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By Dave Scherer on 2018-04-02 10:00:00

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

It’s apparent Dave is a Roman Reigns fan. It’s apparent through his past Q&A’s and blogs calling fans that boo Reigns little terms etc. However lately Dave has been answering questions particularly about Reigns with an ‘its marketed to kids’ vibe. Does Dave want not think it is patronising his readers when he himself is an adult, not only watching a ‘kids show’ but running a website and selling material with his thoughts on it?

Actually, you are wrong.  While Dave respects Roman’s work, I am not a “fan”.  I am just fair.  I feel that some fans have jumped the shark in how they boo the guy (and often chant that his match is awesome minutes later, which is just so goofy since they hated him minutes earlier) so I need to provide the other side of the story (and in fact, the important part of the story since Vince McMahon is the one who books the product and thus has the ultimate say).  No, what Dave is saying is that we are fans of a business for which we are not the intended audience.  If people like you continue to spend hundreds of dollars to go and boo the guy that you know Vince McMahon thinks is THE GUY, Dave is going to point out how silly you are being since Vince McMahon is laughing while he takes your money.  Sure, Vince rather you cheer Roman, but if you want to boo he will take that too.  If you REALLY wanted to send him a message, Dave is telling you just not to react at all.  Dave will also point out to everyone like you who say you are “sending a message” by booing Roman, every time Vince appears live you cheer your heads off.  Dave is telling you that you need to work on your method of “sending a message” because what you are doing is an epic failure.  Dave is also telling you that by booing Roman, Vince won’t listen to you so all you are really doing is being rude to the audience that the company is marketing to.  Dave is telling you that if your favorite restaurant drops the meal that you love, you can tell them a few times that you want them to bring it back.  When they make it clear that they won’t, you can act like an adult and accept their decision or you can go to the restaurant and disrupt the meals of the people who don’t see the issue that you do.  Dave is doing for you what Dave wants people to do for him, tell him he is acting badly so that he can stop doing it.  Dave is confident that this message will go right over your head. Dave is confident that you feel you are so right in booing Reigns that you don’t want to hear anything that disagrees with that.  Dave is not patronizing anyone.  Dave is being honest with you.  Dave is telling you that many people like you did the same thing with John Cena and Vince told you that he wouldn't listen.  Dave is telling you that Vince won't listen to you now either.  So if you like to spend hundreds of dollars to go boo a guy, I will point out the silliness in your decision, all while Vince pockets your cash.

What are your thoughts on Bruce Prichard saying that the wrestling media has no credibility because they rely on rumor and innuendo and make stuff up. You guys have never done that. I’ve disagreed with you many times in your opinions but I respect your work and think you guys are honest and fair.

I think it’s a ridiculous statement.  No one at the site has ever spoken to him about our process so him saying that would be the same thing as me claiming to be an expert at putting on Brother Love makeup.  

Do you think Prichard hates the wrestling media because you hold WWE and other companies accountable for whatever mistakes they make? He lived in the WWE bubble and was insulated from the real world. He comes across a thin skinned and threat by you guys?

I honestly couldn’t say why he feels the way he feels.  I have never spoken to him in my life and I honestly don’t care if I ever do.  He can think whatever he wants.  I couldn’t care less.

Greetings. As always - nothing but compliments on the site!!! My question is this: with Shane McMahon out of Mania everyone speculating on Daniel’s new partner. Chris Jerrico is mentioned alot and it does make sense given his history with KO, however, is everyone overlooking Kane? This would make perfect sense with team Hell No reunited as Daniel calls on his friend to help out. It would give a good nostalgia moment as well as another opportunity for Kane to have a Wrestlemania moment. Your thoughts?

We have talked about Kane as a possibility on audio a lot in the last week.  They could make it work in the storyline but honestly, with all due respect to Kane, it’s a bit of a let down to me.

Time and time again, WWE management say they listen to the fans.  Yet Daniel Bryan got over unexpectedly and they tried to hold him down rather than make money from it.  Zack Ryder got over unexpectedly and they tried to hold him down rather than make money from it.  Now Rusev is over unexpectedly and they’re holding him down rather than make money from it.  Am I missing something?

You are.  You are expecting them to hear what you hear instead of what they hear.  Take Rusev, there are some internally that feel the chant is over, not the man.  So while we all hear the same thing, it doesn’t mean that we think it means the same thing.

You can send us questions for the Q and A at

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