There was a question in today's Ask PWInsider about who takes over WWE if Vince can't continue. Trips and Steph were mentioned as taking over creative. Folks at PWInsider have often stated that the wished Shane McMahon would have more control. What's his status "company" wise, and, what the possibility of his inheriting some control?
Shane McMahon has no power from a corporate sense. He is a performer, no different from any other pro wrestler on the roster, although he does get to give his creative input and has helped put together big matches, including Royal Rumbles together. He is not currently an executive for the company.
I hate the new look Sanity has. Who's responsible for it?
According to Killian Dain on Twitter, he was the one behind his new look, so it would appear it was the talents who were trying to freshen themselves up.
I have a question concerning women's wrestling, I saw where Mike gave Dixie Carter some credit for having a hand in helping save ROH by firing Jim Cornette thus giving him a chance to work with Cary Silken and again thus saving ROH from closing the doors forever, well why isn't Dixie Carter given the credit I feel she deserves for originating the women's wrestling evolution? Why is WWE & Stephanie McMahon giving all the credit when for a great # of years WWE treated women's wrestling like absolute joke? It wasn't WWE that actually started a women's evolution, it was Dixie Carter. It was Dixie Carter and TNA IMPACT WRESTLING that gave the women wrestlers a national platform to main event a flagship wrestling program, to wrestle in a steel cage, to have an all female wrestling t.v. program, and to have an all female wrestling PPV from a national promotion. Do you all
believe Dixie Carter deserves some credit For actually being the person and company that actually started this women's wrestling evolution? For all the faults that Dixie Carter has and had from her ownership of TNA IMPACT WRESTLING, she deserves the credit for giving women the national platform to be taken seriously and not just as eye candy. ' That is my question and I look forward to seeing what the answer to my question will be. Thank you Mr. Mike and Mr. Dave for taking time to answer my question.
First of all, the column was OBVIOUSLY tongue-in-cheek. She was being credit for basically handing Ring of Honor an angel that helped set the stage for their current success because she made what was at the time, a dumb move and now, years later, was a move that looks even dumber.
As far as why Dixie doesn't get credit, it wasn't her idea. It was Dutch Mantel and Scott D'Amore pushing the women and booking the Knockouts division at the time. Carter wasn't involved and wasn't the driving force of the division. She just owned the company, and at the time, was not even involved in the creative aspect, either. Impact was first and should be commended for that, but the credit should go to those I've mentioned as well as names like Gail Kim and Awesome Kong, not Carter.
It should also be noted that once Mantel and D'Amore were gone, the Knockouts division was not pushed as a hard wrestling division. So, to compare it to what WWE is trying to do (which is by no means perfect, either) isn't really a fair comparison. Impact had a women's PPV first, but it was a pre-taped PPV that no one really paid attention to, just like all the other One Night Only PPVs that were largely forgettable. That's a world of difference from what WWE is doing with Evolution.
With ROH selling out the Garden, do you think WWE will consider moving NXT - maybe switching days with the Hall of Fame
We are told that is not happening.
Do you think WWE will sell out Brooklyn for NXT with a lot of the fanbase attending MSG that night now?
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