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By Richard Trionfo on 2018-12-19 20:41:00

We begin with a video package for tonight's steel cage match between Aleister Black and Johnny Gargano.

We are at Full Sail University and your announcers are Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Match Number One:  Io Shirai and Dakota Kai versus Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke

Duke and Kai start things off and Duke pushes Kai to the mat.  Kai with a rollup but Duke with a waist lock.  Kai sends Duke to the mat and Kai with a running kick and double stomp for a near fall.  Kai kicks Duke and Shafir kicks Kai from behind when the referee was not looking.  Duke with punches to Kai.  Shafir tags in and she punches Kai.  Shafir gets a near fall.  Shafir with a front face lock into a dragon sleeper.  Kai with knees to the head but Shafir blocks a third knee and connects with an elevated elbow and gets a near fall.  Shafir sends Kai into the turnbuckles and Duke tags in and she kicks Kai in the head for a near fall.

Duke works on the neck but Kai with an arm drag.  Kai tries to make the tag but Duke stops her.  Kai with a scorpion kick and she tries to get to her corner.  Shafir tags in and so does Shirai.  Shirai with a drop kick and a running forearm or two.  Shirai with a Tiger Feint Kick and then she hits a springboard drop kick.  Shirai with a running double knee strike into the corner followed by a slam and she walks across Shafir's chest.  Kai kicks Duke off the apron when it appeared that Duke was going to interfere.  Shirai with a moonsault for the three count.

Winners:  Dakota Kai and Io Shirai

Dominik Dijakovic says we do not fear mankind, only failure. He will not see failure as you feast your eyes.  He is next.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Matt Riddle being confronted by Kassius Ohno after his victory over Punishment Martinez.

We go to comments from Matt Riddle.  Matt says he is not too happy about what Ohno did, but he cannot blame him.  The last time they fought, he knocked Ohno out in seven seconds.  Riddle dares Ohno to get back into the ring with him because he will knock Ohno out in seven seconds again.

Match Number Two:  Dominik Dijakovic versus Aaron Mackey

Dijakovic blocks a punch from Mackey and Dijakovic with forearms and a clothesline.  Dijakovic with a suplex throw across the ring.  Dijakovic with a running back elbow into the corner followed by a knee and then he tosses Mackey across the ring.  Dijakovic calls for Feast Your Eyes and he picks up Mackey and hits Feast Your Eyes for the three count.

Winner:  Dominik Dijakovic

We have a video package for Heavy Machinery.  They will be in action next.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are told that Io Shirai has been added to the number one contender match next week.

Next week, Heavy Machinery faces Undisputed Era for the tag titles.

Match Number Three:  Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight versus Danny Dakarto.and Mike Howell

Otis starts off and Otis biels Howell across the ring.  Otis with a splash and then they hit Super Collider and Otis takes care of Howell.  Tucker runs Dakarto into the turnbuckles and then we see The Undisputed Era on the stage.  Dozovic tags in and they hit the Compactor but Otis picks him up.  Knight tosses the other opponent to Otis for another Compactor.  They hit a Compactor on both men for the three count.

Winners:  Otis Dozovic and Tucker Knight

We see Aleister Black and Johnny Gargano getting ready for their match as we go to commercial.

We are back and the cage is around the ring.

Match Number Four:  Johnny Gargano versus Aleister Black in a Steel Cage Match

Gargano attacks Black as Aleister makes his way to the ring.  Gargano with punches to Black against the guardrails followed by chops.  Black with an elbow and kick to the chest.  Black punches Gargano against the guardrails.  Black kicks Gargano in the chest and he kicks Gargano again.  Gargano backs Black into the apron and then into the ring steps.  Black punches Gargano and kicks him in the chest.  Gargano is sent into the ring and the match can begin.

Gargano goes to the turnbuckles to try to escape but Black stops him.  Black sends Gargano into the cage but Gargano wti a back elbow.  Black with a leg sweep and kick.  Black misses a quebrada but Black with a back elbow and he gets a near fall.  Gargano punches Black from the apron and Black misses a kick and his foot gets caught against the cage.  Gargano climbs to the top of the cage and then Black joins him on the top rope.  Gargano goes to the mat and then he crotches Black.  

Gargano tosses Black into the cage and then Gargano follows with punches.  Gargano puts Black in the ropes and rakes his face against the cage.  Gargano sends Black into the turnbuckles.  Gargano chops Black and follows with punches.  Gargano with more chops.  Gargano with an Irish whip and Gargano runs into an elbow.  Black kicks Gargano away and Gargano misses a kick.  Black with a kick and back fist.  Gargano catapults Black to the cage but Black lands on the ropes and tries to climb the cage.  Black avoids Gargano and hits a moonsault onto Gargano.

Black sends Gargano into the cage and he does it a second time.  Black with a third one but this time it is to the back.  Black hits the fourth side with Gargano.  Black with kicks to the chest and a knee to the head.  Black with a jumping knee for a near fall.  Black goes to climb the cage and he gets to the top.  Black thinks about going to the floor but he has second thoughts and wants to take care of Gargano.  Gargano with a thrust kick and Black with a knee.  Gargano moves and Black goes into the cage.  Gargano wraps Black in the ropes and Gargano with a super kick.  Gargano climbs over Black but Black stops Gargano.

They fight on the top rope.  Black with elbows and Gargano with elbows of his own.  Gargano with a power bomb off the top rope and Gargano gets a near fall.  Gargano with forearms but Black with a European uppercut.  Gargano with more forearms while Black follows with forearms.  Gargano with the advantage and Black with punches but Gargano blocks a kick.  Gargano with a thrust kick but Black with a running knee against the ropes.  Black with a Yakuza Kick with Gargano against the cage.  Black with a second kick but Gargano falls in front of the cage door.  Gargano asks for the door to be opened and he hangs from the ring but his feet are being held by Black in the ring.

Gargano with an enzuigiri and he asks for the door to be opened.  Black grabs the leg again.  Gargano with a back elbow but Black with a kick.  Blackwith a back elbow and kick but he misses a round kick.  Black with a kick and then Gargano with a side Russian leg sweep off the ropes and Gargano applies the GargaNo Escape.  Black gets to his feet and he tosses Gargano into the cage but Gargano holds and reapplies the GargaNo Escape.  Black picks up Gargano and throws Gargano into the cage but Gargano goes up top.  

Black stops Gargano as Gargano hangs over the cage.  They go onto the top of the cage and they exchange punches.  Gargano pulls Black off the top of the cage and he chops Black and head butts Black.  Gargano goes for a cutter off the turnbuckles but Black holds on and then Black with Meteora and a German suplex for a near fall.  Black waits for Gargano to get up and then he pulls Gargano up using his boot and he tells Johnny he does not want to have to do this again.  Gargano puts Black's leg in the ropes and he kicks Black in the leg and then lawn darts Black into the turnbuckles and then into the cage.  

Gargano says he absolves Black of his sins but Black with Black Mass while Gargano goes for a super kick.  Both men are down.  Gargano is the first to his feet and he climbs the cage while Black goes to the door.  Gargano is over the cage and he climbs down but the door is closed in Black's face by Tommaso Ciampa.  Gargano is in shock as he watches Ciampa punch Black.  Gargano climbs back into the cage.  Ciampa and Gargano look at Black down in the mat and do the running knee and super kick combination.

Ciampa leaves the ring and closes the cage door.  Gargano pins Black.

Winner:  Johnny Gargano

After the match, Ciampa applauds Gargano's victory.

We go to credits.

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