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By Richard Trionfo on 2018-11-28 20:35:00

We are in San Jose, California and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Match Number One:  Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch versus Shane Thorne and Nick Miller

Burch and Thorne start things off and Thorne pushes Burch before locking up.  Burch with a wrist lock and Lorcan tags in.  Burch tags back in and they continue to work on the arm.  Lorcan tags in and he continues to work on the arm.  Thorne with a rake of the eyes and Miller tags in.  Miller has a hip toss blocked and Lorcan with a drop kick.  Miller and Lorcan with standing switches and Lorcan gets a near fall.  Lorcan with a single leg crab on Miller and Burch with a crossface on Thorne.  Miller get to the ropes and Lorcan releases the hold.

Miller hits Lorcan from behind and Miller with a belly-to-back suplex.  Miller punches Lorcan and sends him into the turnbuckles.  Miller kicks Lorcan.  Thorne gets in and goes to the turnbuckles and hits a punch to the ribs.  Thorne stands on Lorcan's hand and then kicks Lorcan.  Miller tags in and they make a wish with Lorcan.  Miller with a rear chin lock on Lorcan.  Miller with a knee and forearm to the back.  Thorne tags in and they hit a doule side Russian leg sweep.  Miller with a kick and Thorne with a clothesline for a near fall.  Thorne kicks Lorcan but Lorcan chops back.  Thorne with a European uppercut.

Thorne works on the neck.  Lorcan with a snap mare and Burch tags in and hits clotheslines and a single leg take down on a leap frog by Thorne.  Burch with a missile drop kick.  Lorcan tags in and Miller sends Lorcan into Burch and Burch and Miller go to the floor.  Thorne iwth a European uppercut and a running European uppercut.  Lorcan with a European uppercut.  Thone with a drop kick and both men are down.  Lorcan with a half and half suplex and Miller is knocked off the apron.  Lorcan with a plancha onto Thorne and Miller.  Burch tags in and Burch tags in Lorcan .  Burch gets Thorne on his shoulders and he sends Burch into Lorcan.  Miller tags in and they send Lorcan into Burch. Burch with a spear to Thorne and Lorcan with a sunset flip on Miller for the three count.

Winners:  Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan

After the match, Miller and Thorne attack Lorcan and Burch.  Thorne with a Northern Lariat to Burch.  Lorcan tries to fight them off but they send Lorcan shoulder first into the ring post.  They do it a second time to Lorcan.

We take a look at EC3's victory over Adam Cole last month and the post match beat down by the rest of the Undisputed Era.

We are back with comments from Io Shirai, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai.  Kairi is asked about whether she had her shoulder up.  Kairi says the referee's call is final but she is not done with Shayna.  Dakota says everyone knows her history with Shayna and she does not like her.  She will not let Jessamyn and Marina get involved.  Io says she is here to help her friend.  They want all three.

Match Number Two:  EC3 versus Marcel Barthel

They lock up and go to a stalemate.  They lock up again and EC3 pushes Barthel away.  They lock up one more time and go to a stalemate.  They lock up and EC3 pushes Barthel away.  EC3 with a side head lock and holds on when Barthel tries to send EC3 off the ropes.  Barthel with an enzuigiri in the corner followed by more kicks.  Barthel puts EC3 in the ropes and hits a running drop kick.  Barthel with a Schwein and he gets a near fall on EC3 and then he applies a reverse chin lock.  Barthel with an arm bar and chin lock.  EC3 sends Barthel into the turnbuckles and EC3 with punches and jabs.  EC3 with a back elbow and slam.

EC3 with the One Percenters Elbow and then he gets Barhtel up for the One Percenter for the three count.

Winner:  EC3

After the match, EC3 has something to say.  He says you tried to take him out but the problem was that you didn't finish the job.  Undisputed Era this does not concern you.  He is talking to Bobby Fish.  This is not about an eye for an eye or a knee for a knee.  He is coming for the entire body.  EC3 says he is driven and he is the top one percent in this industry.  

We see Keith Lee getting ready for his match against Lars Sullivan.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Dijakovic.

We see Candice LeRae at the Performance Center and she is asked about the change in her attitude but she does not answer any questions.

Match Number Three:  Vanessa Borne versus Mia Yim

Mia offers her hand and Borne shakes it but she slaps MIa with the other.  Vanessa backs into the ropes and Yim with arm drags into an arm bar.  Borne pulls Yim down by the hair but Mia with punches and Borne tries to get out of the ring but MIa pulls her back in.  Borne with a rake of the eyes.  Vanessa with forearms to the back and a splash into the corner and head scissors in the corner.  Vanessa with a forearm and a spinning suplex for a near fall.  Vanessa with a rear chin lock.   Vanessa works on the back and goes for a slap but Mia is able to apply a cross arm breaker but Borne gets to the ropes.

Borne sends Yim into the turnbuckles.  MIa with a tarantula.  Mia with a round kick followed by a boot to the chest and a drop kick.  Mia with a running drop kick that sends Borne ito the corner.  MIa with a Yakuza Kick followed by Eat Defeat for the three count.

Winner:  Mia Yim

We see Hanson and Raymond Rowe in the trainer's room at the Performance Center.

We see Lars Sullivan in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with NXT Men's Champion Tommaso Ciampa.  He says before he left, he told you that when he returned to NXT, he would be the most dangerous SOB in the company's history.  All he needed was one opportunity to win the title.  He told you that he is the greatest sports entertainer of all time.  Next week, when the champ's music hits and when Goldie and I hit the ring, he expects the WWE Universe to do one thing . . . follow his lead.

Match Number Four:  Keith Lee versus Lars Sullivan

Lars pushes Keith and Keith does not appreciate that so he pushes Lars back.  Lars with a shoulder tackle that does not budge Lee.  Lee does a Mutombo finger wave and Lars tries again and they go off the ropes with shoulder tackles.  Lars runs Keith into the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm.  Lee with punches and Sullivan with a shoulder tackle that knocks Lee to the mat.  Lars goes for a slam but Lee lands on his feet and Lee with a cross body for a near fall.

Lars sends Lee to the apron and Lee goes for a slingshot move but Lars with a knee.  Lars runs Lee into the turnbuckles.  Lars with a forearm across the chest and follows with an Irish whip and shoulder into the corner.  Lars picks up Lee and tosses him to the mat and gets a near fall.  Lars with a sliding clothesline and then Lars goes to the turnbuckles and hits a diving head butt.  Lars gets a near fall.  

Lars with crossfaces and he applies a reverse chin lock.  Lars with a forearm to the back and Lee goes down.  Lars with a forearm to the temple and then he applies a chin lock trapping the arm.  Lee backs Sullivan into the turnbuckles but Lars holds on to the chin lock.  Lee is able to get out of the hold.  Sullivan reapplies the hold and Lars sends Lee into the turnbuckles and hits a splash.

Lee floats over a Sullivan charge into the corner and Lars goes into the ring post.  Lee with punches and a rolling punch.  Sullivan sends Lee to the apron and Lee sends Sullivan into the turnbuckles and hits a slingshot cross body for a near fall.  Lee with punches to Sullivan but Sullivan gets angrier.  Lars with a forearm to the head and Lee is not affected.  Lee with a double hand chop to the chest and Lars with forearms to the head.  Lee wit a POUNCE that sends Lars to the floor.  Lee with a corkscrew pescado and they return to the ring.  Lee gets a near fall.  

Lee goes to the turnbuckles but misses a moonsault.  Lars picks up Lee and hits Freak Accident for the three count.

Winner:  Lars Sullivan

We go to credits.





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