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By Logan Oliver on 2018-07-23 23:35:00

I have no idea when any of this might air, but here are the Impact Wrestling spoilers from Rebel in Toronto, Canada from tonight:

*Taiji Ishimori defeated Petey Williams.  I arrived during this match, so if anything took place before, I missed it.

*Impact Champion Austin Aries cuts a promo declaring him the best wrestler in the world and invites anyone to face him.  He is then attacked and laid out by Eddie Edwards.

*The OGz win a match but are attacked by LAX.

*Scarlett Bordeaux debuted and said she was going to revolutionize the women's world.  She claimed the crowd was trying to "hotshame her."  She is hot!

*Johnny Impact pinned Trevor Lee.

*Tessa Blanchard defeated Rebel.

*The Desi Hit Squad defeated KM and Fallah Bahh.

*X-Division Champion Brian Cage pinned Matt Sydal.

*Allie and Keira Hogan defeated Impact Knockouts Champion Su Yung and the Undead Brides when Allie punned Yung.  Blanchard attacked Allie.

*Impact Champion Austin Aries defeated Quicksilver Dustin Cameron when Santino Marella, in his corner (I believe Santino is his trainer) throws in the towel.    Edwards attacked Aries after the match.

*Eli Drake pinned Grado in what was supposed to be a tag match with Grado and Joe Hendry facing Eli Drake and Caleb Konley, but Drake never tagged out.

*Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix defeated OVE.

There was also an Xplosion bout taped with Killer Kross defeating Josh Alexander.

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