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Do you think the reason for Roman getting the win on Raw to face Lesnar at Summer Slam is Vince saying "F you" to the fans after they ruined the main event at Extreme Rules?
Honestly? No, I don’t. I think it’s pretty clear that Vince doesn’t care what that vocal group says or does. If he did, he would make changes to the product. But, he doesn’t. He is booking Roman vs. Brock to tell whatever story it is he wants to sell. Roman had been rumored to be favorite for the match for a while now. It was definitely not a kneejerk response.
After how the fans reacted to Seth Rollins headlining Extreme Rules instead of Roman Reigns, why would Vince McMahon care at all what those fans think?
As I said above, he really doesn’t care what they think. But, now that they have acted that way at Extreme Rules, I bet he cares even less. They have been complaining about Roman Reigns in the main event for years now. Then, WWE gives them a guy they like, in Seth Rollins, and they act like idiots, not even giving the talent a chance to tell a story in their match. Those fans have shown him that they are not worth listening too and they have no one to blame for that but themselves.
I don’t know if this is the case, especially with more events in bigger arenas, merchandising and Takeover events but I occasionally see reports that NXT currently operates at a loss - which, if true, is presumably why they still tape about a month’s worth of shows at once. But with all the USA, Fox and Saudi money coming in to the company as of next year would WWE consider increasing funding so that NXT can be live every week?
Well, anyone reporting that is either reporting hearsay or just guessing. You know why? Because WWE doesn’t release what the specific costs on NXT are. Plus, as anyone that invests knows, sometimes money from one area is credited to another area in a company. Like when Time Warner owned WCW, money that they generated was often credited to the TV division. In the case of NXT, it was started as a way to create new talent for the future, not new revenue streams. But, along the way it has become a viable brand, one that does generate revenue. But at it’s core, its about creating new talent for the main roster, first and foremost. At this point, NXT does not need to be live every week. They could do it, sure, but they don’t need to and there’s no real benefit in doing it. Now, if they got their own TV deal, that could change things. But right now? It doesn’t need to be done.
What are some of your favorite championship belts in wrestling? Current and all-time?
Honestly, they don’t really matter that much to me. I care who the champion is, not what piece of hardware they carry.
For the most part, Kevin Dunn disliked most WWE Superstars but which WWE Superstars was Dunn actually a huge fan of?
Duke The Dumpster Droese and Simon Dean are his two all-time favorites. Seriously, where do you get your Kevin Dunn information? You send the craziest stuff where he is concerned.
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