackson & Colton Cage come brawling out to ringside. While everyone is watching what's going on, including Dustin accidentally hitting his girlfriend, Drew sneaks up behind Smooth and kicks him below the belt. The ref calls for a DQ.

"The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth (c) defeats Ca$h Flo. With Smooth still on the mat, Ca$h stomps away on him. He chops him hard in the corner. He then hits a release German suplex. He goes up top and as he jumps off, Smooth connects with a bicycle kick in mid-air and gets the 3!


This ended the TV taping.

DARK MATCH: Big D (w/Shiloh Jonze & DL3) defeats "The Veteran" Apollo. Apollo hits and chokes D early. D comes back with a sidewalk slam off the ropes. Apollo comes back, but D distracts the ref. DL3 & Shiloh try to attack Apollo, but he knocks them both down. This allows D to hit a Blitz Kick and get the 3.

DARK MATCH: Amon defeats Nick Stanley. Amon offers a handshake, but then hits Nick in the head. Nick dropkicks him and hits a jumping kick from the apron into a seated Amon. Amon clubs him and takes off the top turnbuckle. As the ref puts it back on, he hits Nick with the chain for 2. He chokes him, bites him, and chops him. He takes him down for another 2 count. He stretches Nick out. Nick starts to break free, but Amon pulls him down. He stretches him again in another submission. Nick works up and clotheslines Amon, then hits a spinebuster for 2. Amon comes back and hits Nick with the STH for the 3.

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