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By Dave Scherer on 2018-09-10 10:00:00

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It’s hard to apply logic to a scripted show, but – when the Shield were getting beaten down by all the bad guys, why didn’t they have the babyfaces come out, instead of (apparently) sitting in the back saying “Ooohhhhh. He’s going to feel that tomorrow.” Sarcasm, but you get the point.

From a WWE perspective, because they didn’t want that.  They wanted to go off the air with the Shield laid out.  And from a wrestler perspective, think about it, who would really want to help them?  The Shield beat a lot of them up back in the day and Roman is always telling everyone he is the big dog.  If I were a face, why would I want to help them?

First off, I love your site. With the following events/trends occurring, such as: All In being a HUGE success; the WWE's multi-billion dollar deal with Fox to air Smackdown on a "big 4" network; mainstream publications like ESPN, Forbes, CBS Sports, etc. having dedicated coverage of pro wrestling; multiple wrestling networks and reality shows; tens of millions of social media followers for WWE; the ringwork being at all-time high; and with A-list household names like The Rock, John Cena Ronda Rousey all associated with WWE, are we finally entering into a boom period? Methinks YES, YES, YES!!! Your thoughts?

It all depends on how you look at it.  WWE is already IN a boom period.  They just signed deals for a massive increase in their rights fees in the US, and other markets are sure to follow, such as India and the UK.  All In and ROH/New Japan selling out Madison Square Garden are great signs of interest outside of the US and give fans that don’t love the WWE style hope for the future.  But we need to temper that excitement.  We are in the early days of this growth and we have to see where it goes.  Unlike 20 years ago, TV rights fees are the primary driver of revenue in 2018.  If ROH or New Japan were to get a big money TV deal here in the US, that is when things will get really interesting.

If the plan was for money in bank winner to lose then why have Strowman win?

Has Strowman lost yet?  If so, I missed it.  Let’s wait until he actually has the match.

If the plan was for Strowman to turn heel why did did he the honourable thing and tell reigns when he cashing in and then give the case to Corbin. 

For that, I have nothing.  He was being a heel leading up to it, by saying he would pick the bones of the winner of two hard fought matches, when he was a face, so good lucking making sense of how they have booked him.

Do you think they should have Strowman win and become this dominant monster no one can beat and build up a baby face from ground up and keep the belt on Strowman for over a year while they build up someone and then finally have him be conquered by the guy they built up?

It really doesn’t matter what I think.  We live in the world where it matters what Vince McMahon thinks.

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

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