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By Richard Trionfo on 2018-09-10 23:04:00

We are in New Orleans, Louisiana and your announcers are Michael Cole, Renee Young, and Corey Graves.

The greeting of Renee Young to the announce team is interrupted by the entrance of Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre as well as Braun to finish off the three way mash up.

They are joined by a phalanx of the heels on Raw to surround the ring.

Dolph says we told you so.  There is only one way to describe what happened to the Shield last week.

Braun says they beat them down.  And like McIntyre said last week, they feast on their bloody carcasses.  

Drew says don't just take their word for it, take a look at it.

Braun says the only reason Roman Reigns still has the Universal Championship around his waist is because he is a coward and cannot handle business on his own.  Braun tells Roman he has his hounds of justice, he has his dogs of war.  The Shield has been running rampant around here for too long.  Last week, they found out that their strength in numbers failed against his pack.

Dolph says everyone around the ring made a difficult choice and stood up to the Shield and their bullying for what was right.  You stood up for yourselves.

Drew asks if you can feel that.  The balance of power has shifted.  Now they are in control and are running wild.  Tonight, they will continue the carnage.  They will set an example for you when they destroy the B Team in their tag title rematch.  Braun says that will be nothing when he gets his hands on Roman this Sunday when they are locked inside HELL IN A CELL.

The music for the Shield plays and they make their way through the crowd.

The Shield take care of Braun's new friends even though they are outnumbered by a factor of five or six.  Dean Ambrose gives Roman and Seth axe handles and he takes one as they go after everyone but Dolph, Drew, and Braun. 

We see footage from earlier today when the Bellas saw their locker room vandalized.

Brie and Nikki talk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and security officers are arguing with The Shield.  Baron Corbin stops by and he says we don't need a repeat of last week.  Baron tells them to put down their weapons so they don't get arrested again.  Baron says the Shield has to vacate the premises immediately or Roman and Seth will have to vacate their titles and they will have to go to jail for a long time.

Seth says that is no problem.

Match Number One:  NIkki Bella (with Brie Bella) versus Ruby Riott (with Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan)

Ruby with a side head lock and take down.  Nikki with forearms and Ruby with a shoulder tackle.  Nikki gets a near fall.  Nikki with a flying mare and Ruby goes into the ropes to stop Nikki.  Nikki backs Ruby into the corner and connects with a series of shoulders.  Ruby sends Nikki into the turnbuckles and hits an STO for a near fall.  Nikki with punches but Ruby kicks the top rope and it sends Nikki to the mat and then Ruby kicks Nikki to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ruby with a cravate followed by a knee to the head.  Ruby has something to say to Brie but Nikki with a spinebuster and both women are down.  Nikki with a facebuster and clotheslines.  Nikki runs into a back heel kick.  Nikki with a springboard round kick for a near fall.  Nikki gets Ruby on her shoulders but Ruby escapes.  Nikki knocks Sarah off the apron and Ruby hits a DDT for a near fall.  Ruby with face washes to the side of the head before she goes for the Riott Kick but Nikki blocks it and gets Ruby up but Liv gets in the ring and is stopped by Brie.

Nikki with the Rack Attack 2.0 for the three count.

Winner:  Nikki Bella

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show is on the stage with some children who are fighting cancer.

It is time to take a look back at last week's confrontation between Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker.

Drake Maverick is in the back with Akam and Rezar.  He says they will not be overlooked or ignored.  He tells them not to let people forget the damage that AOP can cause.

They walk into commercial.

Match Number Two:  Akam and Rezar (with Drake Maverick) versus Ronny Ace and Nathan Bradley

Ace and Rezar start things off and Rezar puts him on the turnbuckles and then hits a fallaway slam.  Akam clotheslines Bradley on the floor and rolls what is left of his body into the ring.  Akam tags in and he power slams Ace onto Bradley.  Rezar tags in and they hit Super Collider followed by a double power bomb for the three count.

Winners:  Akam and Rezar

We take a look at the Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton match for Hell in a Cell inside the cell on Sunday.

We see police officers outside the building as a limo arrives at the arena.  Triple H emerges from the limo.  

We go to commercial.

Coverage Continues on Next Page

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