With Dr. Amaan having testified that he hadn't sought counseling, had no problem sleeping and had no issues with his job or other wrestlers, why was he suing for damages in the first place? Do you think he regrets doing all this for nothing? Did WWE put him up to this?
He was suing because he was hurt by what was said. Based on the testimony, he was upset that his Thanksgiving in 2014 was ruined and that there were a lot of really negative comments about him on social media and negative fan chants at live events. I can't speak for how Amann feels after spending all this time and money and getting nothing, but I don't imagine he was thrilled the jury sided with Colt Cabana and CM Punk. I have no idea whether WWE "put him up to it" but I doubt they were upset about the lawsuit, given that Punk had lobbed some shots at them as well.
Whatever happened to Truth Martini and Prince Nana from ROH?
Martini was dropped several years ago by the promotion. Nana remains with the company but has not been utilizing much of late.
With all the changes on Impact in front and behind the scenes do you think it is time that the name Knockouts be eliminated? It can be simply referred to as the Impact World Womens Wrestling Championship or something to that effect?
I don't think so. Impact has had that branding for many years and I don't think changing it would really matter, so if I was them, I'd keep it.
When Triple H suffered that incredible knee injury several years ago it was thought to be the end of his wrestling career. Surgery was eventually performed by Dr. James Andrews. The operation was taped for the purpose of being shown on Raw and other WWE programs. Is it a normal routine for operations to be videotaped? Did the hospital where the operation took place give their permission for the showing of the procedure? Did WWE have to pay the hospital for the use of the film?
First, I don't recall anyone ever reporting or stating there was fear that Triple H's career was over at the time.
WWE often films the medical procedures in case they need the content for their programming, but I would also think for potental insurance needs as well. If something goes wrong during a surgery they are paying for, they have their own documentation. The earliest surgery I recall them showcasing was Superstar Graham's hip replacement in the late 1980s. I have heard of lots of different surgeries being filmed. Obviously, the hospital had to give permission to have someone other than the surgical staff in the operating room, but I have never heard whether the hospital would be paid for that.
Now that both John Cena and Nikki Bella have reportedly reunited after having seperated for over a month many have speculated that the whole separation was a storyline. A ruse to help her show TotalBellas. Nikki Bella has denied this. I don't know about Cena. What's the deal? Storyline or truth?
I think it's a little of both, as watching the breakup during last week's episode, I can say this - neither Bella nor Cena have ever shown that level of aptitude in their acting, so there was some legitimacy to what was happening. That doesn't mean that WWE crafted a story around it.
Are the wrestlers permitted to whatever style of wrestling attire they wear in the ring or do they need permission from management?
No one walks out on a WWE program without what they are wearing being approved.
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