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By Mike Johnson on 2018-09-01 14:57:00

With the eyes of the wrestling world on the Chicago-area this weekend, Danny Daniels' AAW held two back to back events at the Logan Square Auditorium and by the end of the double-shot, they had almost lost the venue.  During last night's match between Jimmy Jacobs and Sami Callihan, the two brawled through the crowd and onto the stage usually used for musical events in the venue.  Jacobs was placed under a drum riser and Callihan began stacking chairs (not folding chairs, but hard plastic chairs that do not close) on top of it.  The building's management freaked out and a member of their management legitimately grabbed the ring mic and demanded Callihan stop breaking the venue's chairs.    Of course, the building booed this.  The finish of the match was instead done in the ring, with Callihan going over.  After the bout, the building demanded Callihan be removed from the venue and sent their security (which included off duty police officers) to have him taken from the ring and out of the venue.  Callihan was confronted by the guards and not knowing what was going on, assumed it to be a work and began shoving and cursing out security until one of them made it clear they were packing a gun and were going to shoot him if he didn't stop.   He was taken to the back as the venue wanted him out ASAP.  The entire scenario sucked the air out of the room and killed the crowd for a period of time, but they were eventually brought back into the show by Jeff Cobb & Eddie Kingston vs. The Besties in the World. What the audience didn't know is that at one point, it looked like AAW was being thrown out of the venue, which would have been a disaster on ridiculous proportions but eventually cooler heads prevailed and they will be allowed to remain in Logan Square.    Those in the promotion were thanking their lucky stars that this wasn't the event they were streaming live on the Highspots Wrestling Network, as they streamed their show the night before live on that platform.

As it that wasn't bad enough, Brody King suffered a concussion early on during his AAW title bout against ACH en route to winning the belt.    The two still went almost 23 minutes.  

Thursday 8/30, AAW had a far less controversial show, as they aired live on the Highspots Wrestling Network with "Destination Chicago" before 560 fans.  The promotion was turning down requests for comps and visitors the last two nights as they were legitimately sold out.  One person in the company joked that no one, whether they were John Cena or me, could have found a way in without a ticket.

Notes & Results from the Thursday 8/30 event:

*WRSTLNG (David Starr & Eddie Kingston captured the AAW Tag Team Championship from The Besties in the World, Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett,

*Paco pinned Stephen Wolf.

*DJ defeated Myron Reed and Laredo Kid.

*AAW Heritage Champion Trevor Lee pinned Ace Romero.  The finish of this was ridiculously insane.  Romero, who is a BIG guy, set up for the Pounch but when he leapt for the move, Lee caught him and flipped backwards into a Fallaway slam for the pin.

*Curt Stallion & Jake Something defeated Dave & Jake Crist after Jimmy Jacobs and Brody King distracted them.  They worked over The Crists, until Havok and Callihan made the save and attacked, leading to....

*Brody King & Jimmy Jacobs defeated Jessica Havok & Sami Callihan.  Lots of insane brawling and spots with chairs and tables.

*MJF pinned Colt Cabana after a low blow and a hook of the tights.  MJF is in the zone right now as one of the most entertaining heels to come along in a long time.

*AAW Champion AAW pinned Jeff Cobb after a brainbuster.  Eddie Kingston, helping Cobb out of the ring, had words with ACH teasing he was the next to face him, but at the same time, Brody King was watching the proceedings from a balcony.

*The Lucha Brothers (Penta 0M/Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) vs MexiBlood (Bandido & Flamita) in an absolutely over the top, amazing bout with some truly insane dives.  All four of these talents are very much on the want list of every major promotion right now.

Complete results of the Friday 8/31 show, with 576 fans in attendance.

*Jake Something & Curt Stallion defeated Ace Romero & Colt Cabana in 8:41.

*Shane Strickland defeated Darby Allin in 13:31.  We got raves about this and were told it was fantastic and if you aren't keeping an eye on these two, you are missing the future.

*Jessika Havoc beat a tag team (don't have the names, please let me know if you have them) in three minutes.

*Jake and Dave Crist defeated Ace Austin and Brian Cage in 5:53.

*AR Fox and Myron Reed defeated Flamita and Bandido in 15:43 of an off the charts match.  Bandido and Flamita have been turning a lot of heads in the business over the last few months.

*MJF defeated Marko Stunt in 10:37.

*Callihan defeated Jacobs in 17 minutes, leading to the aforementioned chaos.

*AAW Tag Team Champions Eddie Kingston and Jeff Cobb (defending via the Freebirds rule as David Starr was not there) defeated The Besties in the World in 15 minutes.

*Brody King defeated ACH to win the AAW title in 22:45.

For more on the promotion, visit AAW.

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