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Is Brock Lesnar back with WWE due to the new TV deals?
I wondered the same thing on Saturday’s Funnest Mailbag, with Mike Epsenhart. Him resigning could very well be, at least in part, due to the new deals that WWE knew were coming. It could also be be that one, or both, of the networks, requested that WWE keep Brock in the mix.
Don Callis said that he wants fans to think of Impact the way they think of New Japan by the end of the year. Is he crazy?
No, he’s not crazy. He’s an executive at a wrestling company and he is setting a goal for his promotion. I don’t think he will get there, at least not in his desired time frame, but I respect that he wants to set a high bar.
First let me say thanks for all that you do. It is greatly appreciated. I am watching some old school wrestling on the WWE Network and I noticed how loud the bumps are. Did they use to put mics under the ring or do they do this now to amplify the sound?
Thanks for the kind words. I remember that, at least at times, they did mic the ring more. I never really thought about it but my guess is that now they don’t do it like that because the product is more of a TV show now than it was back then.
I see people go after people like you and Mike, and other writers, online with ridiculous attacks. I have never seen you respond to them. There’s this one guy in particular named [deleted]. Are you aware that it goes on? Do you choose not to respond?
To answer your second question first, I do indeed choose not to respond. It’s not hard to see what cretins like that are trying to accomplish. If they can get someone to engage with them, it gets them publicity and people will notice them. I see no reason to reward cretins for their bad behavior. I am aware it goes on. It has been that way since I started in this business many years ago. I respect anyone who can make a name for themselves the right way. I have no interest in cretins that resort to cheap heat. That is why I deleted the name of the cretin you mentioned. He gets no publicity from me.
I recently signed up for Ring of Honor’s Honor Club and I have to say, it has blown me away with all of the great content. What do you think of it?
I was a day one subscriber and I have loved every minute I have spent on it. ROH has so many great events on the service that I can’t keep up with them all. I give Honor Club my highest recommendation. If you are interest in signing up, here is the link:
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